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Mapacho grow log

Migrated topic.
First attempt growing rustica. (Outdoor, uk). Been away a while and theyve all flowered. Anyone know if it's still worth cutting the flowers off at this stage to stimulate more leaf growth? Planning to try smoking the flowers too. Also, to make rapé snuff, is there any special curing process? I was surprised how well and how quickly they grew. Germinated them in a greenhouse and planted out when about 6" tall. Total growing time about 2 months so far.


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In my experience, cutting the flowers off is almost useless, my plants then produce just more flowers.

No curing for Rapè, the taste mostly depends on the other plants and the ashes you will add in your mix. I have tried to make Rapè with both fresh dried tobacco and cured Tobacco and there was almost no difference.
smoothmonkey said:
Also, smoking the flowers has proven to be incredibly satisfying. I have some N. alata growing that I let go to flower because it produces these delicious jasmine flowers. Let those babies dry and crumble up into a splif for maximum enjoyment.

I never heard of it (smoking Tobacco flowers) before. Thanks for the advice, I'm going to try it (flowers are already drying :d )! Do they need to be cured or did you smoke them just after drying?
The flowers have little water in them compared to leaf and dry relatively quickly - a few days in the dark on a paper towel or drying rack and you're golden. They will crumble super easy once they are fully dry.

To me the leaf (at least for rustica and havana) is ceremonial and the flowers are for enjoyment. 😉
ijahdan said:
Might be a nice addition to changa...

I think there is something there... As we were discussing on another thread about how Tobacco influence DMT journeys... Changa with Tobacco flowers... I will also try!
Just as a caution, I have no idea what the "truth" on the matter is but when talking about making dmt infused e-juice, multiple people here recommended I use juice with a 0% nicotine level. I was curious so I looked around on other sites and sure enough in multiple discussions it was stressed that 0% nic juice be used.

I have no idea what is what on the subject of tobacco and changa but figured I would toss that out there just for the record.
Noisy said:
ijahdan said:
Might be a nice addition to changa...

I think there is something there... As we were discussing on another thread about how Tobacco influence DMT journeys... Changa with Tobacco flowers... I will also try!

:love: I think they will compliment each other well. The spirits love the tobacco...

I also just want to emphesize what Ringworm said earlier:

If you are after good leaf production, remember to keep the plant topped, and continue removing the suckers (new flower sprouts). From a personal note tho the flowers make an excellent smoke and are very potent.

I only let certain species flower (N. Alata) and top and cut the suckers of the others, although I will let one of each this year go to flower so I have seeds for next year (and for some smoking flowers :) )
So, this idea of Mapachanga made with Tobacco flowers interessed me very much. I gave it a try by mixing 200mg of DMT, 200mg of Caapi 10x water extract and 250mg of shredded Tobacco flowers.

Today, I took some with me during hiking. I Was looking for the perfect place, thinking about many things when I saw a deer, looking at me (I was perhaps at 150 meters from me). I saw a big rock, which looked like a perfect place to try to connect with the beautiful place I was in. My poor english don't allow me to describe it properly but it was in a sort of sanctuary, where no human activies are allowed 8 months per year. My rock was surrended by moutains, covered with very old and tall trees...

So, I sat, prepared a small pipe with a layer of Tobacco flowers, a layer of Changa (containing not more than 20mg of DMT) and a layer of Tobacco.

What followed was 20 to 30 minutes of incredible communication with nature, of very nice visuals, both closed and open eyes. The effects increased each time I pronounced a deep Om... It was impressive and very loving, like a sort of mother...

I discovered Changa today! I already made three batches of Changa, using recipes fund on internet and have been each time disapointed. I feel this time I found the perfect tool!

Thanks Ijahdan and Smoothmonkey!
Beautiful, thanks for the quick report. I'm glad the mixture worked well :) Sounds like you had a nice time connecting with nature. I am always too timid to even bring my sweet changalita with me on a hike. If anything it's some herbs enhanced with caapi or some sensi and tobacco. Maybe I'll muster some courage soon... :roll:

like a sort of mother...

:love: :love:
Good to hear it worked well noisy. I also love small pipes of changa out in the wilderness. Powerful natural energy all around, feels like seeing the earth on the first day of creation.

Ive got all the ingredients now to try this. Mapacho flowers drying, fumarate ready to freebase, new batch of thh...Going to put some mint flowers and california poppy in too, to continue the flower theme, and because they grow next to my mapacho.

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