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Memorable quotes from DMT-Nexus (no chat quotes please)

Migrated topic.
dreamer042 said:
IMO, the real work of the medicine is not to take 2 weeks vacation and drink ayahuasca with a Shipibo shaman 8 times, marking it off the bucket list, and pronouncing yourself an expert on the matter. The real work of the medicine is in cultivating a personal relationship with it amidst living your daily life, working your 9-5, raising your family, engaging in your community. If you can demonstrate with your actions that the medicine makes you a more kind, compassionate, and engaged human being in your day-to-day life, that speaks a whole lot louder than being able to proclaim you spent a large sum of money to go retreat with some "experts" somewhere for a holiday.
This excerpt from one of anne halonium's posts resonated deeply with me for various reasons...

anne halonium said:
* and now a word from the old cactus lady.........

" by the time most of you are my age, (old)
most of your counter culture friends will be dead, still in jail, in mental hospitals, or completely dropped out and family involved, or stuck in loser careers / lifestyles.
a good portion will also cease hallucinogens and become addicts to other drugs.
only the toughest practitioners last a decade or more in true psychedelic form and thrive.

there are very few you can actually help, but all are a liability.
.......dont get too attached."

theres old psychonauts, and bold psychonauts.
as i get older , i see less and less bolder..............

we cant shortcut peoples karma with hallucinogens and help them.
we can only let them earn it and learn it.

your mileage may vary, but its an observation i share with alot of old psychonauts.

DmnStr8 said:
Kill em with kindness I say. I feel that when anyone says hurtful or negative things,that it is a reflection of themselves. If you respond to negativity with love, the negativity ends right there. It has no course and that negativity remains with the sender. Compassion towards those who carry around negative ends the cycle. You never know what others are going through. Perhaps they have good reason to be negative?

A few years ago I was in line at a grocery store. An old man was screaming at the cashier about who knows what. Trivial. He was noticeably angry and you could just feel the tension. The cashier began to cry. I tapped the old guy in the shoulder and said "Sir, are you okay? Can I help?" Instantly the old man bursts into tears. I put my arm around his shoulder to comfort him. He gathered himself briefly and wiped his tears, now apologizing to the cashier. He explained that his wife had just passed away the day before. He was at the store buying food and drink for his wife's wake. It was very touching. Myself, the cashier, and two other people in line hugged this old guys. Everyone had tears in their eyes. It was a powerful experience for me.

This situation could have been met with further negativity and this powerful experience would have never occurred. It was met with love and that changed everything! Be kind to everyone, especially those who carry the pain of negativity. They need love the most. We have a choice in how we interact with the world. I choose compassion and kindness as much as possible. Never take anything personally!!!!
By dreamer042-

dreamer042 said:
...As far as spreading the message, you can talk forever, and point to study after study after study, but before those that know you best, nothing speaks more loudly than directly seeing a positive change in the life of their loved one. A single responsible, respectful, and reliable human being is a stronger testament to the value of these substances than a million double-blind placebo controlled trials. This is the integrity of integration, the way you choose to live your life in light of the psychedelic revelation is the true exemplar of the value, or lack thereof, in pursuing this path....
From this thread:

Post #4, worth the read in its entirety.

daedaloops said:
How dare you? How dare you so blatantly tell people to take this mind-ALTERING substance called DMT? It's the most horrible thing that can ever happen to anyone. What gives you the right to command people to lose their innocence and destroy their lives? You mental pervert, parasitic seed planter, mass producing insanity, eh? What gives you the right to TALK about ANYTHING at ALL?

Thank you so much for this thread. This needs to be said, it needs to be talked about, the people are ready. Everyone needs to experience this mind-BLOWING thing called DMT, and they need to experience it NOW because there's no better time and there never will be a better time. It's the best damn experience that can happen to anyone, it will WAKE you UP and make you aware of all the beauty around you all the time. Everyone needs to rise up from the fog, it's so crystal clear and colorful up here. I salute you and your much needed enthusiasm my good sir.

Goddamn you hippies with your self-importance and your agendas. I'm sick and tired of hearing about souls and gods and dimensions and aliens and all that CRAP. This is exactly why I can't come here anymore, it was making too much sense. NONSENSE. It turned sour, everywhere I look I see INSANITY, INSANITY, INSANITY, poetry, INSANITY. Then when I check back again I see a thread like this.. Oh lord give me the strength. You little hipster cunts. Let's spread the word and turn everyone insane so that being sane won't be so mainstream anymore.

I love every single one of you. There are no ugly or stupid people, everyone is beautiful because everyone is unique. And here the beauty is expressed more than anywhere else because you all have seen the unimaginable, the patternless source that makes all patterns. I haven't had any time lately but I miss this place a lot, I miss the love that gets recycled here, from one person to the next, none of it gets wasted. I keep all the love I received from here in a wooden little chest next to my heart, like old souvenirs and photographs that make your knees weak.

What's the point, it's all too late now. DMT gave birth to the monster in my head. Communities like this unchained that monster. Blame, blame, blame, pointless like sending lightning bolts at the mirror. But I'm not the monster, it's not me, it just controls my helpless ragdoll body, it screams at me, controls my train of thought on every single trivial subject. "What a delicious steak." "Hmm, it's in front of me because someone killed an animal." "That animal evolved to that form on this planet." "This planet was formed in the chaos of the early universe." "The early universe came from the big bang." "The big bang came from-- ???? BANG BANG BANG BANG bzzzzzzzzt BANG BANG BANG bzrttrr .... NO SHUT UP, SHUT YOUR DIRTY LITTLE MONSTER MOUTH

This is the greatest adventure anyone could have hoped to be a part of and it just gets more exciting after you discover DMT, after you discover like-minded people. DMT unlocks the angelic choir in your head, and communities like this let you express it, in any way you want. I could never repay all of you for all the things I have learned and unlearned here, all I can say is thank you. There is no blame in here, no shame. Here nobody is insane. Because let's face it, we're all the same, we're all controlling these biomechanic agents that have sensory input and motoric output, while some mystical processing happens between those. Now, extend out your arm, and realize that you're CONTROLLING a THING and that you can do ANYTHING you WANT with it. Now get to it.

This is so fucking cool.
cubeananda said:
Should we allow people to treat themselves with these drugs in a non-commercial and socially supportive setting? Absolutely that should be a human right.


Yes, Bill Hicks said it best: "It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom."

And Graham Hancock later echos: "It's not a war on drugs, its a war on consciousness."

If I, as an individual, am not sovereign over my consciousness, if I cannot decide what to do with my consciousness, which is the heart of my being, then I am not free, and I need not talk about freedom or living in a free society, or such issues as democracy, if my society will not allow me to explore my consciousness. If, in an altered state of consciousness, my behavior is disruptive in the public arena, then that behavior should rightly be controlled by society. But the personal and private exploration of our own consciousness is our own business, in my view, and is not the business of the State.

This is the fundamental definition of our sovereign rights and freedoms, which can be defined as 'negative rights', such as freedom of speech. Meaning we are free to do anything as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. The limitation requires only inaction in the specific case where it infringes someone elses negative right. I am free to swing my fist as much as I like up until it reaches the face of another person.

These rights are the most just as they only require you only not to do something, vs a 'positive right' that requires that you MUST perform a specific action or be punished, which is infinitely more restricting of individual freedom and quickly can become tyrannical, which cannot happen with a negative right.

Drug laws, especially concerning personal use and possession, have always been in clear violation of the first amendment.
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