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MAPS Conference (update)

Migrated topic.
I'm glad the presentation went well, snozz. I knew how important this one was to you. All the best from the bottom of my heart! Hopefully, we will see you and endlessness again in the future as the community of psychedelic enthusiasts always benefits from people like you who put in a lot of work - and courage i have to add.

You guys are making me blush...thank you so much for all of the kind words. I'm still recovering from/processing/integrating the weekend, but I will see about putting something together with some of the notable highlights from the conference/talk.

We got really positive responses, both from sanctioned researchers and from the broader entheogenic community. A lot of people commented as to how much they appreciate the Nexus and make use of the knowledge/resources presented here. It was really amazing to see how many people are aware of the site and what goes on here...I thought it was an outstanding endorsement for all of the research, projects, discussions, etc. that have and will continue to take place under the Nexus banner.

The MAPS people said that they were planning on getting video from the various presentations up online fairly quickly, so the presentation should be available soon. In the meantime, I have attached a PDF of the presentation for your viewing pleasure.

Thank you all for the time and effort that you have put into this community. Without it, this presentation could never have happened. :)


  • MAPS+Presentation+-+In+Search+of+Entheogenic+Molecules.pdf
    5.4 MB · Views: 0
Snozz, thanks for all your effort and hard work this past week! You made some huge strides for this community and opened up many wonderful new opportunities. It was a pleasure sharing it with you.

Paulsage, you were an amazing host! Thanks so much for your generosity and hospitality. I really appreciate you opening your home to us, and your wholehearted benevolence and geniality. It was truly a privilege to spend the weekend with you.

Pandora, Thank you so much! Your generosity knows no bounds! It was an honor to finally meet you face to face. I'm sorry we didn't get more time together and everything didn't go exactly according to plan. Despite that, I'm immensely grateful for the time we did share.

Much love and gratitude nexus family <3
+1 on that to PaulSage and Pandora and right back at you dreamer. It was wonderful to spend time with all of you...wish it could have been longer.
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