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Micro Dose of Iboga and Caapi Combo

Migrated topic.


so ive been having a hard time for the past few months(10) and didnt even realize the toll it was taking on my health..mental physical and spiritual.

so yesterday i decided that i was gonna start drinking low doses of caapi tea a few times a day..with a pinch of peppermint in there for some extra flavor..it was rather nice..and i made some more this morning..

then out of nowhere..i decided to take 250mg of iboga...and a little bit of my caapi tea(the tea is weak..only 10g used..and i havent even finished it all yet)

anyway...about 1.5 hours after taking the iboga(i capped it)..i started to feel effects..

and now..almost two hours later..i feel fantastic...i have energy..i feel connected to everything around me..my vision is bright and energetic..and some mild OEV's if i look at the right stuff..such as the ground..

i feel great...i feel like ive been saving this iboga for just this reason...for healing and reconnecting to who i really am..i needed this medicine and i didnt even know it..until the few million molecules started bouncing off my receptors..

my plan from now on is that im going to reduce my dose to 200mg iboga(so i dont run out so fast) and take it with a mild caapi tea every day for a month...my plan is to drink very little alcohol..i personally dont feel like i want it at all..and just work on getting my feet back on the ground...and listening to my inner voice of guidance..

this is truly a remarkable plant..and i cant believe how gentle and warm it feels...ive fallen in love..with myself..all over again..and this time i feel like im going to go farther than i have ever imagined..

the quest continues... :D

edit: one thing i would like to mention is that it can be dangerous to mix harmala alkaloids with iboga alkaloids..but since this is such a low dose of both..i feel its relatively safe FOR ME...i cant really recommend this combo because it could be dangerous for YOU...but so far..the effects are mild and gentle..USE CAUTION as always
[quote="Jorkest]edit: one thing i would like to mention is that it can be dangerous to mix harmala alkaloids with iboga alkaloids..but since this is such a low dose of both..i feel its relatively safe FOR ME[/quote]
Why is it dangerous? I have heard it said, but may it just be a rumor? At low doses like you are taking, it probably would be quite safe. But I'd like to hear any reasons for it being unsafe.

Also looking forward to hearing how it goes.
well im not sure...i might change up my dosing..like taking two doses a day of 100mg of the bark..with caapi tea all day and whatnot...but so far..i feel fantastic..and i feel a very positive upswing coming my way..im just so excited that 250mg were actually noticeable!!
well dagger i have read some reports of people taking harmalas with iboga..and having not soo good experiences..and i guess that since it sorta acts as a SSRI..combining high doses with harmalas could cause some problems...like combining kanna and caapi(which i have done at low doses with no ill effects)

but i figured i would just put up that warning just so people dont think its absolutely safe to take these two powerful substances...because we just dont really know if there could be damage caused by it...

but so far...i feel great...ive been drinking caapi all day...and its wonderful..i almost want to take some more iboga..and get another wave like i did at the beginning...maybe ill drop it down to 150mg just so i dont use up my very limited stockpile
250mg barely fits in a normal capsule..not a big one...the pile if slightly clumped is about the size of a quarter...i find it very enjoyable

i actually just took another 200mg..and can already feel the effects..ive been drinking low dose caapi tea most of the day..and id have to say i feel EFFING fantastic!!

im so excited i started working with this plant...its got something so deep and subtle to it..that i cant even explain...

and caapi and iboga seem like old friends...but since the dose is so low i havent felt any negative side effects...i feel very good..calm...awake...alert..just mild blurring of the vision..and tactile senses are affected as well mildly..
so ive been having a hard time for the past few months(10) and didnt even realize the toll it was taking on my health..mental physical and spiritual.

So are you referring to TOO much alcohol.
And if so may I ask how much you are drinking?
Alcohol, namely beer drinking is something I have been challenged by, this is why I ask.

The hardest part is one realizes that one doesn't even really want to stop because of the comfort a certain substance provides, vs its toll on the body.

It is sad to me that we/I wait sometimes until negative health effects manifest to actually resolve to fight certain addictions.
well it DOES have some to do with alcohol..but not entirely...my gf has a psychotic break last fall..that really confused the both of us..and also caused a lot of problems for our relationship..because she went home to live with her mother..then in the mean time..she was a few hundred miles away and it was really hard for me to go see her because i have also been very very broke..the economy in my area is based off of hard physical labor..and im not a huge guy and i have hurt myself trying to work to ahrd...just to get by..

so being broke and depressed living alone..and the only solace was beer..and weed...granted i do like to drink..but most of the time i dont get tooo drunk..i just drink for long periods of time..usually beer..but then in the passed six weeks..me and my gf broke up..but shes now living with me too..which has caused some problems, we are still friends..but she needs a place to live so shes renting my little cabin..but she mostly stays with me just because its easier and more comfortable..i also broke my hand the day she got back..

and because i broke my hand i lost my job..then i had to have surgery on the hand which is gonna cost me about $10,000..and recently i got arrested out of dumb luck..20 seconds of waiting would have kept me from getting arrested..stupid arrest if i might add...so now i have to go to court..and pay fines and fees...so there has just been an insane amount of bad crap going on lately..and it keeps hitting me in waves..but im working hard to get my feet back on the ground

so while alcohol does have some to do with it..its also a bunch of dumb crap happening at the perfect moments to keep slapping me down..so thats why i decided to do something about it..and start working with these medicines...and i am already feeling better about it all..because those events were there to push me to start working with these plants
Oh jorkest you magical little whatever the hell you avatar is...your a hero in DMT land..you cosmic legend..I hope the iboga brings you more super powers brother:d
The doses taken by bwiti and the ones used for addiction interuption are really quite large, something I didn't really appreciate at first.
Actually Bwiti people after initiation use iboga in such low doses as a stimulant. SWIM's ex GF is living in Gabon where she was initiated.
She is a dancer and said that she was using low doses to stimulate her mentally and physically, after the initiation as many others initiated to bwiti.

Unlike ayahuasca, where the healing is generally a long process where the participant use the brew for a extensive period of time, a few days of full blown Iboga initiation is known to reset somebody for good. There is no need to repeat the full breakthough session if done properly.

This is why so many addictions center are opening around the world using Iboga or its alcaloids. There is something in ibogaine that is thought to reset certain connections in the brain. We have heard of a few haphahardous accidents where the person after the iboga cure decided to take heroin again and did a deadly overdose.

His body was made virgin from opiates and what was a very safe dose for him before the iboga rite, become a deadly one. This kind off accident happened only once or twice among hundreds and hundreds of healing but was sufficient to make Iboga and Ibogaïne illegal in france. This is very sad but once again, when partaking to this kind of cure, one has to fellow to the letter the health and safety recommendations of the healer in charge.

The only thing is Iboga is known to be unsafe when combined with some other substances.
We need to research along other forum and such to find out if low doses are used or if there are any conter-indication between caapi tea (low) and low dose of iboga.

Be well Jorkest !
well i had some strange dreams last night where at the end i was being guided through this strange research center by a large purple yetish sort of thing...that had colored feathers around his neck..and every scene that i was in he would slightly transform into a different looking version of himself..very interesting character

anyway..i have read some reports about being combining large doses of harmala alkaloids with large doses of iboga...the effects were unpleasant for most people that tried it..but nobody was injured in anyway...also i have combined harmala alkaloids with some "unsavory" candidates...such as MDA, Kanna, mescaline and maybe some others...and i know the feeling of too much pretty well..and so far i feel like im safely under the level of dangerous..but i will be testing this very carefully...and personally would like to hear more from some Iboga experts..im sure most will say not to combine them..but might also say that microdoses are safe

but the main thing is to know your body and to listen to it...if its saying..oh SHIT this is too much then stop...and if starts to feel dangerous..ill get out the activated charcoal...mix up some nice clean water with it and down the hatch..and then back up the hatch...i really doubt it will come to this..

also just like to say that i woke up with tons of energy...feeling really nice and playful...will be interested to see how it feels to take more today...lovely stuff...:D
I've been thinking about using a source of ibogain as additive in ayahuasca brews because traditionally, ayawasquero's sometimes use a plant called shiric sanango as an admixture in their brews and that plant contains ibogain.
At the same time i'm a bit wary of it because the dose would have to be as low as possible to be sure to stay on the safe side.

From what i've read about ibogain so far, i know that for some unknown reason, ibogain greatly amplifies the effects of almost all other psychotropics. And this probably cannot be atrributed solely to it's MAO-inhibiting effects. It also enhances the effects of substances that are unnafected by MAOI. Ofcourse this could have to do with higher levels of dopamine and serotonin as a result of it's MAOI effect, but i've never heard that any type of MAOI could amplify the effects of for instance cannabis up to more than twice it's potency, and according to user reports i've read, that is exactly what ibogain is capable of.

Ibogain also appears to have a therapeutic effect that gradually builds up over time when it's used on a daily base in dosages too small to have hallucinogenic effects.
People struggling with addictions say that they gradually become aware of the fact that they no longer need a certain substance and this can include all kinds of stuff people get addicted to. Some people start using it to combat a heroin addiction, to find out that besides heroin, they also no longer need cigarettes or sugar. People start eating healthier food because they find that they no longer need to eat all the unhealthy junk food they've been eating all their life.

So first of all: the combination of iboga and caapi isn't as far fetched as it initially may seem to some and there may be significant synergy's between them. And secondly: the effects of ibogain may be even more spectacular than they seem to be at first. It probably interfere's with mechanisms of addiction on a much deeper level than most people suspected it to. From the reports i've read it seems as if it has very profound effects on the psychological mechanisms of addiction as well. I wouldn't be surprised if it could cure people from gambling and TV addictions as well.
Hey Jorkest, I'm sorry to hear so much crap has been flying at you recently, I hope things get better, I like you and your contributions to this forum. 8)

I think your idea of mixing of micro-doses of caapi tea and Iboga root bark is a very interesting one indeed. I have a friend in Oz who has experienced very deep healing from using ayahuasca and Iboga, although he was using much larger doses of both, but spaced apart with weeks in between.

However, I think the harmala alkloids and the Iboga alkaloids may have some similarities. While Iboga is a very unique plant, for me a flood dose does in some ways resemble a very large dose of caapi alone. In fact, my last ayahuasca experience was one of my most powerful, and at the peak, it felt like I was back in the Iboga trance! I was amazed at the similarities, and I got the distinct impression that this was the caapi's touch. Bear in mind there had been around half a years gap between this and my last Iboga experience. So I think as long as one treads carefully, these actually might be quite compatible medicines.

Based on personal experience, there is no doubt that Iboga has long term beneficial effects. My 'afterglow' peaked around a month after my initiation! A subtle yet tangible lowering of anxieties, and an increase in positive feelings. Since my initiation this time last year, I have not been affected by negative or depressive feelings in the same way. Sure I get down and shit still happens (that's life etc.), but I can never stay in despair for long, I very quickly get bored of that state and move on. New life opportunities and experiences continue to open up, and Iboga taught me to leap upon these, and cultivate them where possible. Iboga seems to bestow the gift of hope more than any other shamanic plant. Ibogaine is converted to norIbogaine, which hangs around in body tissues for weeks or months, exerting an antidepressant and anti-addictive effect, and Ibogaine also increases levels of Glial cell-lined derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in the long term, a neuroprotective protein which itself has been identified as having antidepressant and anti-addictive effects (Carnicella & Ron 2008.)

Carnicella, S. & Ron, D. (2008.) GDNF - A potential target to treat addiction. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 122, (1), 9-18.
so..for an update...this is my 4th day taking iboga..i took another 200mg today..but ive found that my dreams are getting weirder and weirder...not horrible..just strange dreams...i woke up to people being blown up by an RPG!! and when i opened my eyes..i had these really cool but strange visual disturbance...it was like the outlines of everything sorta jumped away from the objects...like a flicker...its happened at least two mornings so far..it also happens when i stretch but not as pronounced...and it also happens when i blink..

its pretty cool!! im still dealing with some depression..but the caapi and iboga do help...but its also got a lot to do with how i have been thinking about my life..and what im doing..

ive just been trying to relax and rest myself...not doing a whole lot and not leaving the house...havent really gone anywhere in like 5 days..but its been a good way for me to figure out whats going on in my head..

ive smoked some weed and the iboga greatly increases the effects..its actually very nice..smoking little tiny bits and getting sometimes more than i want or expect

im gonna stick with this for a long time..it seems to be helping...and my mind has been working very well too
That is amazing, jorkest! I have been wanting to try iboga for a long time and want to try something similar to you, as in taking small doses daily (not sure if i'll take the caapi with it though). I have been reaserching this substance for over a year and can say it seems like the medicine i need in my life. Great to hear you are having positive effects from it. Keep us posted!

The Traveler said:
69ron said:
At such a small dose of iboga do the effects still last several days?

That was exactly what I was wondering, keep us updated Jork!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
From SWIM experience on little doses (up to 5 grams) the effects were not felt for days. Just a few hours. From my understanding, Iboga last much longer when one has full experience (breakthrough experience).
Some poeple use it in such small doses to hunt and do some sacred and special work out there (in gabon) after their initiation.
i think i took yesterday off..and also today..and im still feeling the effects...i still have the visual effects..what it looks like is light ripples coming off the edges of everything..its very quick and flickering...perhaps im just very sensitive to this substance..but i am most certainly feeling the effects still..
another thing i want to mention is that my dreams have been absolutely stunning..they are sooooo realistic and i can remember most of it when i wake up...the last two nights i have realized i am dreaming while dreaming...the first night i didnt become entirely lucid..even though i was asking dream characters if i was dreaming...and of course everytime i asked that question they would ignore me...and every time i pointed out something that could only happen in dreams was ignored..but last night i did become lucid..for quite awhile really..im still learning some control..but i was able to fly around for awhile..which is always exhilarating and was also able to 'hook up' with a dream chick..which is also very fun ;)

so far i would have to say the iboga and caapi combo has opened up my dreams more than anything..i also smoked some dmt three nights ago..and had a wonderful experience...and i have also been having a super difficult time lately...mostly girl issues...and ihave been able to calm down much faster than usual..and i feel pretty good right now

also when i smoke weed..i usually get way way way more powerful effects than i usually do..

and this is two or three days after my last iboga dose

i have always been extremely sensitive to these chemicals...so other people might not get these same kinds of effects from such small amounts..but im pretty shocked at how strong the effects have been..and also how long they have lasted...every time i take caapi now it reminds me of iboga..and whenever i take iboga it reminds me of caapi

i feel a real synergy between the two..if used in small doses i feel its completely safe...obviously take care as you would with any combo or new drug..but because of getting to know this plant in small doses..i am losing my fear of it..i respect it..and am very grateful for its medicine..but my fear is gone..it has a way of releasing the fear..or just taking a lot of it out of the equation..

a super interesting substance and one i feel im going to get to know very well...thank you iboga and caapi...you will be my friends forever
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