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Micro-dosing Toad (5meo)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Been looking in the Search for a thread of any psychonauts microdosing Toad or 5meo, but can't find any?

Any tried micro-dosing 5meo? any particular effects 24-48 hours after?
How does it compare with micro-dosing mushrooms or LSD

Hey explorer7, what you mean by heart cleansing ? do you mean lifting anger from heart ?

I like the lower doses of toad 5meo too. it definitely had some benefits.
i didn't find it really like LSD microdosing.
And I have at first felt it left a great afterglow.

But doing it few times few days apart wasn't as good an afterglow after, so I decided to give it a break.

For the reason also I think it is a scarce substancxe that should be used with much respect. It's not as casual and abundant as LSD or analogs and psilocybe mushrooms.
Unless you go maybe for the synthetic 5.
rOm said:
Hey explorer7, what you mean by heart cleansing ? do you mean lifting anger from heart ?

I like the lower doses of toad 5meo too. it definitely had some benefits.
i didn't find it really like LSD microdosing.
And I have at first felt it left a great afterglow.

But doing it few times few days apart wasn't as good an afterglow after, so I decided to give it a break.

For the reason also I think it is a scarce substancxe that should be used with much respect. It's not as casual and abundant as LSD or analogs and psilocybe mushrooms.
Unless you go maybe for the synthetic 5.

ROM, thanks for your advice to space it out longer.
Did you use 1mg or .5mg?

Curious what kind of mental or emotional effect you got in the days after?
Was it helping you to be more functional ... say more focused or concentrated on your work? Or rather less functional ...?
For synthetic 5 MeO, I'd say 1 to 5 mg but 5 mg for me is already more a low dose than just micro. I used recently the toad secretion, so the dosage isn't as accurate but I used like 20mg of secretion, so the 5 meo in there should 15 to 30 % but probably the same but also, I have had a better afterglow with Toad and its numerous constituant than with 5 meo alone.
I'm not sure, I guess I was more happy, positive, I didn't try to focus on special tasks so I do'nt know about that. I gues you'll have to find out yourself.
And as I said, I found th best after effects to not be there anymore if I repeat so I stopped now since october. I tuink I will space out now each time. I ended with a big dose, breakthrough type. so It was great and I decided to let some time like 3 to 6 months before partaking again. But it might be time now. I think I should kambufo. So close kambo and bufo ( in that particular order ). But I'll probably also do low doses of each and only one or days apart.
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