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MB5 - The Martin Ball 5-MeO-DMT Documentary

Migrated topic.

physics envy

Rising Star
Posting this here in case anyone hasn't heard about this project but might be interested...and for those who might like to help fund them.

They have a kickstarter campaign going on to raise $30,000 by the end of August.

Here's a quick description from their website:

Travel with us as we document the experiences of five intrepid participants as they undergo an incredible 5-MeO-DMT session with Martin! Unlike any other practitioner in the world, Martin actually takes this powerful medicine with each client in a one-on-one setting, and then works with the individual to unlock trapped energies and provide energetic guidance. Participants often speak of having the governing reins of their ego temporarily loosened and the reception of a sense of infinite, universal, love, unity and delight - and we will document Martin's process of working with his clients to aid them in achieving their desired outcomes. Brad Adams, Ph.D., cancer researcher and founder of L.A.M.P.S. (Los Angeles Medical Plant Society), will be on hand to study session results from a scientific perspective - charting participant responses and any emotional and physical changes they may experience."

I haven't worked with him, but the description of his sessions and how he worked with his clients sounds very interesting, so I'd love to see this get made.
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