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Until recently this was the only place where consumption method & associated ritual could fit:

[ https:// forum.dmt-nexus.me/forums/other.76/ ]

Preparations and Methods of Administration - Other

So i must conclude you're actually quite privileged to initiate this present one.  Bravo!  👏

Good idea, cannabis users registered here certainly needed it for many years!!

Hummm...  There are two contextual elements i can gather from these hints:  #1) you're smokers;  #2) your paraphernalia market is slovenian.  Please correct those assumptions if wrong.  🕵️‍♂️

As an ex-smoker (& former hashich consumer myself) i can only regret not taking better advantage from « hot knives » after being initiated.  But it was decades ago and all i cared about was the buzz, while the rest had very little importance except some quest to get « more with less ».

Below we can see my venerable « Tokeu », made of a hollow tube terminated by a flexible membrane on the right side which caused hashich smoke to stay inside until i started to inhale:

This proved being a major vilification vector but that felt convenient at the time, because before i had a habit of burning holes in my clothing and this saved a lot of T-shirts once adopted, not to mention i could relax horizontally and never mind for an ashtray...  The trick with that was to inhale at intervals close enough to prevent extinction, at 1st, then i discovered i could benefit from such inconvenient by fractioning my "joint" consumption so to do more with less exactly.

Silly me, nobody cared to make me understand that i was actually sacrificing nearly half the noble molecules to fire simply to vaporize the other half.  Moreover, i was even ruining the taste with secondary/tertiary combustion by-products, but i didn't care back then!  So it stayed with me until the summer of 2007, when i decided to quit smoking definitely to never look back again.

A few years passed thinking i'd never enjoy cannabis again but Providence permitted that i became aware of vaporism after investigating the e-Cig market with an altruist intention to offer one of those new electronic cigarettes as gift to another smoker.  This was a revelation, an epiphany!  My vaporist initiation occurred the next day after St-Valentin of 2011 using an HerbalAire, which is a canadian device.  That thing worked best with dry flowers and just the smell from golden goo rising inside its vertical teflon tube gave me psycho-somatic effects...  I was blissed!!  Yet a couple more years were necessary for me to gather the basics of vaporism, after that one could say i got seriously involved, for example with this experiment trying to decide which of cold/warm and dry/moist "vapour" i might like better:

[ https:// forum.dmt-nexus.me/threads/fogbong.370709/ ]

FogBong! (2024-Sep-17)

Lets just say i got blissed again, so much this convinced me i had to adapt the VaporGenie pipe because of its self-generated moisturization in a portable format (from clean-burning butane)...  As a result another series of experiments took place which i tried to keep on-line since the spring of 2013, including here:

[ https:// forum.dmt-nexus.me/threads/semi-diy-pulse-heating-transformation-based-on-vaporgenie-classic-bronze-sherlock.359672/ ]

Semi-DiY Pulse-Heating transformation (based on VaporGenie Classic/Bronze Sherlock) [2019-May-19]

Yes, more than one.  Here's what i was going to purchase before i changed my mind in favour of the HerbalAire, but this is still about vaporism:


The glass adapter no longer exists, as for the Heat Gun i recall one major motive to get that specific brand/model used to be about airflow speed which could be set to 3.6 cfm...  But my local reseller sent an e-mail raising his pricetag so much i abandoned that plan definitely, the year was 2010.

Today my perspective differs radically as it begins with the origin of our common challenge instead of its finality (the buzz):

[ https://forum.dmt-nexus.me/media/albums/vaporist-corner.31/ ]

On my way to emancipation i also learned to appreciate dame Nature's most precious gift, which is a type of beauty revealed under the microscope that works similarily to an encrypted key.  Tampering with it as indu$trial$ do typically results in visible VILIFICATION, so i came to adopt this simple slogan as my favourite vaporist rule:  to « follow the shortest path of lesser transformation »...  Which means hashich is no longer a desirable option to me, especially now that our so-called "legal" state MONOPOLY the SQdC (a "filiale" of the SAQ serving our alcohol market, another monopoly...) restricted access to concentrates actually made of something else to a level of 70 %!  In other words the new "dealer" is worse and i can't pretend our dry flowers are much better, but at least the lack of respect and excess of greed are easier to evaluate at 100 X magnification than hashich quality.  YMMV!

Good day, have fun!!  ☮️

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