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massive store nolonger yeilds dmt

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Hi all;

a while back I splashed out and bought myself 1.5kg of pre-powdered mimosa hostillis;
which I've been extracting using the STB technique with an evap and then freeze-percipitate
at the very last millileters. I kept topping it up with fresh lye
and doing 3 - 4 solvent pulls from the top over a day or so; I used to net about 1g each
time but now, several months later, it no longer yeilds anything. I do get a yellowish
fluid, but only the very smallest fraction is strongly yellow.

when I evaporate this down, it doesn't yeild very much. just a slight grease on the inside
of the pan - no rocks.

Do you honestly think i've had my full (theoretical) 9g and eaten it?

I think I can account for roughly 4g.

but tbh, there is still SO much sludge left, in two giant crockpots, and tbh i've hardly
done any pulls on the other crockpot.


also can anyone suggest where I can get some xylene so I can try netting some jungle

p.s I live in the UK - scotland,
and I can get to a) homebase, b) b&q
and places like that.

also, could you suggest some brand names?
Something similar happened to a friend. He barely yielded with a ratio of 0.6 % while previous batch was above 1%. The sludge was left for few months before trying to do more pulls which yielded almost nothing.
Previous batch was left for even longer so I just guess that this was a weak MHRB batch...
Instead of using xylene wich stinks like hell and take days to evaporate you can try to heat (not boiling) your sludge with a top of naphta during 30 min. The result will be quite yellow but you may recover a bit more.
Not sure if this will help but you can try...i had a smiliar problem

I noticed that there was no way i was pulling all the Naptha i was putting in. A second extraction i measured and noticed i was only getting 50% of the Naptha i was putting in. According to all my research and common sense....this should not be happening

Problem was that I was not putting in enough water in the initial STB stage. This is becasue I was using powdered MHRB when the tek was using shredded MHRB. You need about twice the amount of water/lye that the shredded calls for. The tek asks for 2500mL to 3000mL of water w ~13 tablepsoons of lye for 250gm of MHRB.....powdered you need 6000mL of water and 26 Tbs of lye

I got way more Naptha out and way better yields ( i highly reccomend freeze precip rather than jsut straight evaporation.....evaporation sometimes gets Naptha trapped in the yellow oils and you taste it when smoking it or even see it boil when heating it up....gross...so after freeze precip, evaporate your crystals)

I am guessing that if your brown stuff is too sluddgie....not only is your Naptha/Xylene/whatever is getting trapped in the MHRB, so is a bunch of spice.
shoe said:
Hi all;

a while back I splashed out and bought myself 1.5kg of pre-powdered mimosa hostillis;
which I've been extracting using the STB technique with an evap and then freeze-percipitate
at the very last millileters. I kept topping it up with fresh lye
and doing 3 - 4 solvent pulls from the top over a day or so; I used to net about 1g each
time but now, several months later, it no longer yeilds anything. I do get a yellowish
fluid, but only the very smallest fraction is strongly yellow.

when I evaporate this down, it doesn't yeild very much. just a slight grease on the inside
of the pan - no rocks.

Do you honestly think i've had my full (theoretical) 9g and eaten it?

I think I can account for roughly 4g.

but tbh, there is still SO much sludge left, in two giant crockpots, and tbh i've hardly
done any pulls on the other crockpot.


also can anyone suggest where I can get some xylene so I can try netting some jungle


The problem is exactly this and SWIM guarantees it:

Most of the DMT is still there, but is in a different form.

What happened is that the DMT oxidized over time into DMT N-Oxide. Freebase DMT N-Oxide is a yellow oil that is almost insoluble in solvents like naphtha and heptane which is why your yields have decreased.

You'll need to extract the freebase DMT N-Oxide using a different solvent like ether, DCM, or chloroform. Beware that it won’t crystallize. You’ll get a yellowish oily mess from it. It is almost as active as DMT. SWIM actually likes DMT N-Oxide very much. It seems to last longer and is smoother than DMT.

Another option is to extract the DMT N-Oxide with pH 3 water, add a lot of zinc dust to convert it back into DMT, and then freebase the DMT, and then extract it with naphtha or heptane. Then do your typical crystallizations on it.
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