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Micro Dosing Psilocybin to Help with Anxiety/Depression

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all, I have had some minor experiences micro dosing with psilocybin and am in particular interested in its effects treating depression and anxiety. I have done a fair amount of reading on the subject and would like anybodies opinion on the matter who wishes to share.

Here is the deal, long story short I met a kid (18 years old) who told me a story, I have always been a good judge of character and pick up bullshit easily, so to keep this simple I believe him and see no reason why he would lie to me. He has been raped by a group of men for the past 4 years, this has recently stopped as he is living far from them now. I think because of his social-economic status little has been done by the authorities to bring about justice. From what I can gather the kid is on mood stabilisers, anti-psychotics and anti-depressants (my opinion, I have known a lot of 'crazy' people in my life and have a relative knack for this sorta shit). It is my opinion that the drugs he is on work to a very limited degree to really help, what they do do is make him a more manageable patient. I am going to try and find this person tomorrow and have a lot to talk about. I am wondering if psilocybin would help, if it can stack onto his medication or if it is better done without (I got the impression he was only doped up and on meds because he just got out of the psych ward, and will probably stop soon) or could it aggravate the situation?? Like most broken people I meet he has done a fair amount of drugs, just not psychedelics.

There are other avenues which I am working on helping this person with, this is just one and I need more information regarding above before proceeding.

Also, if there is some sort of underlying psychosis how would the micro dosing play into all of that?

I will find out more tomorrow hopefully, and can find out what medications he is on and how much etc.

Much love :)
Being moved to help this person is wonderful, I do want to say - and don't take it the wrong way - to not be attached to ah outcome on your part. Getting involved with another's emotional state and well being can be an act of loving compassion, but if the benefactor becomes emotionally wrapped up in another's state, well they can get wrapped up in it.

That said, I have experience with ptsd, depression and anxiety and have found psilocybin by far the most helpful outside aid to combat it. On a more pharmacological level, micro dosing is an excellent mood elevator /stabilizer and I feel myself lifted out of the physical depression that accompanies my emotional one (i sleep when down) and that allows me to become active and participate in life. My typical regimen is: for 4 days out of a week, take 0.5 grams cubensis. Lay off 3, do again. Those 4 days may not even be consecutive and that number is only an average. One of the great things about it is the unnecessarity of strict dosing regimen. The only constant for me is dose, and the 0.5g is only my personal dose ;what I found works through experimentation.

My supply of mushrooms is spotty at best, an inability to self - produce them and the economic viability of a continuous supply (if that breaks rules mods, let me know, I tried to be careful) is to daunting to keep it up ever for very long. My longest period was several months after a good fall wild harvest. (got my scissors ready for this year, curious what your temperate summer here in Cascadia is going to produce this autumn - I digress. . .)

Larger, psychedelic doses are a different thing, and very rare for me,about once a year. They are tours of my self, through whatever levels my guide (my Higher Self) determines I am bound for. Psilocybin is very gentle with me when I approach it with deep respect, and I find it very beneficial for working out deep emotional issues with the benefit of having the detached compassion for myself that my Higher Self imparts.

This is all of course, my anecdote, and every persons utility of these things is different. I have, as I implied, suffered trauma but nothing anywhere near what your friend has. I am comfortable in the psychedelic realm, and familiar with it, I think that has always helped me with my work with them. So take all this seasoned with salt.

I wish you and your friend peace, it sounds as if you're both in for some stormy weather to get there but if you keep love as your motivator and compassion your tool, you should all be fine. Be good to you.
null24 said:
Larger, psychedelic doses are a different thing, and very rare for me,about once a year. They are tours of my self, through whatever levels my guide (my Higher Self) determines I am bound for. Psilocybin is very gentle with me when I approach it with deep respect, and I find it very beneficial for working out deep emotional issues with the benefit of having the detached compassion for myself that my Higher Self imparts.

Just curious, what would start to happen if you started to do larger doses more frequently? Say once per week? What symptoms would manifest? Why would it be uncomfortable for you?

P.S. Spores are easy to find, PF cakes are easy to make... No reason why you couldn't start your own supply ;)
or rather weak cubensis..or high tolerance. .5 grams is not a big dose at all, but it will produce psychedelic effects for many people.
ganesh said:
null24 said:
0.5 grams cubensis.
Surely that's low dose, rather than micro dosing?
I've even met people for whom that is quite an effective dosis.

In order to conserve the mushrooms' potency, it is necessary to dry them until they are truly crispy and can be powedered by merely pressing between the fingers. Failing to properly dry to actual crispiness will cause noticeable loss of potency withing weeks already. You'll also notice the typical stale mushroom smell appearing as a sign of degradation.

A propos the subject, I always thought that microdoses are supposed to be sub-threshold doses? Anything over the threshold (typically 10 mg for psilocin) I would instead call minidosing.
pitubo said:
ganesh said:
null24 said:
0.5 grams cubensis.
Surely that's low dose, rather than micro dosing?
I've even met people for whom that is quite an effective dosis.

In order to conserve the mushrooms' potency, it is necessary to dry them until they are truly crispy and can be powedered by merely pressing between the fingers. Failing to properly dry to actual crispiness will cause noticeable loss of potency withing weeks already. You'll also notice the typical stale mushroom smell appearing as a sign of degradation.

A propos the subject, I always thought that microdoses are supposed to be sub-threshold doses? Anything over the threshold (typically 10 mg for psilocin) I would instead call minidosing.


Theirin lies the difference. Actually, i personally wouldn't reccomend microdosing because the idea of taking sub perceptible amounts regularly isn't my idea of treating something like depression. I simply dont think this is how psilocybin shines.

I think it's far better to take moderate to large doses infrequently and that the 'healing' occurs in the weeks that follow. just a single dose could be all that is required.
I like the idea of microdosing as it helps to increase reproduction of the stem cells which in turn make brain cells (or repair the whole process).

Its very important to have a sitter when using the shrooms with some one who uses shrooms to recover, because from my own experience i know that sometimes shrooms tend to backfire. How? Well instead of visual tripping and enjoying , a bad trip is basically overthinking and stressing the brain cells. Overloading them with information.
So yeah, being into the current moment is very important.

Now if you would microdose, then this is a very different concept. Yes it makes the patient more "managable", but is the person tripping in his mind or is he using the energy more wisely to enjoy the current moment. SOooo its very important that if u give ur patient something, that you build a program around the product.

E.G. When microdosed on shrooms , i like to do brain puzzles (solving a rubicks cube/sudoku etc.)
But do not let the patient wander around in his mind too much if you know that he might not be able to manage it.
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