SWIM has been using a lot of mescaline lately in low doses. It’s a fantastic experience even in low doses. SWIM takes it with strong coffee. It has a synergistic effect with coffee.
It does feel very similar to LSD in some ways. SWIM feels it’s closer to the effects of LSD than mushrooms or DMT.
It’s so friendly and heart warming. You almost feel like the mescaline is hugging you, making you all cozy and excited. Your body feels fantastic. It’s a very smooth experience.
It’s really difficult to put into words what makes mescaline so unique.
With a small dose, you’ll be smiling all day, feeling energetic and happy, warm hearted. It’s great on a summer day. In this way it’s similar to LSD sort of. But with LSD you feel like something exciting is about to happen, there’s a mild “butterflies” feeling in the stomach, sort of a mild stage fright, but it’s pleasant. With mescaline you feel more like things are exactly as they should be, in perfect natural harmony. You don’t feel something exciting is about to happen, instead you feel more content and happy with things as they are. It feels so natural and warm. LSD has some slight coffee like qualities, in that it stimulates the intellect, while mescaline stimulates your loving qualities more. What I mean is that, with mescaline, you feel more comfortable being with loved ones. It’s as if you can feel the love more and so can the people around you.
At higher doses, the mental psychedelic effects that start to kick in are very unique. You get a lot of insight. People will almost look new to you, and yet very familiar at the same time. You’ll notice things in people and nature you may have never noticed before. That part is sort of LSD-like. But with LSD, you feel a sense of excitement and awe, as if you’re about to look behind the curtains of reality, but you never quite do. With mescaline you feel more like God is present and God is smiling down on you because things are exactly the way they should be. You don’t feel like you’re about to see something you shouldn’t be seeing, but you fee like your seeing what’s meant for you to see. It’s very different. It’s hard to explain exactly. I’m not sure if I’m really getting the point across, but I’m trying.
For SWIM, LSD feels sort of taboo. Sort of like you’re seeing things in a way that God never meant for man to see. But with mescaline, you feel like God is directly showing you things. LSD feels so man made, so metallic and electric while mescaline feels warm and loving and more spiritual. It’s not because it’s natural either. 5-MeO-DMT is just as natural as mescaline, and yet it feels very alien, more so than LSD.
The visuals of mescaline are very unique. Things look soft and sort of like they have a halo around them. Wood becomes alive, more so than with LSD. You can see the wood grain sliding around. It’s quite dramatic. With LSD, patterns are more prevalent, but with mescaline, the environment tends to morph more. With mescaline, looking at a painting, you’re more likely to see the painting start to move. With LSD, you’re more likely to see patterns form on the painting or see the colors flashing.
At higher doses, mescaline can be a little creepy. You can be visited by spirits of all kinds. I don’t think many people have taken high doses of mescaline. The hallucinogenic effects at high doses can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to do anything at all but sit and watch your spiritual visions manifest before your eyes. At very high doses it’s a heavy experience, heavier than LSD in many ways, but almost always a very rewarding spiritual journey.
I think what really separates mescaline from the other major psychedelics is the sense of great empathy it gives you, coupled with the sense of love you feel emanating from nature and God. This is why mescaline is always said to be a “warm” and “friendly” psychedelic.
It’s too bad people are put off by the rumor that mescaline always causes nausea. SWIM never gets nausea from mescaline. People who easily get cyber sickness or motion sickness are more likely to get nausea form mescaline because things can look like they’re moving all around you even when you’re sitting completely still. That can trigger nausea in some people.