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Making a photo book about teks. Is it a good idea?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
After writing several long articles (basically photo-assays) on making psychedelic substances (not yet released - I keep tweaking and updating them as I learn) - I thought it might be a good idea to compile them into a single photo book.

I was writing articles and blogging since I was 16 (now I am in my 30s) - this is something I already love.

The biggest motivation for me is to share my excitement with psychedelic alchemy, extracting pure substances from plants or transforming them. The book would look very much like "The Psilocybin Mushroom Bible" which inspired me (see the picture attached).

My girlfriend is a professional photographer so we could make a beautiful creation together. I made a lot of investments to set up my mini-lab and it would be worth making pictorials while it is still white and shiny - it won't be for long considering my experimentation :)

So I feel an internal push to share my experiences and knowledge gained from all over the interenet in last years and not to keep it for myself, especially when seeing how little quality information is out there and how much one have to dig in order to find few gems. But is it a good idea? Shouldn't people really dig deep instead basically being spoonfed?

I believe true and accurate information by itself can never be harmful - only ignorance and misuse is. And if someone is reckless, no amount of protection will help him being wiser. Anyway, I plan the book to be for entertainment purposes and to give one ideas on how some people do this stuff - not necessarily in the easiest, most economical or quickest way.

What do you think about making thread with a draft to download, for the Nexus members, so they can review and possibly give some feedback?

Apart from detailed photography and making lots of notes, we would try to reference as many reliable sources as possible. This would mostly include scholarly articles (to back up statements about, say, harmine vs harmaline effects).

What do you think about such idea?
Okay :) Oh I forgot to attach the picture of the "Psilocybin Mushroom Bible" book - our work would look something like that.


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I love the idea as well and although I am able to succeed with text only, I am both hands on and visual so images are more helpful.
Simply_Me said:
I love the idea as well and although I am able to succeed with text only, I am both hands on and visual so images are more helpful.

Okay I can then send you a plain HTML draft if you like (the final format will be printable PDF but final formatting will come later).

I am writing like crazy and the first three chapters are arriving to completion:

Alcohol from Sugar
- Alcohol Strength and Type
- Measuring Alcohol Concentration
- A Word about Methanol
- Preparing Small Amount of Ethanol
- Preparing the Sugar Wash
- Sugar Wash Alcohol Content Estimation
- Fractional Distillation
- Removing Smells with Activated Carbon
- Final Distillation
- Drying with Calcium Oxide
- Drying with Molecular Sieves
- Getting Exact ABV Concentration
DMT from Mimosa Root Bark
- A/B Extraction
- STB Extraction
- Backsalting Extration
- Washing and Recrystallization
- DMT Fumarate
- Changa
- Pharmahuasca
- Making Suppositories
Harmalas from Rue Seeds
- Alkaloid Extraction
- Separating Harmine and Harmaline
- Tetrahydroharmine Synthesis

The alcohol chapter was originally placed in "Support Syntheses" part of the book but it grew so big I added it into the main part about psychoactive substance preparations. Although it is included primarily as a means to make your own alcoholic solvent, it is a psychoactive substance after all...

I will then continue with "Mescaline from Cacti" chapter and this will wrap up the first version of the book.

I will then add photos (most are made but need retouching for anonymity reasons) and leave it to you fellow Nexians for review, I really want to correct any factual and stylistic errors before proceeding.

Then I plan two big chapters about making low scale "eco-friendly" MDMA from spices, but this topic is so huge (lots of chemistry sections) I will leave it for the second edition :)
blue.magic said:
Okay I can then send you a plain HTML draft if you like (the final format will be printable PDF but final formatting will come later).

I would love to take a look and I am good at proof reading if you'd like
Sounds great! The better we can present that information, the better experience overall will be for those researching it. It can induce less mistakes if there are good pictures, and it's more pleasant to read when it looks neat like you are doing.

We all have different skills and preferences, so it's awesome when you can use what you know to contribute to the community. Thanks for that!

For sure if you post what you have collected, it can be added to the wiki, made into threads and also into PDFs for people.

If I could I'd add an alcohol vinegar sodium carb type extraction to your list, also maybe something using cooking oil for non-polar, and now def the psilocybin extraction that Loveall just developed.. But I know you already have a lot of work in front of you with what you are already planning..

Anyways, be sure to keep us updated and post things for feedback, I'm sure many people would be willing to review.
endlessness said:
Sounds great! The better we can present that information, the better experience overall will be for those researching it. It can induce less mistakes if there are good pictures, and it's more pleasant to read when it looks neat like you are doing.

We all have different skills and preferences, so it's awesome when you can use what you know to contribute to the community. Thanks for that!

For sure if you post what you have collected, it can be added to the wiki, made into threads and also into PDFs for people.

If I could I'd add an alcohol vinegar sodium carb type extraction to your list, also maybe something using cooking oil for non-polar, and now def the psilocybin extraction that Loveall just developed.. But I know you already have a lot of work in front of you with what you are already planning..

Anyways, be sure to keep us updated and post things for feedback, I'm sure many people would be willing to review.

Thanks for the tip. So far I included full A/B extraction (as per Cyb) with notes on STB as a possible shortcut, then of course the FASA method. Adding a green extraction is a good idea.

Yet I will include the mushroom extraction as well. Loveall, benzyme and others do a great job researching this. Probably start with simple alcohol extraction followed by washings to get less gunky product up to the Loveall's "pixie dust".

I will probably omit the MDMA chapters for now as this is no longer in accordance with Nexus' Attitude.

I think about sharing the DocBook XML sources and HTML outputs on some Bitbucket or similar Git platform so that it will be easy to include in Wiki if needed. It's really not a big problem to make a stylesheet even to convert XML sources directly to wiki markup.
Ok, as work progresses on the PIXIE dust I'll make sure to take plenty of pictures, and spectra provided by benzyme.

Looks like we may have a way to get to psiclocin fumarate (early tentative promising result at the moment). Need repeats and yields, which includes verification by other nexians with their mushrooms.

As of now psylocybin fumarate seems more elusive, but work continues.

Limonene (suggested by downwardsfromzero) has shown some early promise too (PILIE).

A lot of other stuff failed.
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