SWIM has a chance to buy an inexpensive magnetic stirrer / heater. She would like to hear opinions of more experienced extractors if it may improve and/or speed up the extraction process. The manual says it can stir up to 15l of water. TIA.
swim made his own magnetic stirrer for less than free, not heated though:
he got his advice from: http://brewiki.org/StirPlate lack of any decent varialbe resitor in the vicinity of his hands rendered the device a bit more than useless as a substitute to manual stirring - it was too powerful and rendered inseperable emulsion blues swim has yet to buy a decent dimmer switch for to be able to have any useful info 13v powersupply on 12v fan with tapwater in vid
genius!! I love this idea! This would in essence eliminate the tilting process entirely? Does the stirrer form emulsion?? Any Idea how to make a homemade one with heating? I think that using equipment like this could make a world of difference in yields.
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