@Transform Thanks for the link to this thread. Lots of food for thought. I've got alot of this Rust Mold going, and interestingly enough, it's infected mostly my Bridgesii/ Bridgesii Crosses the most.
My problems started back in 2020, when family and legal issues made me abandon an indoor grow and left everything in the dark for 6+ months in dark. No ventilation light etc.
The results of this manifested with one of worst Mite infections imagineable, I began treatment and was using 1:1 (alcohol/water) and graduated to a couple of Neem oil applications.
I was In a hurry thought I had washed the plants well to remove most if the neem oil applications, and started hardening them our outdoors , which resulted in a massive collection sunburn. Some of the plants were absolutely horrendous wirh burn and leached black puss as best I can describe .
Damaged areas were cut back with hopes of a quick fix, but due to life circumstances projects just sat all summer in 2021. Then winter came and my collection was hit with a huge freeze, killing and damaging many of my collection. From 2021-this currant spring they have just sat in my house slowly dying and enlongating.
I was feeling good earlier this week, over cast and a great sounding week to harden off my cacti out side. So I slayed the yard got it in ship shape condition (for my yard) and began moving plants outdoors under the patio umbrellas, cut back a few of the cacti, and dam the forecast changes on me. Rain and snow. Zone 3a/3b we get all 4 season in a day.
So I'm holding off on trimming/cutting any more of my collection until the rain and snow slows a bit. Iuckly the Temps are single digit °C and aren't expected to drop below 0°c.
I will also be giving the potassium bicarbonate solution a try, I too have some in my Lab/ Grow rooms. Unfortunately I haven't set foot in that room, in nelly 3 yesrs. So will spend the next few days taming that room. Will be good to get those rooms cleaned up and sorted.. it's a bitter sweet set of rooms filled with so many mixed memories and these rooms have changed my life on both good and horrible ways.
Thw below photos shows one of my today best mescaline producing Cacti (T. Bridgesii SS02 X Juuls Giant)