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Marsofold a/b question

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SWIMS first extract was last night and he started off doing the acid cook. After the (2) 2 hour cooking intervals SWIM poured off most of the mix into a 1 gallon plastic water jug.

Now i know marsofold stated to pour off the liquid and the vegetable sludge thats at the bottom has to not go with it. SWIMS question is, since he poured it into a plastic 1 gal jug, should he try to pour it off, or just use a turkey baster and suck up the juice and transfer to the wine jug?

I have alot to learn in this field :)
you know...i have a question as well...why would you HAVE to separate the sludge? couldnt you just add the base...and then put the solvent in..and bam..does the same thing as if you separated it right?
Exactly; SWIM's FOAF just boils the bark in water for an hour or so to extract the plant material and break the plant cells, then he goes straight to base with this broth. All plant material + water used for boiling included.
Huh, the thought to not seperate had never crossed my mind. It makes perfect sense, however, especially from the perspective of an STB ninja. I'm quite curious, Infundibulum, to hear of SWIY's FOAF's results (as well as anyone else's who may have tried this).
Well SWIM seperated the acid/bark mix from the sludge with a pipette (took a little while lol) SWIM sucked up some plant particles but ohh well, no biggie. He transfered it to the wine jug and is gonna wait a little while til dark falls around SWIMS area :)
Now when SWIM goes to do the pulls. He was going to actually use the crockpot as a hot bath for the pulls, because theres a warm setting on the pot thats sufficient for heated pulls. He was just going to fill with water then place the wine jug in there. And heres who SWIM is going by, this guys yields were awesome for an a/b and all he said that he did different is the hotbath for 3 hours to seperate the initial pull, then did the remaining with the hotbath also.

DarkShaman said:
Huh, the thought to not seperate had never crossed my mind. It makes perfect sense, however, especially from the perspective of an STB ninja. I'm quite curious, Infundibulum, to hear of SWIY's FOAF's results (as well as anyone else's who may have tried this).
Well, it's typical STB after the boiling part. SWIM's FOAF is just using much less lye after this step, something like 20g lye/100g bark/1 litre water. Yields were decent but it might be that bark was decent.

It might even be possible to use sodium carbonate in this approach, he may try that next time.
SWIM may have to try using sodium carbonate as well...just off the top of your head how much sodium carbonate would you need for say 50g chaliponga leaves?

and would d-limonene pull 5-meo-dmt?
Jorkest said:
SWIM may have to try using sodium carbonate as well...just off the top of your head how much sodium carbonate would you need for say 50g chaliponga leaves?

and would d-limonene pull 5-meo-dmt?
SWIM does not really remember. He would just use as much as one can dissolve in 1 litre of water. This may be too much however. 50g sodium carbonate/50g chali in 1 litre sounds just fine. The ph will be definitely rocketed to around 12, no question about that.

As far as limonene is concerned, it just needs to be tried. SWIM just thinks to switch to limo foreva and eva; if not anything else, no other time the extraction process was filling the house with such an air of freshness!
So it's FOAFS first extraction and just finished doing two pulls thus far. both with 250ml naphtha. OMG! JUST 5 hours after putting the first pull in the freezer FOAF got up and checked and there is ALOT of WHITE snow globes!! :shock: FOAF followed the marsofold exact, except adding the crockpot for a hotbath! The FOAF is soooo excited! Can't believe this went right :lol:

Don't worry, will post pics of a FOAFS yield :)

Question though. Should the precip be the reccomeneded 3 days by marsofold, or does 24 hours suffice?

Thank you all!
So a FOAF was looking to take his first pull out of the freezer right now and pour the excess naphtha off. But a FOAF doesnt have a coffee filter :roll: to help catch the crystals. What should a FOAF use?
SWIM never used any filters..his crystals were always stuck to the side..or sunk to the bottom..

so if you just pour it off slowly..the crystals should stay stuck to the jar...or collect on the bottom..so just pour carefully and it should be fine...SWIM never uses a filter to get the spice
Well a FOAF just poured the naphtha and aquired a coffee filter :). 95% of the xtals stayed stuck to the dish, but there were a few floaters that were caught by the filter.

a FOAF is going to take the used naphtha and combine it to use for a FOAFs 4th pull.
Well a FOAFs buddy has the camera. So a FOAF cant get pics right now, but this picture is identical to what was scraped last night, IDENTICAL, very white and flakey/crystal like..is that good!? It looks like this:


A FOAF still has to scrape the second dish to scrape tonight, then still several pulls reusing the naphtha until there cant be anything else pulled.
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