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Memorable quotes from DMT-Nexus (no chat quotes please)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hiya wonderful people,

From time to time I see posts in here that simply are to good to be lost. I therefore thought that it might be a good idea to start a thread where we can post such quotes, so they will be remembered. I am sure that I in some future 'high as a kite'-setting would love to go in here and read the quotes. ;)

So, a few guidelines to keep it tidy:
1. Only posts containing quotes are allowed, and the quotes must be from the DMT-Nexus forum or chat.
2. They must be damn good! They can be either wise or funny, or a combination.
3. Put them in a quote-tag with the correct name of the user who wrote it.
4. Do not post quotes from yourself, only from other members.

So, to start this, I have this wonderful quote from the pissing contest thread:
jbark said:
SunRise said:
this is all really rather ridiculous:)
you mean when the pissing contest thread becomes a pissing contest?8)
Please do post when you find some funny or wise quotes! I know there are many of them out there. :)

With the usual amount of love,
Evening Glory
@ Women & Respect - Welcome discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Pharmer said:
Men and women belong to essentially different spiritual systems, and we will never bridge the gap between us, as long as we try to do it only at the level of this world. This can be very frustrating since we keep trying. To unite, we must unite our roots, beyond any difference in thinking, feeling or physical appearance. When we work together, we build a connection at an entirely different level - beyond a spiritual level. We can transcend the mundane conflicts and differences, since we have a higher goal. When a man and a woman bond for the purpose of attaining a higher goal, they create a spiritual vessel between them, which doesn't exist in reality. This vessel is neither feminine nor masculine, but a new vessel, in which they receive the sublime abundance - eternal and complete.
@ A little warning from someone who's smoked loads of DMT - Health & Safety - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

picatris said:
One thing that has arisen in answers given is Integration. It is fundamental to integrate your experiences, no matter how long it may take. It may even happen that you will not be able to do it. It happens. I've seen tons of people that never fully understood the hyperreality that entheogens show. It is not for everyone. And it's not the practice of Yoga that will make you integrate. It's your life. It's working, it's paying your taxes, it's talking to your boss, it's raising your kids and have arguments with your wife or significant other, and on and on. Integration will put your Real Life (tm) into context. And that's the real acid test.
transcend your need to want - Antrocles

Remain skeptic at all times, but try to keep an open mind. It's a fine line to walk on and we all falter - Vovin (or something along those lines. words to live by)
@ A little warning from someone who's smoked loads of DMT - Health & Safety - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

narmz said:
There isn't much reason to dive in to something so deep and otherworldy, when the breadth and depth of this experience, this life, is so complex in itself. I feel like psychedelics have marginalized or minimalized my view on everyday life to something less than what it is. I've now realized the things I have sacrificed to ask these questions, and I'm done, I'm going to dig deep into life, into everyday experience sober and find what works and search for ways to truly satisfy my curiosity.
@ DMT - a possible shortcut to enlightenment - DMT Discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

antrocles said:
it's like mom dropped us off at school and we've got about 80 years or so to play with our fellow classmates before she comes to pick us back up. while here, i plan on being a proper kid- going crazy (in a good way), playing with all of the neat things here, sharing with everyone, being kind to everyone, helping others when i can...

....and when i know the day is almost done and i'm gonna get picked up soon, i will clean up, put the toys back in their place, say goodbye to my friends with love and gratitude, and shift my focus on the cozy warmth of the home to which i will soon be returning and the love that warms it.

The entire post is shining bright. (As usual.)
@ DMT - a possible shortcut to enlightenment - DMT Discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Chalchiuhtlicue said:
It makes sense to think of spice as a portal rather than a process. I wonder if the ancients had a process for entering the spice portal which they used to catch and keep spice insights. I see Nexus as a way to recapture that process, as folks share their experiences. Each piece of the puzzle leads to a more complete picture. It's like watching history repeat itself. Hopefully we are gradually reaching another rung in an upward spiral instead of getting stuck in a repeating rut!


The gods of ancient India are often pictured sitting on a lotus blossom..the "many petaled lotus"...It came to me in a dream that each petal of the lotus represents a way of being, like an infinite number of rays shooting off into Whatever's Out There. Doesn't matter which path you take, it leads where you need to go. Any path provides the challenge and the opportunity and the answer. The dream also whispered, "Be the best you can be at whatever present you find yourself in. In that way, you honor your path."
@ Quantum Communiction - Philosophy - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Psychodelirium said:
I think it is a common thread running through all the mystical traditions (and it has certainly been the major insight of my own experiences) that the root of human suffering and delusion is the sense of a lack of "beingness", or the lack of an intimate connection with the world, and that this lack is caused precisely by a false and confused sense of who or what one is, i.e. what the self is. Redemption and freedom then consists in remembering or rediscovering one's self, finding or constructing a unity from a sense of identity that is fundamentally fragmented.

I think it is extremely exciting that people who are not spiritual practitioners, and who have not apprehended this dilemma in an intimate and experiential way, are looking at human cognitive architecture and rediscovering this exact same insight. The picture that is emerging from cognitive science is that "personality" or "identity" is an adaptive strategy that the organism takes on to deal with the world. And moreover, there is not one such personality, but there are really many personalities that go together with particular adaptive situations. This is exactly what one discovers through meditation or psychedelics, or any other non-ordinary state of consciousness that forces the brain to "break" its adaptive strategy and realize that a strategy is all it ever was. It was not an I, a self, or a subject. It was just something that was being done, or played, or performed. And if you ask, "well who was doing it?" the only answer that can be given is "the world itself" or, perhaps "no one", but these amount to saying the same thing.
cellux said:
@ Quantum Communiction - Philosophy - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Psychodelirium said:
I think it is a common thread running through all the mystical traditions (and it has certainly been the major insight of my own experiences) that the root of human suffering and delusion is the sense of a lack of "beingness", or the lack of an intimate connection with the world, and that this lack is caused precisely by a false and confused sense of who or what one is, i.e. what the self is. Redemption and freedom then consists in remembering or rediscovering one's self, finding or constructing a unity from a sense of identity that is fundamentally fragmented.

I think it is extremely exciting that people who are not spiritual practitioners, and who have not apprehended this dilemma in an intimate and experiential way, are looking at human cognitive architecture and rediscovering this exact same insight. The picture that is emerging from cognitive science is that "personality" or "identity" is an adaptive strategy that the organism takes on to deal with the world. And moreover, there is not one such personality, but there are really many personalities that go together with particular adaptive situations. This is exactly what one discovers through meditation or psychedelics, or any other non-ordinary state of consciousness that forces the brain to "break" its adaptive strategy and realize that a strategy is all it ever was. It was not an I, a self, or a subject. It was just something that was being done, or played, or performed. And if you ask, "well who was doing it?" the only answer that can be given is "the world itself" or, perhaps "no one", but these amount to saying the same thing.

Yea that was a GOOD thread, much thx to Psychodelirium and Saidin. I liked reading it again (and conclude again we are indeed going in circles ; )

Any ways, from the same discussion:

Psychodelirium said:
...The point being that when you stumble into the chapel perilous of "belief defines reality" you have seized on an important psychodynamic insight that can be applied in daily life and experimented with. But to try and turn this psychodynamic insight into a bloated metaphysical theory that offends contemporary scientific knowledge steers you away from the practice and into armchair philosophizing.

Psychodelirium said:
...Isn't understanding our true nature and the reality of our lives not a metaphysical pursuit at its core? If one person is encouraged to become awake and aware of the most inportant questions facing someone living in this world, is that not enough?

Respect :)
A few posts that derailed the thread have been removed (sorry guys!). Please only post quotes in this thread, nothing else. Also you should only post quotes from other people, not from yourself. If your quote really is that good, I am sure someone else would love to post it! The first post have been updated with this guideline (thanks, gibran2!). :)

With love,
Evening Glory
@ Sticking point? - Help and Advice for Healing - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

ms_manic_minxx said:
A friend and I sat in the park last night, in awe with all the beautiful trees. She suggested perhaps the goal was for humans to evolve into trees: absolutely every element of their existence produces something positive for someone: recycled nutrients in the soil, shade, oxygen, leaves, fruit, a home. They are entirely giving. Every aspect is giving. What would it take to make every aspect of your life a giving one?
vovin said:
Have compassion for your fellow brothers on their spiritual path and forgive their transgressions as you yourself have strayed from the path many times, we all have.
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