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Mental Control for first trip?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey there!

So me and the misses are going to be trying our first psycadelic after a disappointing experience with truffles in amsterdam.. Figure might as well go balls to the wall and aim big. We are going into this with the concept that this has the potential to heal and teach, not so much with the intention to just get wasted.

My biggest worry is if I'm going to be OK on this substance haha.. I have a very analytical mindset, and tend to overthink alot.. My mental health is fine but the factor that subconsciously I am always looking for patterns or trying to make logic out of things that it will affect my trip in a counter productive way. I try and meditate everyday to help with the overthinking and work on mindful breathing, but if I'm stoned all of my techniques fail to work and I suddenly become overly aware of my overthinking tenancies.

Question is.. Is dmt going to leave me as a vegetable and break apart my mind in a destructive manner because I will potentially over analyse at the time what is not possible to make sense of.. Or am I worrying about nothing here, and I just need to chill out and see what happens?

Thanks in advance, any advice is very welcome!
Norrok said:
Or am I worrying about nothing here, and I just need to chill out and see what happens?

This, basically. :)

sincerely, I'm no expert (done it 6 times) but nothing can prepare you for the experience.

Meditating before will clearly help and having a "purpose" (that you seem to already have) is good too.

I can add that the first times might be the best times ever so just go for it with an open mindset and try to let go!

All the best and let us know how it went!
If you go into the whole experience with the intentions to heal and learn, you are halfway there. Pay attention. Go ahead and try and analyze it afterward. Try and not to worry about what the experience is going to be like.

Chill out and see what happens is a good way to put it. Try and have fun with it. Laugh if you can! It can be a wonderful experience! It can also dredge up negative emotions and thoughts. Try and look at this as the lesson of letting go. Let it empower you as best you can!

Any psychedelic journey is a coin toss... it's best to accept whatever comes I feel. When you can just let go and let it be what it is, there is a certain peace that can be found in the experience.

I think it's good to have a certain trepidation going into such profound experiences. I feel that shows the proper respect for these substances. Learn as much as you can about it before going into it and your analytic mind will find some comfort in as least having some knowledge before going into such a powerful experience.

It's ok to not do it too. Don't feel like you chickened out. Go when it feels comfortable to you. Go when you feel you can learn and heal. Sounds like you will know what is best for yourself. You sound like you are approaching this experience in a very healthy way.

Good luck on your journey should you wish to travel. If you don't.. that's ok too. I wish you the best in your decision!
I very much appreciate the help, as far as research on the subject goes - pretty much learned everything I can building up to the experience I believe, watched enter the void and a trip simulator when high on Friday and the experience just made me feel uncomfortable due to how my mind was trying to analyse it, gave me a sense of fear that I was unable to make sense out of something that so many seem able to. Being stoned and without actually living the experience are probably the key components here that cause my concerns, and as ya say.. I just need to go into this with an open mind and see what happens.

Really do appreciate the responses, massive anxiety relief haha
DmnStr8 said:
If you go into the whole experience with the intentions to heal and learn, you are halfway there. Pay attention. Go ahead and try and analyze it afterward. Try and not to worry about what the experience is going to be like.

Chill out and see what happens is a good way to put it. Try and have fun with it. Laugh if you can! It can be a wonderful experience! It can also dredge up negative emotions and thoughts. Try and look at this as the lesson of letting go. Let it empower you as best you can!

Any psychedelic journey is a coin toss... it's best to accept whatever comes I feel. When you can just let go and let it be what it is, there is a certain peace that can be found in the experience.

I think it's good to have a certain trepidation going into such profound experiences. I feel that shows the proper respect for these substances. Learn as much as you can about it before going into it and your analytic mind will find some comfort in as least having some knowledge before going into such a powerful experience.

It's ok to not do it too. Don't feel like you chickened out. Go when it feels comfortable to you. Go when you feel you can learn and heal. Sounds like you will know what is best for yourself. You sound like you are approaching this experience in a very healthy way.

Good luck on your journey should you wish to travel. If you don't.. that's ok too. I wish you the best in your decision!

Once again, the wise & beloved DmnStr8 nails it! I wholeheartedly agree with everything DmnStr8 says here...

I would like to add a bit more Norrok, if you don't mind, and it all boils down to what you said right here:

Norrok said:
... I try and meditate everyday to help with the overthinking and work on mindful breathing, but if I'm stoned all of my techniques fail to work and I suddenly become overly aware of my overthinking tenancies...

By all means, keep meditating every day!!! I am dead serious about this. Over time, meditation will help you let go of your overly-analytical mind and help you to appreciate it more when you actually need to use that god-given talent for the awesome tool that it is. I say this as a veteran meditator & psychonaut of nearly 40 years.

Secondly, and this comes from first-hand experience as well, don't go into the DMT journey stoned on Cannabis. Others here on the Nexus may feel differently (many share the same view though), but in my experience it is not a wise choice to make. After your trip has ended and you're back to baseline consciousness, if you feel like partaking in some Cannabis, go right ahead, but my advice to you is to save the Cannabis for other uses.

Ok, that's what I wanted to add. Otherwise, DmnStr8 stated it all most perfectly.

May we all find our Peace
Like they say intent set and setting and a clearing of the minds contents will help immensely. What I’m learning now is that the more you can “let go” the less you resist and try to judge the “better” the experience is at least in my own practice. I’m a bit of an overthinkier as well as anxious type personality so I find clearing myself and grounding myself before and after is no small help as well as this forum
However I had my first real experience a couple weeks ago and nothing you can think of or imagine will be at all close to the experience it’s of such a nature the use of language in an attempt to solidify the fluidic nature of the astral realms is futile as teaching an infant to pump gasoline for lack of metaphor
I’m a bit curious if anyone has had a similar experience to mine (ignoring my own statement above) there weren’t much for cevs at least in regards to clear and detailed but more body sensations although the “humming” and subsequent crinkling of paper and tearing of membrane were as clear as anything I’ve ever felt or heard just no visuals. I felt as though the spirit center or thousand pedal lotus was shining like the sun I felt the warmth only on the top of my head then it felt like energy was pouring in through the top of my head yet I didn’t feel my body or ego or the I, it just was. as I was out of body suddenly as I approached a white tunnel or light I felt myself be thrown back into my body and I still felt the dmt but no visuals or sensations after that just felt “weird” as well as terrified and astounded it was way too intense and I was I’ll prepared but it was so beautiful I really believe I needed it to happen how it did.
I came to find out after my digital arrived it was about 50mg dose out of a dab rig and I’m waiting to do an actual measured dose of 15-20mg and see how it goes. And since then seems my depressions more manageable as well as my anxiety and I’m more aware of the habits I have and ALOT more consciousness of myself and my actions. Point being I guess the experience is neutral what we get out of it during and after is our own ability to recrystallize the partially dissolved ego. I’m sure some would disagree. Maybe once I have more experience I can speak from a place of knowledge not one experience intuition and forums.
Best of luck to you on your journeys and may you receivers what your ready for and receive it with love and balance
Thank you friends.
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