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making ayahuasca tea from mhrb powder

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
REMOVED SOURCING TALK . question is: also can i make tea from powder (totally 25 gr shreeded + 35 gr powder mix)? any basic tek? i will use syrian rue. Sorry for my bad English.
BioBoostedSpirit said:

Hey Bio! Thank you for your help. so basically i can make it only mhrb + syrian rue. Thank you

maranello551 said:
Is this your first time? If so I wouldn't recommend using more than 10g each (and 2-2.5g of Syrian rue each.)

Hello maranel im smoking DMT for months. I think im ready for ayahuasca. i did read a topic some1 did with first time 30 gr of mhrb and its took 1 hours. is 10 gr mhrb enough for us?
5 to 8 grams of good Mimosa root per dose is more than enough imo. You take 10 grams or more and it'll probably be too much, but that depends on the quality of the root and how well you brew it.

I just take a dose of powder, put it in a jar, fill the jar up half way with room temp bottled water (like 300 to 400mls), put the lid on and shake it pretty well periodically throughout the day and let it sit overnight. The next day i filter the liquid through a coffee filter, and let it evaporate down to a residue which i scrape up and encapsulate, works like a charm, no boiling necessary and makes a potent residue. But you can probably use this for a tea instead of a residue.
ShamensStamen said:
5 to 8 grams of good Mimosa root per dose is more than enough imo. You take 10 grams or more and it'll probably be too much, but that depends on the quality of the root and how well you brew it.

I just take a dose of powder, put it in a jar, fill the jar up half way with room temp bottled water (like 300 to 400mls), put the lid on and shake it pretty well periodically throughout the day and let it sit overnight. The next day i filter the liquid through a coffee filter, and let it evaporate down to a residue which i scrape up and encapsulate, works like a charm, no boiling necessary and makes a potent residue. But you can probably use this for a tea instead of a residue.

Hey Shamens thank you for great advice. So bassically what i got; just put my mimosa hostilis root bark powder to cold water and filter it later drink it. Is this requeries syrian rue? This seems so simple. example im always smoking 50 mg DMT to breakthrough, is this tek will give me really good voyage like breakthrough.

Well i dont like smoking, im looking for very simple tea version of it.

Jees said:
Start with 3. I did and was glad not to have started with 5.
Starting with 10 is bad advice, it happens that a brew is not screwed.

Thank you Jees, if i start with 3 gr %01 = 30mg. is it good like smoking 50mg DM?
irony said:
...Thank you Jees, if i start with 3 gr %01 = 30mg. is it good like smoking 50mg DM?
I've no idea how you smoke your 50 mg to be honest. Oral ain't smoking, better not compare, versus, this over that, better/worse, left/right/up/down, makes me feel like a yoyo 😁

Seems you've ample "experience". MHRB powder is a super light source. Dose as appropriate, 5-15g/dose should work. Short, simple, slight acid(of choice) cook works wonders to quickly liberate the light. You have the deal on rue harmala, it's needed if one desires an efficient communion. See: Tregar, he's the man for modern, gentle, anahuasca.https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=69995

irony - Yeah pretty much, but use room temp water rather than cold, though i'm sure cold might also work as well but i usually do it with room temp water. Just weigh out a dose, say 5 to 8 grams of Mimosa root powder, put it into a jar, use about 300 to 400mls of room temp water, put the lid on and shake pretty well periodically throughout the day and let it sit overnight. Next day filter the liquid through a coffee filter, and either evaporate the liquid in a pyrex dish in front of a fan for a residue that can be scraped up and encapsulated, or use the liquid as a tea. If going for tea, you might wanna let the filtered liquid settle in the fridge for a few days to a week so that the tannins/sediment will fall to the bottom. I've even put the liquid in the freezer to precipitate the tannins/sediment which works, but when filtering/decanting the liquid from the sediment/tannins it usually mixes back into the water for me, so i just use residue because it's difficult to drink a tannin-rich tea without gagging lol.
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