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making ayauascaa is this enough???

Why not try with some effort on your part, read up on stickies in this forum and then write down your thoughts and opinions on how to proceed. From there I’m more than happy to help you with the details, now you’re just repeating questions that have been answered many times over.
30:1 extract
The problem with this number is twofold. If its truly 30:1, and you have 50 grams of it, that means it represents 1500 grams of banisteriopsis caapi. Which is a lot. Also: it might just as well be advertised as 30:1, but it can very well actually be much less, like for example 4:1. You should make a plan to find out safely.

You seem very eager to brew, but fail to do your research, for example you can inspect the wiki, the resources, or use the search function to read some threads about people asking the same question. Perhaps join the chat. You cant expect people to hold your hand, while you put in minimal effort. Like one word answers, that leave people puzzled. For instance, Varallo was not the same person that answered you first time, yet you dont seem to notice...

I cannot help you further with brewing, I never did it (I extract the DMT and smoke it). I hope you will find what you are looking for, and wish you the best on your path.
I hope you're not planning to consume a brew of 50g mimosa all by yourself in one go, because if it's potent and if your caapi extract is potent you stand a chance of giving yourself PTSD and never wanting to repeat the experience. So have a read of the ayahuasca subforum once more while you think about what your plan is.

@Varallo is right - we have no idea of knowing how potent your extract is, or if it even is what it's claimed to be. Therefore it's up to you to do the homework and work out how to proceed with your plan. Is there something that's specifically hindering you from doing this, like language issues?

what are steps???
it says B muricata red 30:1 extract thats all the information i have can you please just anwser

I usually recommend/refer people to this post - The Essential DMT Guide (you can find dosage info in there). For example, it says "Banisteriopsis Muricata: light 15g, moderate 30g, strong 45g", you have a supposed 30:1 extract/resin, which as @Bas Sarkin stated would be equal to a lot of actual Caapi, because the resin/extract is concentrated, and so what you have is 30 grams of Caapi to 1 gram of resin/extract, so 1 gram of the extract would be 30 grams worth of Caapi, with the entire 50 grams of extract being approx 1500 grams worth of Caapi, which is indeed a lot. So, going by the dosage listing, half a gram (500mgs) of the Caapi extract would be 15 grams of Caapi for a light dose, one gram of the extract would be 30 grams of Caapi for a moderate dose, and then a gram and a half of the extract for a strong 45 gram Caapi dose. I haven't personally worked with that variety of Caapi, nor the resin/paste extracts, so i can't speak to the product you have and it's potency and that's just something you have to experiment with, but as far as dosage guidelines go though i'd recommend starting there.

As for the Mimosa, with 50 grams of Mimosa root i'd recommend 3 grams for a light dose, 5 grams for a moderate dose, and like 6 to 8 grams from a stronger dose, but 8 grams is too strong for me personally, i prefer 5 to 6 grams of Mimosa. The thing about this stuff though is that you have to not only factor in the quality/potency of that batch of Mimosa root, but also you have to factor in the efficiency of the brewing, which can take a bit of effort to brew things up properly and retain potency, as well as to clean up the tea so it is drinkable and practically tasteless though that's optional lol, personally i must clean up my Mimosa and Acacia teas because otherwise all those tannins and all that plant gunk makes it quite unpalatable and difficult for me to drink, i can't even take one sip without instantly gagging and throwing up, i have a sensitive palate, but if i clean up the tea by freezing/thawing/filtering it a handful of times, and then on the last freeze/thaw instead of filtering (and otherwise disturbing) the tannins and plant sediment that remains, i just suck up the clean tea with a syringe and separate it from any crud at the bottom and the clean tea can then be reduced down to final concentration, leaving a very easily drinkable tea. Again though, brewing does take effort, but it's worth it.

Though i will say, an easy way to test the waters is to encapsulate a few grams of Mimosa root powder, say 3 to 5 grams (with some water here and there to help with absorption, dehydration, and to make it easier to vomit if need be, but careful not to drink too much water or you'll be peeing a lot), but i'd recommend starting with 3 grams because Mimosa can be pretty strong even at 3 grams lol. So you can take some Caapi resin extract at whichever dosage you prefer although i generally go for deeper Harmala territory than people here might, and i do tend to recommend a fuller Harmala dosage for a few reasons, more of the Aya effects come out, a little bit of DMT can take you far, there's other benefits that come out at moderate to high dosages of Harmalas like the body relaxation and the grounding and calmness and all that, and then once you've taken your Caapi resin extract (either itself or dissolved into water) wait 30 minutes, and then take your Mimosa capsules, give it a little bit to kick in, but it will kick in lol. Also it's best imo/ime to go in on an empty stomach, i recommend either fasting the day of (not for dietary concerns because there aren't really any, but for digestion/absorption of the medicine it's best to have an empty stomach), or perhaps eating a light meal in the morning and then you can eat dinner after coming down from the Aya, which is what i do. You need to get to know your body, the molecules/plants, the dosages, the timing, the brewing, the process, the territory, and that comes from personal experimentation, you have to try things out and see what is what and find the right dosages for you and let the process unfold. It is very rewarding though if you put the effort in, so make sure you're putting in the effort to get the rewards/fruits you seek, like tending to a garden or farming, you want things to be at their fullest potential, which you learn through effort and experience, make sure you do things rightly, and not speedily.

God speed soldier :)
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