I would really like to hear your ideas. However I don't think you realize that people are effectively dealing with this problem in an organized logical fashion. You are completly ignoring this fact and you need to look into MAPs, Heffter Research, and Erowid among other groups. These groups are a part of our community and are doing a lot to deal with these problems. I really don't know what you are possibly going to say, but any direct, extremist, approach is not going to work and will just draw negative attention. It has nothing to do with being a pussy it has to do with being intelligent. The public perception has to change, it is very hard to do this with the mountains of propaganda that are spewed out by the DEA. But it is slowly occurring, medical marijuana is the first step then people will realize the lies of the DEA and that they were only acting to create crime and deteriorate public health through their irresponsible policies. What you seem to be suggesting is like asking the jews to come out of hiding and confront the nazi's. This is very illogical and will not work, luckily our situation is a little better than this but there are similarities. Many people do speak up and other publish their work with out fear. Shulgin, Nichols, Jacobs, Ott, McKenna, Metzner, Hoffman, Schultes. These are members of our community don't forget that. When I was younger I favored more radical measures but studying history and logic I saw that there are effective ways to do things. The above people are smart and now what they are doing, the last thing we need is another Timothy Leary.