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(Micro)dosing harmala's

Migrated topic.
I did several microdosing session, generally daily for 1 month. Dosage ranged 0.1 to 0.3g...
I generally boil 100g 3x3h, then reduce it so 1 drop = 0.1g . I add a slpach of vodka so it doesn't go bad. ( or take extracts ; or 10-25mg harmalas salts). I prefer the full spectrum, but extracts have an interesting vibrance.

It's really interesting. But depending the brew/the seeds, it can be tricky to use. It can trigger a lot of stuff, bring difficult emotion to the surface ( & provide the mindset to process it ... yet it can get intense). Generally, the first week is the most difficult, then it stabilize. But sometimes i had to give up, it was making my life too rocky.
Some batch are more sleepy, other more stimulating ; it can influeence if i can take it either at night or in the morning. It can give amazing dreams. Or keep me in meditation state all night with no sleep. I generally feel my body regenerated and fully relax in the morning.
It is my most revered meditation teacher, over any "human" teaching. I love it.
I'm quite suprise by the high dosage mentioned here. 1g to 5g / day is a lot for most people ! But if it works for you , great =) i would not recommend to a beginner thou

I'm always careful spreading info about harmalas, as idiots could easily "forget" they dose themself, and mix with uncompatible compound...

Harmal is so underated !
Several times i’ve gone on a week long fast where every 8 hours or so id take about 300-400mg to 1000-1200mg of rue seed powder in capsule form depending on the situation at the moment along a very tiny amount of salt and a large cup of herbal teas and lime juice with several other powders such as cloves, star anise, cardamom, turmeric and black pepper, fennels, ginger… or double extracts of medicinal mushrooms etc… i would also drink wheatgrass shots everyday and basically walk around the forested mountains and meditate for the duration of the week, the experience in its entirety reached many peak experiences and also very stable clarity and flow during the rest of the times, i seldom slept but was able to rest deeply and recover, and the core of the changes are long lasting and continue to this day which is almost 3 years later, and lately ive been wondering if i could find a way to continue such a way while eating meals, which may allow for indefinite continuation
I presently drink 5g of rue tea every evening usually during my meditations. If for some reason I am unable to drink my tea, then I will orally take some freebase harmalas. This has been consistent for about a year. I started with 3.5g and over time worked my way to 5g. I tried 6g a few weeks ago and got rocked. For me, when a rue experience is "too much," I tend to become more nauseated and have an internal sense of movement that can become disorienting, but can lead to some very deep states of consciousness. They can sometimes be hard to sustain due to intensity. I have purged on just rue as well.

I have noticed the following as I've traveled down this path: increased resiliency in life and with regard to life events, better and longer investment in my meditation practice, better sense of well-being, improved immunity, centered/balanced more often, better gut management (such as in psychedelic states; I haven't purged from DMT or changa in a while), and better clarity.

It seems apt to say that my sensitivities have increased to light and psychedelics, but I'm also hypersensitive anyway. I do notice an impact and mitigation of this increased sensitivity by the increase in resilience.

I'm very pleased with my bond and relationship to rue. It's opened a lot of doors and helped in my healing process and treading my path.

One love

Bravo 👏

I have endured two stints of roughly 5g per night maxing at 5/6 days.

The first stint several months ago I posted about after taking a hiatus from the nexus.

In both periods, the last night rocked me deeply which caused cessation of consumption. Similar to Aya ime, it was getting more bitter and harder to bare each day. Disimilar to wachuma, he got literally sweet the more I embraced him.

I know it is a medicine (Haoma) which can help me tremendously. Recalleth I an experience of my subtle body breathing in chanting Haoma. As real as real can be real (I feel).

I have yet to add anything to rue, not even ganja. I wonder if the 5 will change the way rue feels. I don't think it will but I suppose I could get surprised.
I thought that I had a thread entitled ongoing Syrian rue reporting which I currently am unable to find. I was going to post there but instead will post here.

I had an experience with a micro dose of rue (or two) (sub 500mg) along with 25-75mg mush. The two seem to synergize well and may one day go hero but not today. I could feel the medicine working as if it was a vortex in my lower centers. I had an emotionally significant dream which was far more vivid (nearly lucid) than any other dream I've had recently. I recall learning that often dreams are intended to generate an emotional response as to process whatever the content material is. Often one will awaken before such occurs hence the reoccurring dream phenonomology. The journaling of it caused additional emotion to emerge which was appreciated.

Initially I was moved to burn rue, boswellia, and mugwort which I couldnt help but to inhale a moderate amount consciously. The three changed the crunchyish vibe I landed home with. I can see why there is love for the processes of burning these sacreds as a means to change energy within and without.
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