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Mapping bufotenine space

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Great read F.E, I always enjoy soaking in valuble information like this on the Nexus.. oh and whilst I have this bird in my sights and this rock in my hands, congratulations on becoming one of our much loved mods :)

I hope to put the work in with bufo sometime in the future, but I'm still learning vast amounts about myself and my place within the great membrane at the moment, so I feel I'm not yet ready to embark on any other quests other than those that DMT offer. I believe it will find me when I am ready, much like the spice did.
I'm fascinated by the sense of movement you all describe with bufotenine... and then you mention red and blue, colours that signify moving towards or away from a certain point. How are these two colours presented to you? Is it in a mosaic of fractals or...?

I shall continue to follow all of you on your experiences and learn from them before I do myself.
Safe journeys.
I tested out a new batch of bufotenine changa made for argentinian seeds last night and... ...:shock:

I hadnt smoked bufo in a week so maybe it was lck of tolerance but wholy...took me off guard..

I packed 1 bolw and was smoking it slowly in silent darkness..about 3/4 of the way through it all just started to happen..didnt have to lay down or anything..I was already there..

My entire room took on the appearance of some sort of mayan temple like place..I mean like crazy pattersn in the walls..with mayan or aztec faces..crazy sculpture things hovering in mid air..it was insanely comlex..

I closed my eyes and was inside of some sort of temple..the walles were red and made of of intricate square qeomtric things..very very somplex stuff on the walls..cant even explain it..but it was like having a breakthrough..eyes open on or not, sitting up or laying down..I couldnt jsut turn the trip off and I was still comming up..

I didnt get much side effects at all..so I think I had thought I didnt get enough and kept smoking quickly so I jsut got a huge dose of bufo all at once..bigger than anything I had taken before..it was more visual than anything I have every experienced with mushrooms or ayahuasca..it was amazing..totally immersed in another world..

Not long after I closed my eyes, still comming up..I realized there was someone else there with me..to my right..I was starting to freak out a bit becasue I was just goin up and up, and I was literally flying through this place..I felt like I was loosing it..I have never felt so uneasy and out of controll before with bufo..but the anxiety like panick only lasted about 2 or 3 minutes..but it was intense and things were happeneing that I can barely believe..

I sat up becasue the closed eye visions were becomming so real and immersive, and for some reason I felt the need to stay grounded..so I turned on my music and looked around my room..my blanket hanging on the wall with a geometric mandala on it had some sort of aztex looking creature comming out of the pattern..everything was moving in the dark..animate and alive..and there were noises...noises more intense than I ever heard with bufo before..there was the ringing but it was changing into some sort of different ascending tone..

I lay back down and was instantly in that bufo room place where all these objects were forming one after the other, birthing foreward into my mindspace out of the geometry..

Next fase came and I was in this sort of liquid space..like water..submergied into it and it was vast..the depth was amazing..I could see far into it in all directions and there were peoples swarming towards me one after the other..then passing by me one at a time..each with something in their hands they were trying to show me..but I couldnt figure out what they were..this part of the trip was very relaxed but very submersive..very realistic..

I wish I had not sat up durring the main peak and tried to ground myself becasue there was just sooo much going on..and the entity that was there with me was trying to do smething..like communicate with me..I had never ever experienced a presense with bufo before that felt soo real and tangible..it was like the shadow beings I described before..but I had gone farther in so I could percieve it much clearer..I got a distinct female vibe off of it..

There was so much going on durring that peak..most of it I cant recall becasue i distracted myself..but I plan on trying again tonight and then taking a few days away from it so no toleracny builds..the whole thing was just soo facinating..

I also felt VERY good afterwords durring the afterglow, and I redosed with a smaller dose and listened to some music and saw some beautiful cev and was in complete ecstacy, filled with a sense of joy and empathy..and it was very easy to fall asleap afterwords.
really awesome report man - i cant wait for my seeds to arrive(their overdue and i havent been this excited for something since i was a kid - on xmas)
The alien's few experiences are pretty close to what fractal and ron describe. The very fast moving visual nets, then the strobing, and visions after the nets seem to slow down a bit. He has only tried it with harmalas once and it was definitely more DMT like. The other 2 intense experiences he's had were very hard to remember once into the vision stage. He almost felt as if he dosed off for a bit then awoke and couldn't really remember the dream.

He really hasn't experienced nausea yet but sort of a clenching uncomfortable feeling of the stomach when going towards higher doses. He let one of the other aliens try it without harmalas and they experienced the fast moving CEV's and some of the visions on their first try with no nausea. He will have to let a few others try it and gather some more information.

He really has enjoyed the 3 times he has eaten a seed with some beers. It seems more euphoric with some slight visuals. He especially enjoyed eating one with some mushroom chocolates. Could definitely see the enhancement and the role it played. He wants to try smoking it on some mushrooms. He will gather more info for maps and be back to share.
So I had a really great ayahuasca ceremony last night...smoothest brew i ever drank..very pleasant and introspective..caapi only brew..

At the peak I took some bufo..just a very light dose..3 small puffs over about 10 minutes..and it was sooo nice..I didnt want to overpower the caapi and have any nausea cus the brew was just soo nice already but a tiny bit of bufo was all it took..

Not really that visual but there were some visuals and it was very dreamy laying in the dark..different than usual with the caapi in me..like imagges of people in my mind and dream like flashes etc..tons of euphoria..and the second stage of the bufo, where it seems to metablolise into something more similar to psilocin was the best part..this stage lasted for a few hours...it was sooo nice..way more like DMT and psilocin with the brew..it seemed to keep on cycling for some time..

I think anyone that likes bufo should try it out with a caapi brew..15 grams of cielo seems like all you would need for this..but I plan on going higher as well..this is the best way I have ever taken bufo..its different than the vilca changa...
I met alien cats that were presenting me with stange gifts that I coulnt even describe..some dreadlocked african women opening the space for me to view another visions of some circus thing what was going on and trying get away from me...really strange places and scenes unlike other bufo experiences... tons and tons of entities..one of which was a naked woman..and this was all really interactive..almost all of them focused on me trying to show me these things..

God I cant even believe it..just when I thought I was starting to figure it out..no tolerance is the way to go with this stuff...it really pulls you in when you have no tolerance at all to it..

tons of horrid nausea though for the first 3 or 4 minutes..but by the time I was imbedded into the visuals there was none of that..
sounds insane man...the nausea sounds almost worth going that far..i really need to get exploring this space again...perhaps tonight is the night
yes I have noticed tolerance..If i take it for like 3 nights in a row, the thrid night it will be less visionary..still lots of geometry and everything but not like the real deep true visions..but it only takes skipping a night or 2 of use to have no tolerancy again..like if I feel tolerancy on a monday night..and then go again on wednesday night, the tolerancy will be gone and I will get those deep visions with lots of entities and spirits, palaces etc..

2 nights a week and it should blow you away every time and give some time to integrate the visions..
fractal enchantment said:
yes I have noticed tolerance..If i take it for like 3 nights in a row, the thrid night it will be less visionary..still lots of geometry and everything but not like the real deep true visions..but it only takes skipping a night or 2 of use to have no tolerancy again..like if I feel tolerancy on a monday night..and then go again on wednesday night, the tolerancy will be gone and I will get those deep visions with lots of entities and spirits, palaces etc..

2 nights a week and it should blow you away every time and give some time to integrate the visions..

That matches SWIM's experience with it exactly (he uses bufotenine WITHOUT an MAOI). While it still works a few days in a row, it’s not nearly as nice as when you skip a few days in between. For SWIM, skipping 2 days makes a big difference in the visions. He can go much deeper with it that way.
fractal - do you think your argentinian seeds were stronger/different? I'm wondering if its worth seeking out argentinian seeds in particular..
This is all very interesting, especially the part about the "bufotenine dome". SWIM has some experiences of vilca snuff, and on the very first time, the very first thing that happened after the initial discomfort (bloodveins throbbing) he had the most clearly delineated CEV ever: he found himself in the exact center of a circular "temple" of intensely bright colours, with very sharply outlined jagged edges. It was as if made of panels of stained glass, and after a moment it started to slowly revolve around him... at which point SWIM got a little nervous and opened his eyes. He certainly did not expect such an elaborate vision, in its ultra-sharp clearness it was totally unlike anything he had experienced before.

In subsequent explorations with the snuff, he never got anything like that CEV again, only very rapidly moving evanescent sheets of color.
Ok so I have been lazy and letting this thread slide when really I have SO much to talk about..

I just spent 7 night of the last 8 taking large doses of bufotenine along with a caapi extract and some new things came up.

For starters I am getting to this level more often within the "bufo dome" where all those objects appear before my eyes, where there is acatully some sort of visuals substance that all this stuff forms out of..like a transdimensional liquid of sorts that has the ability to morph over and over and over again rapidly, creating countless arrays of objects within it..the stuff is like code..like some sort of alien hyperlanguage..translinguistic in nature..

Now last night i discovered another level of this same phenomenon..excpet this time instead of it being visual..it was all verbal. Not physically verbal, but mentally. It was based on mind chatter..inner dialoge. My inner dialoge felt liek it was widening..I could feel a sort of pull on it..as I let go something else took over..and it became a sort of alien language that jsut went and went without any effort on my part..everytime i began to have a thought process of my own, this alien dialoge would take over and start to run with it again..it was somewhat akin to speaking in tounges..yet it wasnt physically verbal..all mental..there were also visions that went along with it and in a way i could understand the language..but not really in any way i can describe here. It was all very strange.

I have also journeyed very deep into that second stage of the bufotenine effects that are more similar to psilocin in feeling..yet at the same time its nothing liek psilocin. Its like no other tryptamine I have ever taken. Usually the visions are dying out by the time this second stage hits, so I did some experiments taking large redoses at this point. The results have been amazing, totally unlike the first bufotenine peak..instead it seems to potentiate those second stage effects.. The ambience of it while laying in the dark is always very aqua-marine..very blue and aquatic..the visions are more smooth and round and flowy and I almost start to thnk im actaully in some sort of watery hyperspace. I find this stage facinating but need to do some more tests still to talk more about it.
fractal enchantment said:
I have also journeyed very deep into that second stage of the bufotenine effects that are more similar to psilocin in feeling..yet at the same time its nothing liek psilocin. Its like no other tryptamine I have ever taken. Usually the visions are dying out by the time this second stage hits, so I did some experiments taking large redoses at this point. The results have been amazing, totally unlike the first bufotenine peak..instead it seems to potentiate those second stage effects.. The ambience of it while laying in the dark is always very aqua-marine..very blue and aquatic..the visions are more smooth and round and flowy and I almost start to thnk im actaully in some sort of watery hyperspace. I find this stage facinating but need to do some more tests still to talk more about it.

This part is very fascinating to me. No other psychedelic that I know of has this sort of change in effects after the peak. It’s very obvious too. It’s interesting that taking more would not reset you back to the first stage.

The visuals in the end stage are a lot more like psilocin, smoother, softer, not nearly as electric as the peak visuals are. I wonder what causes this. Is it that bufotenine is morphing into something else in the brain, or is this just the brain reacting differently after the peak?
69ron said:
Guys, Fractal Enchantment’s descriptions of the effects of bufotenine in the first post of this thread are stop on.

SWIM uses pure bufotenine only these days. But even then, the way Fractal Enchantment describes the effects of bufotenine and caapi sound just like the effects of pure bufotenine to me.

SWIM has found that the harmalas do alter the experience, making it more DMT-like, but not by much. They tend to lengthen the trip and make it a little stronger as well. But the main character of the bufotenine experience is still there in the mix.

The trip seems to evolve, as if it’s being metabolized to something more psilocin like in the body. The visuals change throughout the trip. I divide it into 4 distinct phases of effects:

Phase 1 - At the very start, they are just colorless wiggly swirly lines, like that sometimes seen on 5-MeO-DMT. This is the first 5 minutes or so. If the bufotenine is impure, this is when you feel the nausea and pressure. If pure, you still feel some slight pressure, but no nausea. Whether pure or not, you’re likely to feel some strong prickling sensations that start from the back of the head and spread throughout the body as it fades to a mild pleasant tingling sensation.

Phase 2 - The visuals take on more form with lots of complex fractals, especially with the eyes closed. With the eyes closed, the visuals have a very electric, neon-like look to them, they are like outlines of shapes, and they tend to be very fast moving as if you’re traveling through them at a fast pace. There’s a flashing strobe-like quality to them as well, and they are colorful with the eyes close with red and blue being the dominant colors seen (for SWIM at least). This lasts a good 5-10 minutes.

Phase 3 - Visions unfold with the eyes closed and the visual effects take on a different, software more ayahuasca-like appearance. These are no longer just a bunch of shapes, but actual places, you might see people, hear voices, music, etc. This lasts a good 10-20 minutes, depending on the dose.

Phase 4 - This is usually at the 30 minute mark. It feels a lot like psilocin. At this point the visions are usually gone, but psilocin-like visuals remain, and the feeling of the trip is very euphoric. This part of the trip is more affected by harmalas.

I believe that these phases are caused by bufotenine’s poor lipid solubility. As it slowly enters into the brain, it becomes more visual, feels more like psilocin and has less effect on the body. At the 20 minute point, I think most of it has entered the brain.
I have noticed that mushrooms sometimes have these different phases two.
Would that be because of structural simmilarities between psilocin and bufotenin, or because of the conversion of psilocybin into psilocin?
I'm not sure.

I know psilocybin has more body load than psilocin. But it's been many many years since SWIM had pure psilocybin to compare with psilocin. He doesn’t recall their being different phases, but maybe there were.

Mushrooms are all so different from one to another, with different amounts of actives, and some different actives altogether. The shift of effects felt could simply be from one alkaloid fading while another is starting to peak.

Psilocybin converts in the body to psilocin, but this happens WHILE the effects are happening. So, even though SWIM doesn’t remember it, there’s probably at least two phases to the effects. As SWIM recalls, the onset of psilocybin was more rocky than psilocin. Psilocin came on faster and was more like LSD. It seemed that psilocybin never became quite as nice as psilocin, but did lose a lot of it’s bodily effects before the peak hit. But it’s been so many years since those tests, it’s hard to be sure if SWIM’s memory of it is very accurate now.
fractal enchantment said:
My entire room took on the appearance of some sort of mayan temple like place..I mean like crazy pattersn in the walls..with mayan or aztec faces..crazy sculpture things hovering in mid air..it was insanely comlex..

I closed my eyes and was inside of some sort of temple..the walles were red and made of of intricate square qeomtric things..very very somplex stuff on the walls..cant even explain it..but it was like having a breakthrough..eyes open on or not, sitting up or laying down..I couldnt jsut turn the trip off and I was still comming up..

Did the room look anything like this? (see attached...I can't seem to paste photos into text)

If so, you would enjoy a visit to the Archaeology Museum in Mexico City and/or Tiotihucan, an hour or so north. This civilization was over with way before the Aztecs. They called it "The Place Where Men Became Gods" (or vice versa). The murals are pretty much gone now but these have been recreated in the museum. Teo is a heavy place, very trance-like just being there. It would be an amazing location for traveling.


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Chalchiuhtlicue said:
Did the room look anything like this? (see attached...I can't seem to paste photos into text)

If so, you would enjoy a visit to the Archaeology Museum in Mexico City and/or Tiotihucan, an hour or so north. This civilization was over with way before the Aztecs. They called it "The Place Where Men Became Gods" (or vice versa). The murals are pretty much gone now but these have been recreated in the museum. Teo is a heavy place, very trance-like just being there. It would be an amazing location for traveling.

Thanks for the artwork! How beautiful! Reminds me of these:


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