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Mescaline Experience Summary

I have taken several factors into consideration, and although I am not giving up entirely on mescaline extraction, I have decided it would be wisest to prepare a tea from my remaining powder. If I decide to work with cactus again, I will be attempting future extractions. And considering the summer months are nearly upon us, that may be sooner rather than later. Anyway, I have 100 grams of powder remaining, of which I do not know the potency. Would you recommend that I bite the bullet and drink it all in one sitting?
un-known-ome said:
I have taken several factors into consideration, and although I am not giving up entirely on mescaline extraction, I have decided it would be wisest to prepare a tea from my remaining powder. If I decide to work with cactus again, I will be attempting future extractions. And considering the summer months are nearly upon us, that may be sooner rather than later. Anyway, I have 100 grams of powder remaining, of which I do not know the potency. Would you recommend that I bite the bullet and drink it all in one sitting?

I made my decision and stuck to it, and the cactus has offered me entry into a world that I never truly new existed nor thought could exist. I took a leap of faith, and it's no coincidence that those experiences are oft the most rewarding. I was glowing with anticipation the morning and afternoon of this trip for reasons that are not clear to me, but this is not a feeling I have had in regards to any previous experiences with other compounds.

I feel I would be doing a disservice to both myself and the San Pedro cactus if I tried to put my experience into words, but I hope that anyone who has previously worked with this or another cactus will have a grasp of what I have undergone. I would, however, like to remark on certain aspects of the trip. Amazingly, the peak of the trip did not come on until at least four hours after initially swigging the acidified cactus syrup, but I felt this allowed for ample time to consume the tea at comfortable pace. I began to doubt that the trip would ever peak. There were brief bouts of nausea on the come-up that the subsided without ever reaching uncomfortable heights. And although it has finally happened, I was beginning to become uneasy that I hadn't returned to baseline until some 20 hours after consumption, although I became functional at around the 14 hour mark. Working with tryptamines in the past, I have never been "out of it" longer than seven hours after consumption.

I don't know how much mescaline I actually put down last night, but I feel now that this is a trivial matter and that this experience would NOT have been possible if I had been so concerned with the dosage. If anyone has worked with the product from MMH&E in the past, than they can perhaps approximate the potency of the tea. This has truly set the precedent for all other psychedelic experiences IMO, and I think that I have perhaps conducted my final "experiment" with psychoactive compounds. I now seek to establish intention and context for these experiences and to better navigate these higher states of consciousness.
mew said:
but seriously im am so happy for you

Although you haven't physically been at my side, I feel like you've helped me navigate through my previous failures and now my latest success. This is was substantially more difficult to get right than orally dosing DMT, if only because that was and is so simple. I was very determined to do this, and now I understand why even if I did not know it at the time. I feel as if this spiritual journey imparted similar wisdom and was equally visionary to ayahuasca, sans the nausea, physical discomfort, and psychosis. I am saddened that so few people have either had or will have this experience. Truly this world would be a better place.
the power of cacti are infinite, like aya, mushrooms, and smoking dmt.
it takes quite a dose to see this though, and that dose takes a while.

i highly recommend getting fresh cacti as they are legal (here in the usa) to purchase for growing purposes. that way you wont be subject to persecution by ordering extracted san pedro (powder)

be safe, share light
un-known-ome said:
Working with tryptamines in the past, I have never been "out of it" longer than seven hours after consumption.
You note tryptamines above, but mescaline is a phenethylamine correct? Comparing effects and duration across classes is not really relevant, especially because the concentration of MAO enzymes particular to your body type can have a significant impact on one class vs the other. i.e. Your body may metabolize tryptamines very rapidly, but phenyl's quite slowly.

Certainly not trying to "call you out" just wanted to bring light to this point. :)

Regardless, this thread has been very informative for me personally. Thanks to you and mew for all the info as I am new to cactus extraction teks.

idtravlr said:
un-known-ome said:
Working with tryptamines in the past, I have never been "out of it" longer than seven hours after consumption.
You note tryptamines above, but mescaline is a phenethylamine correct? Comparing effects and duration across classes is not really relevant, especially because the concentration of MAO enzymes particular to your body type can have a significant impact on one class vs the other. i.e. Your body may metabolize tryptamines very rapidly, but phenyl's quite slowly.


Yes my understanding is that mescaline is a phenethylamine. What I was really meaning to say was that the duration of the mescaline trip was much longer than anything that I had previously experienced and that although it was expected, I was rather shocked at how much time passed before I returned to baseline. I had had lowered expectations from working with tryptamines. I was not making a comparison--which would be akin to comparing opiates to tryptamines--but you summed it up nicely.

I'm glad you were able to gain something from this thread...I know I did.
I was going to ask before I noticed you got your sought after effect from eating the powder if you had much to eat that day you took the extract? I think Mesc is easiest to take in the morning because it works sooo much better on an empty stomach and I'm not very good with fasting so a night trip is more difficult for me. You have to actually digest the mescaline for it take effect and the more food you have already digesting the longer the onset will take and the longer it will take to peak. And neither the onset or the peak will be as strong.
This is weird, because my microdoses have always led me to believe that a sunny day is best. I can't imagine nighttime to be better and i'm curious if my point of view starts to change after i hit the higher dose range...it just strikes me as odd.
Congrats un-known-one, these cactus are amazing and now you know.:thumb_up: The phens, however, do have long legs. I need to pre-plan all my trips because of duration. I have found that ambien will put me to sleep, but I'll wake up still a bit altered, but feeling sexy.

oblguhl wrote:
This is weird, because my microdoses have always led me to believe that a sunny day is best

What is a micro dose of cactus? All my low dose trips have been unremarkable. You get all the weird side-effects and none of the good stuff. Like you bought tickets to the circus, but watched it from outside the gate.
for entheogenic purposes (and moderate experiences) i find the night is the best. several reasons
1. less distractions from the regular world
2. the darkness lets you manifest your visions easier
3. the fasting has more intent as you spent an entire waking day building this experience up
4. since i start at sunset, it typically "ends" (enough to have a decent bearing on reality) at sunrise, which is great for breakfast
5. typically it isolates those willing to put in the day of fasting and weeds out those with inferior intent, letting your company be truly genuine
6. it is a ritual that i am biased to

for "fun" anytime is good as long as you stay under 700mg (ime) i like to take cactus or mesc at shows or on a nice sunny day. but the night is always more intense of an experience for me

i microdosed during the day for the sake of the drugs duration, letting me get a normal sleep at night so my schedule wouldnt be disrupted. but when one wants entheogenic value ones schedule should be modified to accomodate such a moving experience.
landfishd said:
I was going to ask before I noticed you got your sought after effect from eating the powder if you had much to eat that day you took the extract? I think Mesc is easiest to take in the morning because it works sooo much better on an empty stomach and I'm not very good with fasting so a night trip is more difficult for me. You have to actually digest the mescaline for it take effect and the more food you have already digesting the longer the onset will take and the longer it will take to peak. And neither the onset or the peak will be as strong.

I'm not particularly good at fasting but I have fasted for as many as five consecutive days in the past year. It took discipline, but at the same time I was admittedly using pseudo-ephedrine, which I still have mixed feelings about. Either way, it's a miracle substance, and I'm going to be resuming my diet/exercise regimen in the near future. On the one hand, I know from pervious experience that it works, but on the other hand, it makes me feel cracked out and makes my temperament volatile when I'm the most even-keeled person I know. It's only a recent discovery for me and I truly don't need it, but now that I've used it something would feel like it's missing...sigh.

Anyway, all I'd had that day was a tuna salad salad (no typo) in the AM. Otherwise I only drank water and iced tea up until nine hours after I drank the cactus, so taking that into consideration I believed the peak would have come along much sooner than it did. It was incredibly sneaky, and I had resigned myself to the fact that my trip was never going to soar to the heights that I had imagined. I was with a friend who was originally supposed to be a sober sitter, but he came through with an acid connection and even though this was hours after I drank the tea, he was up and down again well before I was baseline.

Berzerker said:
Congrats un-known-one, these cactus are amazing and now you know. The phens, however, do have long legs. I need to pre-plan all my trips because of duration. I have found that ambien will put me to sleep, but I'll wake up still a bit altered, but feeling sexy.

I originally created this thread for a trip I'd had on some poorly extracted mescaline HCl, which was very non-psychedelic, made me feel dehydrated, made me stimulated, and left me with an uncomfortable headache the next day. It was a failure, but at least I had an idea of what I was getting myself into so I was able to plan ahead. Curiously, I felt much more sedated from the cactus tea, which was from the same vendor. Since that has been my only other experience, it's nigh impossible for me to gauge what intensity/plateau of a mescaline experience this was or how much I had, but I felt that while it manifested itself differently and took me to a different place, it easily rivaled the power of ayahausca.
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