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MHRB/PH aya brew final reduction to "jam" using honey

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello amigos

I´m about to perform my 2nd anahuasca brew using 30 grs of MHRB powder and 30 grs of Syrian Rue seeds
simmer 3x 120 minutes and a final reduction with 125ml Honey. 500 ml of water in each simmer.
I`m boiling them in separated pots till the final reduction.
The idea is to obtain something around 10-12 dosis out of it.
My question is how much could I reduce the final brew?
I`ve seen peruvian ayahuasca reduced to a "jam" so potent that 1 single teaspoon will be enought to send anybody to the spirit wold. And also it was much easier to ingest.
Have anybody around tryed something like this?
I would sincerely appreciate any advise.
There's something very attractive about an ayahuasca jam/honey :shock:

I find that both rue and potent bark source plants (ie. mimosa & acacia) will reduce a lot. The brew will be very strong and bitter but not too thick if strained properly beforehand.

If you're mixing it with honey, you may want to add the honey in during the final moments of the reduction process and gradually cook it down into thicker honey.

I think a true jungle ayahuasca brew would be an excellent candidate for turning into a jam. I've had some vine brews that tasted and smelled sweet, and which had a thick nearly syrupy consistency. Of course this would be with at least 200 grams of vine making not much ayahuasca brew...
So my cat took advantage of my plan again.
He finally did 3 washes of 80 minutes keeping MHRB and Rue in separated pots. Added some vinegar to every wash. Filtering after each wash and now he`s doing the last reduction of both liquids together (1200ml) with 200 grs of Honey.

After 1 hour or so the brew is still simmering. And I´m curious about how much could this brew be reduced.

Thanks kerelsk. Have you ever try to reduce a brew to a jam?
mexico-magico said:
... and now he`s doing the last reduction of both liquids together (1200ml) with 200 grs of Honey.

.... And I´m curious about how much could this brew be reduced.

If you added 200 grs honey, i doubt you'll reduce it much less than that.
Never intentionally made a jam from a brew, but I have made caapi brews reduce so far down that they were almost caramelized and very sweet. Certainly depends on the source vine, but some seem like they're almost made for it.
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