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Micro-dosing Ayahuasca

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Has anyone tried this?

Like taking a sip from a cup of ayahuasca instead of drinking the whole cup. Must be similar to 15 mg of smoked DMT instead of 60? IDK, just thought of this and just like with other psychedelics may be super cool, slightly functional, and beneficial.
It would have to be brewed as a DMT microdose tea....

You will still need a certain threshold of Harmala MAOI to activate ANY of the DMT....

If you don't have enough Harmala, the DMT won't work at all... so if you take a sip of a standard brew, you won't get enough Harmala to make the DMT work...

Can make a brew that has "enough" Harmala per serving, but only a small dose of DMT....

CosmicLion said:
It would have to be brewed as a DMT microdose tea....

You will still need a certain threshold of Harmala MAOI to activate ANY of the DMT....

If you don't have enough Harmala, the DMT won't work at all... so if you take a sip of a standard brew, you won't get enough Harmala to make the DMT work...

Can make a brew that has "enough" Harmala per serving, but only a small dose of DMT....


Listen to this Lion, his advice is sagely. He is all knowing. Praise be the Cosmic Lion, for he is made of golden splendor.
Psilocybin doesn't run into the problem of being metabolized by MAO. So it's a great choice, alone or in conjunction with harmalas, as a supplemental neurotransmitter. :)
dreamer042 said:
Psilocybin doesn't run into the problem of being metabolized by MAO. So it's a great choice, alone or in conjunction with harmalas, as a supplemental neurotransmitter. :)

I've heard from some of the researchers that micro-dosing psilocybin is best if you only do it about once every 3 days.

I am also curious on the effects of 5-ht downregulation of DMT vs Psilocybin

If Harmala + DMT up-regulate 5-ht and if this is in large part due to the Harmala....

...then does an active dose of Harmala negate and even override the slight down-regulation of the psilocybin microdose, thus making it inconsequential?

I'd imagine a full dose of psilocybin still downregulates, even with harmala, otherise we would be able to take harmala + shrooms every day with no tolerance (as can be done with Ayahuasca)... but I bet the microdose can be negated with the upregulation of the Harmala.

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