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MDMA ruined my weed tripping

Migrated topic.


Better than a thousand useless words is one useful
Hi everyone,

Sooo as its turns out i tried MDMA few weeks back, while it was clean and good (well it tested deep purple at least) it does drain you a lot compared to LSD or DMT, and it pretty much ruined my newly found weed tripping.

Basically after i took 250mg of MDMA on new years eve (im a big guy so its an appropriate ammount) I had a lovely evening with my friends, next day i felt like crap, and I still dont feel like I'm 100 recuperated from it. I had planned to smoke DMT again towards the end of this month, but it got a bit darker yellow so i was afraid that it would lose potency.

Sooo i used my bong sandwiched with ashes, it was awesome to say the least, if you havent checked my other posts, after i smoked DMT for the first time saw several beings and now i see a female figure with much more consistency, wich i've seen while tripping with weed, she always has 2 companions with her that almost seem like protectors, and more recently a big dragon show's himself in my trips, i saw him after i saw a golden eye with 5 vertical lines extending from the golden eye lids, as eye closed my visual field was flooded whith light, i cant really describe it as a white background with every color manifesting itself in different orders or patterns, but being primordially white in the background, using black to separate different regions.

so after last weeks session, i saw her again, and while no trip has been the same these last 2 where similar in the sense that i always saw her regardless of what patterns where shown. i saw her in what looked like an ancient Japanese castle facing towards a garden, she had a red kimono with ever changing patterns, second time i smoked that night i just saw her face pass very closely to my face, and moving around her lips moved like she was trying to convey a message, but alas i've never experienced auditory hallucinations so i cant even make sense of it.

The weed tripping is varying in intesity, some of the most potent ones was when i saw her dancing in my room and with the dragon, the visuals were very reminiscent of dmt, so i liked that a lot, but ever since i took the MDMA its fading quick, to the point that i cant see jack anymore, pretty much undid all the coolness granted by DMT, and after my second time smoking i can barely make out some patterns, but now its been a few days and i cant see anything.

So to sum it up i will never take MDMA again in my life cause it interfered with my DMT experiences in a very repulsive and negative way, so i now loathe it. particularlly since i can get all of the lovey dovey feelings from LSD, plus a whole lot more, MDMA hits me like a really really shitty acid, kinda nice body high 0 visuals, nasty comedown, most def not the substance for me. my friends got the same batch and are in love with it funny how that works hahaha
dragonrider said:
Yeah, it can definately drain you like that. And it's a pretty superficial drug compared to DMT or some of the other classic hallucinogens.

i do agree one can get much more from other substances that do not give nasty after effects.
Yeah man...It has the power to energize you but also to f*** you up!
The problem is that the street stuff is never really pure or of high quality. Even If you test it and it gets purple real quick. It shows you that this stuff maybe is better than some other crap...but that doesn't mean it's pure.
Sometimes it takes a lot more to find out if substance are really uncontaminated with crappy incredients...at least more than one of these rookie test kits.
Most of them react to the concentration of the main incredients which should be tested.
They don't care about stuff that could get you sick or wasted.
There has been an "Experiment" in which people should take mdma under medical watch. 25% of them have been mdma users frequently.
After the 'trip' they have been asked how they felt. One of them said that he used mdma for more than 12 years...but now he isn't sure If he really ever used real mdma before. And most of the others agreed that it makes a huge difference to take mdma of high quality.
All the nasty stuff was totally gone. Ofcourse a few got a bit hot and sweaty.
But that's not that bad 😉
WokeWave said:
Yeah man...It has the power to energize you but also to f*** you up!
The problem is that the street stuff is never really pure or of high quality. Even If you test it and it gets purple real quick. It shows you that this stuff maybe is better than some other crap...but that doesn't mean it's pure.
Sometimes it takes a lot more to find out if substance are really uncontaminated with crappy incredients...at least more than one of these rookie test kits.
Most of them react to the concentration of the main incredients which should be tested.
They don't care about stuff that could get you sick or wasted.
There has been an "Experiment" in which people should take mdma under medical watch. 25% of them have been mdma users frequently.
After the 'trip' they have been asked how they felt. One of them said that he used mdma for more than 12 years...but now he isn't sure If he really ever used real mdma before. And most of the others agreed that it makes a huge difference to take mdma of high quality.
All the nasty stuff was totally gone. Ofcourse a few got a bit hot and sweaty.
But that's not that bad 😉

Lol thats funny MDMA never energized me, all i wanna do is sit on my ass and talk to my friends (after 4-5 hours im usually sleepy, so i drink a cup of coffee or something to keep me going) but i get all that plus a whole lot more from LSD, it feels like it has the entactogen properties plus a heightened state of consiousness plus halluciantions and a looot of energy, i usually pace around my room on LSD hahaha and i actually feel that LSD allows me to go much deeper in my thoughts, and has helped much more as a tool for growth.

That experiment is indeed interesting, must suck so bad to be using 12 years of crappy MDMA or some random RC:thumb_dow , but i wont mess with it ever again even if its rick doblin's mdma hahaha, its not my cup of tea nor does it fully provide what i search from these experiences.

about the test i know sometimes they just add enough of the mdma to trigger the test and the rest is a RC and that just plain sucks. luckily it wont be much of a problem since im moving to shrooms, i alredy got rid of my stash of md crystals had like 1300 mg left, if it was cut at least i don't think it was with meth or some nasty shit like that.
I explored MDMA and LSD quite a bit over the last 2 years. They have been the psychedelics I have used the most in that time.

LSD I only got into a year ago, after lots of time drinking ayahuasca, working with mushrooms, DMT etc..

LSD has quickly become my favorite psychedelic, and favorite drug in general. To be honest I have lost most the desire to even use any other psychedelics any longer other than the rare mescaline trip. Mescaline and LSD are very similar. LSD leaves me feeling clear and angelic..its so clear I can often forget I am even on LSD. I think it makes me smarter. I mostly use LSD as a microdose suppement..anywhere from 10-20mics anywhere from once a week to once every 3-week. I use larger doses every few weeks, usually at raves but I took it at home alone for the first time a week ago and I left feeling like LSD is the most perfect psychedelic there is. It is perfect.

MDMA on the other hand...I fell in love with MDMA. I fell in love while I fell in love with MDMA. I spent a year in a relationship with a woman...with MDMA...MDMA healed my broken soul the first time I took it. The first 3 times I took MDMA I never got any hang over..no depression. MDMA is responsible for the most mystical night of my life, something I dont think I can ever repeat..and it was int he middle of serious psychological darkness..really confused feelings of love and heartbreak as I watched a wall build up between myself and my lover. I home come home from hell on MDMA. I have stayed awake and eaten MDMA for 3 days dancing and come home into the deepest pits of hell. I have made love on MDMA and kissed the face of god. I have had my lover look into my face on MDMA and tell me she does not love me.

I don't blame MDMA. It is an amazing tool for psychotherapy and dance..but it's like playing with fire. My MDMA use has left me in a state of emotional confusion and pain. It's hard to tell what part is real and what is just inflated delusion. I don't regret it. I learned a lot about myself from the stuff. I took it about 15 times before I really understood what people had been telling me about the depression it can cause. I stopped at that point and began to only use LSD and 2cb.

If you have not been through this with MDMA, than great...use the stuff no more than once a season and you will probly not experience this as much. However, any use of MDMA can have profound effects on a persons emotional state after the experience...for better or worse. I for instance have taken MDMA all weekend long, while in the middle of a long drawn out depressing fight with a woman I really loved. I really believe that this traumatized my brain and caused some kind of lasting changes. Coming down from that to realize the gravity of the situation in my life took me into a place I don't ever want to visit again. It was the darkest few days of my life.

We both stopped using it. I have not used MDMA in about 4 months. I am not sure I will ever take it again. I value it and what it has shown me. If and when I do use it again, it will be once a year or so at shambhala.

I am fine now, and prefer low dose LSD(50-100 mics) when I go out to raves and festivals. It's not spoken about much, but I find that LSD has some clear empathogenic effects that the tryptamines lack. It shares this in common with mescaline and 2cb. It's stimulant properties make it great for raves. It's the most sensual thing I can imagine. It can take you just as far as DMT..and is famous for taking you into the white light. It can be like a 5meoDMT white out. It's such a perfect drug.
@ jamie

Thanks for Sharing! that must be a toughie to deal with falling in love while on MDMA, and all the aftermath, seeing as it exacerbates most feelings it sounds rough, hope you're doing better nowdays. it seems that it works better on some than others in my case while using it kinda feels like LSD's body high but much softer, DMT feels like LSD on Steroids hahaha so i liked that cause its not that common to find good acid where i live.

But damn man the after effects sucked donkey balls, worst comedown ever, 4 tabs of 150ug each wich was my biggest dose of LSD left me feeling so warm and almost sedated, an overall state of bliss, i loved it, and my overall mood improved drastically since experimenting with DMT and LSD.

After md it almost feels like a regression to my old bitter self prior to my experiences, at least im more aware of my attitude so i can fight the impulse to get super pissed, or return to base if i lose myself in anger, so i really really disliked that part of it. I really think its not the substance for me and i will listen to my body, cause its talking loud and clear with the aftermath.

hmmm that mescaline part interest me Might try it and ayahuasca at some point, the problem i have with this two is the religious ritualistic fashion when dealing with "shamans" i can appreciate their plant knowledge but the rituals i take a lot of issue with, based on some accounts i've heard having another human telling me to kneel before him/her so s/he can blow smoke in my head and "pull out" impurities and rituals along those lines just remind me of a preacher at church giving wafers and whine, definitely not my cup of tea. And im given to understand that most ceremonies aren't as such but i loathe submission towards mankind which is how i view these approaches so i cant bring myself to do it.

So i've been toying with the idea to cook up some of T Mckenna's recipe for making ayahuasca, particularly the one he describes in my fav talk from him and Nicole Maxwell, Amazonian Shamanism, in which he describes base materials and amounts to use and how to process it, granted in less than a couple of minutes but still got my interest peaked and man if his description is precise its a better alternative to the swill they give you in ceremony. i will say this though im interested in shamanic arts but not the ritualistic impositions attached to them by their own societies and views of the world, i crave knowledge not manipulation thus i try to carve my own path on this planet and in the realms of the psychedelic, i make research ask around and if needed i modify my paradigm.

So i really appreciate everyone's input on the matter!!
jma182 said:
@ jamie

Thanks for Sharing! that must be a toughie to deal with falling in love while on MDMA, and all the aftermath, seeing as it exacerbates most feelings it sounds rough, hope you're doing better nowdays. it seems that it works better on some than others in my case while using it kinda feels like LSD's body high but much softer, DMT feels like LSD on Steroids hahaha so i liked that cause its not that common to find good acid where i live.

But damn man the after effects sucked donkey balls, worst comedown ever, 4 tabs of 150ug each wich was my biggest dose of LSD left me feeling so warm and almost sedated, an overall state of bliss, i loved it, and my overall mood improved drastically since experimenting with DMT and LSD.

After md it almost feels like a regression to my old bitter self prior to my experiences, at least im more aware of my attitude so i can fight the impulse to get super pissed, or return to base if i lose myself in anger, so i really really disliked that part of it. I really think its not the substance for me and i will listen to my body, cause its talking loud and clear with the aftermath.

hmmm that mescaline part interest me Might try it and ayahuasca at some point, the problem i have with this two is the religious ritualistic fashion when dealing with "shamans" i can appreciate their plant knowledge but the rituals i take a lot of issue with, based on some accounts i've heard having another human telling me to kneel before him/her so s/he can blow smoke in my head and "pull out" impurities and rituals along those lines just remind me of a preacher at church giving wafers and whine, definitely not my cup of tea. And im given to understand that most ceremonies aren't as such but i loathe submission towards mankind which is how i view these approaches so i cant bring myself to do it.

So i've been toying with the idea to cook up some of T Mckenna's recipe for making ayahuasca, particularly the one he describes in my fav talk from him and Nicole Maxwell, Amazonian Shamanism, in which he describes base materials and amounts to use and how to process it, granted in less than a couple of minutes but still got my interest peaked and man if his description is precise its a better alternative to the swill they give you in ceremony. i will say this though im interested in shamanic arts but not the ritualistic impositions attached to them by their own societies and views of the world, i crave knowledge not manipulation thus i try to carve my own path on this planet and in the realms of the psychedelic, i make research ask around and if needed i modify my paradigm.

So i really appreciate everyone's input on the matter!!

Well I know what you mean about that ritualistic stuff. I had 5 ayahuasca ceremonies in total. No rituals. Only experienced guides. It changed my life completely.
And NOW I consider to do it with a shaman. Because if you get to know to ayahuasca and how divine she is...You also accept what the shamans do. But I really think you should take your guide with care. Taking ayahuasca is about you! And there are to many guides out there who simply don't care about you.
Don't do it all by yourself ! In my second ceremony i would have been completely lost without a good guide. I would have pissed myself and maybe also puked all over me. I felt sooooo weak...My body could not move. And also i could not talk because I was so overwhelmed from what Mother Aya showed me. I had to go to the toilett but could not get there by myself. Also I could not tell it to the guide...but he understood and brought me there.
And that's one of the examples which are quite harmless.
Don't do it without experienced guides!

PS: my mescaline experiences have not even been close to LSD.
jma182 said:
Basically after i took 250mg of MDMA on new years eve (im a big guy so its an appropriate ammount)

Yeah, no.

jma182 said:
next day i felt like crap, and I still dont feel like I'm 100 recuperated from it.

Not surprising at all if you took 250mg.

I'm a "big guy" too (and by that I mean tall, not fat), 80mg gets me rolling nicely.. 120mg is overwhelming.

I never want to find out what 250mg does. But I figure it's not nice.
jamie said:
If you have not been through this with MDMA, than great...use the stuff no more than once a season and you will probly not experience this as much.

I assure you it's possible to not experience it at all.

Without exception, for about six years and counting, I have taken MDMA once or twice a year, always with six months minimum between sessions, 80-120mg, and every single time it's a magical evening well on par with my first MDMA experience ever.

Some people are more affected by the comedown/crash than others, unfortunately I do get affected, nothing too serious just a bit meh for several days, but in spite of that, once or twice a year, I'll still take it, because the positives greatly outweigh the negatives (ime/imo/fwyw)

jamie said:
However, any use of MDMA can have profound effects on a persons emotional state after the experience...for better or worse. I for instance have taken MDMA all weekend long, while in the middle of a long drawn out depressing fight with a woman I really loved. I really believe that this traumatized my brain and caused some kind of lasting changes. Coming down from that to realize the gravity of the situation in my life took me into a place I don't ever want to visit again. It was the darkest few days of my life.

MDMA, while a most wonderful of chemicals, WILL screw you up faster than you can say "make it stop". Anyone new to MDMA & reading this should be well aware of this fact, and no, it won't be different with you.

Take MDMA once in a blue moon and it will reward you immensely. Abuse it (and it is one of those rare cases where the drug propaganda is more or less correct) and it WILL mess you up.
i appreciate all of your input, and i will keep it in mind for future reference with my buddies.

well i used the 1mg per pound conversion table i found since i am on the larger side of the scale im pushing around 267(working on it, started swimming again cause it blows to be chubby hahaha) it did feel very nice while i did it, but yeah the next morning sucked bad hahaha, when my friends drop mdma and i drop acid we're walking on sunshine hahaha.

but the things is that even with that big load the body high felt 1 tab of acid at best, (my friends were using the same batch and were melting like butter on pancakes all filled with love and the usual stuff XD) for me the introspection never got as deep, nor did i get the heightened state of consciousness and therapeutically acid got me so much further also my thoughts were not as complex or deep, so while i wont say its a lame substance, for me at least it just doesn't cut it, because basically LSD and MDMA work very similarly in my body, but acid doesn't kick me in the keister, i always wake up feeling better than the day before.

To explain this a bit i get all the good stuff from MDMA but none of the bad stuff, my best friend is the opposite dude shivers on acid cant move for the hours at a time, spends his time entering and leaving his body for a couple of hours before he can kinda function, so when he took MDMA he finally understood how i feel on acid, so for my personal experience LSD is leaps and bounds better in its effects, and above em all i would put DMT, man that has shown me a lot of stuff about myself, actually fixed some issues with my father due to DMT.

DMT gives me an overall state of bliss when i vape it, never felt that need to fight the trip cause it just feels so good hahaha. and the after effects are great similar to the LSD glow but much shorter, and yet again my best friend is the opposite he comes back super groggy all tired, i can barely make sense of what he says, sometimes i gotta ask him to speak louder cause its unintelligible last time he smoked before a Christmas dinner with the rest of our buddies, suffice it to say he barely functioned that night.

just hope i can bring my weed trips back to normal.

Also i've never used these substances outside of my apartment, only for personal growth, closest i've come to clubbing while tripping is hiking on LSD hahaha, im not that much of a party animal

this is just gold for people reading do keep his advice in your mind cause i've been there and done that, its easy to abuse MDMA!!

nexalizer said:
MDMA, while a most wonderful of chemicals, WILL screw you up faster than you can say "make it stop". Anyone new to MDMA & reading this should be well aware of this fact, and no, it won't be different with you.

Take MDMA once in a blue moon and it will reward you immensely. Abuse it (and it is one of those rare cases where the drug propaganda is more or less correct) and it WILL mess you up.
I know that everyone is different in the way they react to drugs but I just feel like I need to throw my 2 cents into this bucket.

Except for MDMA (and/or MDA) obviously laced with speed, I've never had a bad experience or a bad come down. I am very sensitive to stimulants and the after effects are absolutely aweful. If I take 300+mg (body weight about 175lbs.) of pure MDMA, it's a very intense roll and leaves me feeling the next day like I drank a few beers the night before and a bit of a sore jaw. I never get depressed or "blah". I also have never noticed a degradation in the quality of a trip when MDMA was consumed recently.

Now, I consider myself lucky in this regard. I've seen many others have horrible come downs from even very reasonable dosages. I've seen people vomit from MDMA which I have also never done. I've seen people take LSD or shrooms recently after MDMA and get little or no visual effects and just a minor body load.

I suspect there is a relation to the following but I'm a bit lost on the specifics or mechanism and this is where I consider myself unlucky. It seems that when I take DMT+MAOI orally, it royally fucks up my stomach for the duration of the trip. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the 5-HT3 receptors in my stomach, how they react to MDMA and DMT, and the modulation of serotonin by the MAO enzymes.

Anyway, I understand why you never want to take MDMA again and can get behind it fully. The one thing that I would suggest is to use your experiences (good or bad) to understand your own mind and body better. As an example, having a bad come down off MDMA could possibly be indicative of low serotonin levels. If this is the case, simply taking 5-HTP supplements can provide a huge boost in quality of life.
syberdelic said:
I know that everyone is different in the way they react to drugs but I just feel like I need to throw my 2 cents into this bucket.

Except for MDMA (and/or MDA) obviously laced with speed, I've never had a bad experience or a bad come down. I am very sensitive to stimulants and the after effects are absolutely aweful. If I take 300+mg (body weight about 175lbs.) of pure MDMA, it's a very intense roll and leaves me feeling the next day like I drank a few beers the night before and a bit of a sore jaw. I never get depressed or "blah". I also have never noticed a degradation in the quality of a trip when MDMA was consumed recently.

Now, I consider myself lucky in this regard. I've seen many others have horrible come downs from even very reasonable dosages. I've seen people vomit from MDMA which I have also never done. I've seen people take LSD or shrooms recently after MDMA and get little or no visual effects and just a minor body load.

I suspect there is a relation to the following but I'm a bit lost on the specifics or mechanism and this is where I consider myself unlucky. It seems that when I take DMT+MAOI orally, it royally fucks up my stomach for the duration of the trip. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the 5-HT3 receptors in my stomach, how they react to MDMA and DMT, and the modulation of serotonin by the MAO enzymes.

Anyway, I understand why you never want to take MDMA again and can get behind it fully. The one thing that I would suggest is to use your experiences (good or bad) to understand your own mind and body better. As an example, having a bad come down off MDMA could possibly be indicative of low serotonin levels. If this is the case, simply taking 5-HTP supplements can provide a huge boost in quality of life.

Yeah not much of a chemist here, but that could be a factor, i've never messed with MAOI's cause im still apprehensive about them, i do wanna try them when im more confident i wont cause myself harm. but yeah its too bad we know so little about these substances, thankfully research has been on hyperdrive since 2010 or so.

Great suggestion and i agree we do need to listen to our bodies, mind says stop, body says the same, so rather than being a knucklehead i'll listen. im telling that to one of my buddies, dude's been rolling every single weekend 2 days in a row sometimes, he's gone trough 2000 mg in 6 weeks:?, (talked to the guy as i was typing this and he's all out and wont use till april or so he says XD) with no issues, wakes up feeling well rested and ready to rumble, he just needed a bigger dose each time he rolled. but his short term memory is pretty much gone, in the same conversation i had to remind him 3 times of what we were talking about in less than 10 mins, that would be worrisome if i was him, at least i see things like this and well makes me wanna stop even more hahaha, i hate functional impairment of any kind as far as my memory goes, its one of my best assets and wont risk it over MD and actually it helped me get that final push to start working out again, so i guess there was a silver lining in the end hahaha.
in the 90's, an average pill contained somewhere in between 100 and 120 mg. Nowadays, pills contain up to 240 mg. I think there may be something like good and bad MDMA. Ratios between different isomers may have something to do with that.

I never took more than 120 mg myself, and i Always liked the effects, though, as i said, i find them quite superficial in comparison to DMT, mescaline or LSD.

But maybe some batches of MDMA have more negative effects than others. The fact that people take twice the dose that was common in the ninety's does suggest that today's MDMA is somehow weaker.

Could have something to do with different precursors being used today, in the manufacturing proces.
jma182 said:
Sooo i used my bong sandwiched with ashes, it was awesome to say the least, if you havent checked my other posts, after i smoked DMT for the first time saw several beings and now i see a female figure with much more consistency, wich i've seen while tripping with weed, she always has 2 companions with her that almost seem like protectors, and more recently a big dragon show's himself in my trips, i saw him after i saw a golden eye with 5 vertical lines extending from the golden eye lids, as eye closed my visual field was flooded whith light, i cant really describe it as a white background with every color manifesting itself in different orders or patterns, but being primordially white in the background, using black to separate different regions.

So...Just to pop my head in for a second....

I saw that dragon the other night, when I was smoking weed. Weed has become very psychedelic for me since I have started actively expanding my mind. Last night, when I was really stoned, and trying to go to sleep, I saw him. There were these incredible geometric visuals that sometimes weed causes in the back of my eyelids, then out of nowhere, they open up, and quite quickly a HUUUUUGE Chinese style dragon ripped through the veil. I was immediately faced with the awareness that I was in the presence of an immense intelligence. It stayed for quite some time too, and even communicated with me. Then it flew off, and a giant snake appeared. They coiled around each other for a while, and went in and out of my body.

I was really thrown off by this, because it was just from smoking some hash, but this has happened before....I get so high, that suddenly I am in Aya land again, but its never happened like this.
CouchLove said:
So...Just to pop my head in for a second....

I saw that dragon the other night, when I was smoking weed. Weed has become very psychedelic for me since I have started actively expanding my mind. Last night, when I was really stoned, and trying to go to sleep, I saw him. There were these incredible geometric visuals that sometimes weed causes in the back of my eyelids, then out of nowhere, they open up, and quite quickly a HUUUUUGE Chinese style dragon ripped through the veil. I was immediately faced with the awareness that I was in the presence of an immense intelligence. It stayed for quite some time too, and even communicated with me. Then it flew off, and a giant snake appeared. They coiled around each other for a while, and went in and out of my body.

I was really thrown off by this, because it was just from smoking some hash, but this has happened before....I get so high, that suddenly I am in Aya land again, but its never happened like this.

man thats cool i love weed tripping, never seen a chinese dragon in my travels nor a snake, i wonder if this happens to you but i get a really intense body sensation when i start weed tripping and i manage to go deep, when i saw the dragon and the lady, my whole body felt like the initial vibration of a DMT trip. Normally i just saw patterns and other effect.

as far as animals go i've seen wolves, jaguars, and monkeys (he was eating a banana and flipped his lips at me it was hilarious) the dragon however did feel like an imposing presence,the dragon i saw was more European style completely made of light with every color moving and changing at the same time while remaining primarily white, his wings looked almost like they have withe fur, and 2 very large horns on his head.

Mine appeared after i saw a golden eye with 5 lines strechting outside from the eyelids, short on the edges but getting longer towards the middle starting from the left 1 and 5 were the same size, the same for 2 and 4, 3 was very long and in perfect alignment with the reticle.

after the eye closed closed and dissapeared my field of view is flooded by light and i see a biiig mouth shut right in front of me, then i saw his big eye, he changes shape and size, so i saw him fly around me, land at a distance, it was as trippy as it gets and when i saw him the dmt lady wich is the one whose always closest to me, shes who i asked to be my first teacher all of the rest came after this. she looked so happy and was giving me kisses this lasted the entirety of the experience, then the dragon melded with the other sources of light so i saw her eyes, then his big dragon mouth pop over in another part of my FOV, the protectors show up as well but they're all mixed inside this light,it felt like the wholeness of the light i was seeing was created by them, the dragon is indeed threatening looking but he is nice with me, and i used to see the 4 of them every time i smoked weed and, it did try to talk to me but i've never had auditory hallucinations, so i just see his mouth move.

what was cool was what i saw in my travel with the dragon i literally see as the 4 sources of light concentrate in a single point and i see literally the FOV create a cube wich opened in the middle in a cross pattern and a very bright white sphere appeared in the middle and then went down, creating an entrance, then it changed its possition so i could look inside the tunnel, i literally saw a tunnel filled with what seemed to be squares with something inside them, somewhat reminicent of "In Memory of Abdul Mati Klarwein - Alex Grey" specifically the holes going downwards but with much more colors and ever changing patterns i never saw a single color overpower the rest of the hue, its rather hard to describe, kinda like every single particle is a rainbow that changes color independently of the particles around it, this is how i usually halluciate on DMT blackness or a ocean of white light as a base for the white rainbow light to manifest so i never get a single color i see them all in a disparate sequence, only when i see entities or the golden eye do i see a colors in a single hue, but thats not for long, usually i get different hues gold, purple, green and red if its a solid color.

when i was traveling in this tunnel at several points the tunnel stopped moving and my FOV would get flooded by light and then the visuals shifted i saw a 3 headed dragon, 2 heads were red with green eyes, and a third white one with black eyes, thick greenish body, and it couldnt move seemed to be on statis or something, entities move in my trips this is the first one not do so, only the eyes seemed to gleam with intensity, the rest of what i saw is too complex to describe i cant even word it, i can see it all again in my head and if i could paint well i might be able to render it into this world.
WokeWave said:
Well I know what you mean about that ritualistic stuff. I had 5 ayahuasca ceremonies in total. No rituals. Only experienced guides. It changed my life completely.
And NOW I consider to do it with a shaman. Because if you get to know to ayahuasca and how divine she is...You also accept what the shamans do. But I really think you should take your guide with care. Taking ayahuasca is about you! And there are to many guides out there who simply don't care about you.
Don't do it all by yourself ! In my second ceremony i would have been completely lost without a good guide. I would have pissed myself and maybe also puked all over me. I felt sooooo weak...My body could not move. And also i could not talk because I was so overwhelmed from what Mother Aya showed me. I had to go to the toilett but could not get there by myself. Also I could not tell it to the guide...but he understood and brought me there.
And that's one of the examples which are quite harmless.
Don't do it without experienced guides!

PS: my mescaline experiences have not even been close to LSD.

thank you for the suggestions, i really need a good sitter for that one i usually do experiment both sides of the spectrum flying solo and with company, usually works better when im alone, but ayahuasca is a whole different game so yeah i think that if i do try it it will be with someone, the first time at least. there are some retreats were i live but damn with that money i could go down to peru and do it there its crazy expensive i need some one whose not in it for the money!

im really intrested in mescaline but it does seem to differ a lot, some halluciante some get the body high, introspection and some get wildly sick, only way to know how it kicks me is to try it XD
dragonrider said:
in the 90's, an average pill contained somewhere in between 100 and 120 mg. Nowadays, pills contain up to 240 mg. I think there may be something like good and bad MDMA. Ratios between different isomers may have something to do with that.

I never took more than 120 mg myself, and i Always liked the effects, though, as i said, i find them quite superficial in comparison to DMT, mescaline or LSD.

But maybe some batches of MDMA have more negative effects than others. The fact that people take twice the dose that was common in the ninety's does suggest that today's MDMA is somehow weaker.

Could have something to do with different precursors being used today, in the manufacturing proces.

yeah i heard the oil used to make it is scarce the trees have been exploited to much, but yeah every tripper from the 90's think that the old school stuff was the bomb compared to the stuff nowdays, theres a lot of RC out there similar to MDMA, not at all cool. and i agree its very superficial for me as well. LSD and DMT ftw!
Yea, I have never had anything even close to tripping on weed. Sometimes I will smoke when I feel like I'm tripping too hard and need to take the edge off. It seems to counter tripping to me much how an anti-psychotic would. The ONLY thing that I've experienced even remotely like this is with mescaline. If I've taken a small dose and just barely tripping, I will smoke and the experience seems to unfold into a deeper head space and more vivid visuals. Now with a larger dose of mescaline, smoking will again simply take the edge off.

It's very interesting how differently we all react to these substances.
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