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Man steals human brain to get high - news story

Migrated topic.
This is a fairly interesting area of inquiry and a google search on it does little but add to the confusion, what with law enforcement pages claiming put actual formaldehyde on weed and people on drug forums claiming they make/smoke formaldehyde blends to get high. There probably are people out there actually smoking formaldehyde (apparently this guy was), and all this ambiguity about it only encourages such incredibly stupid actions.

This erowid excerpt is the only information source that contains any level of sensibility whatsoever regarding the subject.

PCP - 'Embalming Fluid' - 'Wet' - 'Fry'
What Is It and What Do People Think It Is?​

There appears to be a current trend of the use of substances known alternately by the slang names 'embalming fluid', 'fry', 'formaldehyde', 'wet', 'water', or 'amp'. These are sold in a variety of forms including cannabis joints or regular cigarettes dipped in liquid and cannabis leaf or tea leaves dipped in liquid. In all of these forms, the material is then smoked. Despite the variety of names, there is good reason to believe that these are all various preparations containing PCP.

In most instances PCP is not mentioned when the substance is sold or discussed. In fact, there are constantly re-circulating rumors that substances being sold by these names do not contain PCP, but are instead actually the fluid (formaldehyde) used for embalming as would be used in a mortuary. But there is evidence to support that this is primarily a case of confused slang terms. 'Embalming Fluid' is a common street slang term for PCP and has been for many years. PCP can come in liquid form, so the term 'fluid' is fitting. It is entirely possible (actually quite likely) that the confusion between PCP and embalming fluid (formaldehyde) has gone so far as to cause a new trend where PCP is actually mixed with formaldehye (or other 'embalming fluids') and used as a recreational psychoactive. But there is little evidence that the formaldehyde itself causes any pleasant or desirable effects.

Embalming fluid, as used in a mortuary, is traditionally made from formaldehyde. It does not contain PCP. Formaldehyde and PCP are completely different chemicals, which are not related. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen linked to nasal and lung cancer, and with possible links to brain cancer and leukemia and should not be smoked.
Source: Erowid PCP Vault : Embalming Fluid, Wet, Fry
What makes this corner of the already hazy world of drug lore, where legend, fact and misinformation often have no discernable boundaries, even more confusing are alleged first hand reports of consuming actual formaldehyde. Whether it was ignorance or a lame marketing attempt (the danger of smoking embalming fluid being obviously far less than with pcp:?: ) on their part, kids attending a kind of high school i went to back in the 80s claimed to actually be the ones to make "wet" cigarettes and often tried to get me and a friend to smoke. Witnessing their reaction to what they called "fry", we declined. They never showed the berserker type activity often attributed to pcp but instead looked very intoxicated and glassy eyed.

Idk, but damn Internet, if it isn't true, fix it why don't ya! We've got people stealing brains! Speaking of, it seems if he had access to brains in jars, he may have bottles of formaldehyde handy? Maybe the brain juices add a certain quality to the high he desired.
is it one of these designs to spread terror, fear, (how to) wet and gun among the people? Look at the mugshot, lol....previously in prison on "multiple burglary charges" and...stealing (y)our brains to get high? It was written by the crazies (...we think)
"Court records show Long's aunt found the brain while cleaning out a trailer."

That sounds like a very disturbing find. My goodness... This depravity almost sounds like it was ripped from a work of fiction. Of course, sometimes real life is stranger or more perfectly bizarre than what we dream up.

I am reminded of Mckenna's commentary on valuing what is aesthetically pleasing. C'mon man. What depths of total disconnection must you be in to steal a human brain and use it to get off.

Hell of a little story. Wow!
null24 said:
What makes this corner of the already hazy world of drug lore, where legend, fact and misinformation often have no discernable boundaries, even more confusing are alleged first hand reports of consuming actual formaldehyde. Whether it was ignorance or a lame marketing attempt (the danger of smoking embalming fluid being obviously far less than with pcp:?: ) on their part, kids attending a kind of high school i went to back in the 80s claimed to actually be the ones to make "wet" cigarettes and often tried to get me and a friend to smoke. Witnessing their reaction to what they called "fry", we declined. They never showed the berserker type activity often attributed to pcp but instead looked very intoxicated and glassy eyed.

Idk, but damn Internet, if it isn't true, fix it why don't ya! We've got people stealing brains! Speaking of, it seems if he had access to brains in jars, he may have bottles of formaldehyde handy? Maybe the brain juices add a certain quality to the high he desired.

PCP gets a bad wrap because it is frequently sold to uneducated morons in bad areas.
I have used actual PCP with friends a good 30 times or so & never seen anyone react how they do when you see the stuff on TV.
It`s not really the greatest dissociative available but it does the job & can be used relatively safely if you know what you are doing.
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