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Migration: old forum is LOCKED!

Migrated topic.

The Traveler

The Moxylator
Staff member
Hi all members,

Due to the migration all subfora and new membership signups are now locked (except for the mods who can still reply)!

I hope the migration goes smoothly and that we will see you all on the other side.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
So with this all said and done, the old forum will stay as an archive, mostly since many external sites have links to topics and posts on the old forum.

fyi, this is the worst way to handle a large site migration like this. well, tbh, the worst way would be to completely remove the old forum altogether. as you noted, you've built up many external links to the discussions over the years. i've seen people straight delete the original pages without considering their backlinks so i give you credit for noticing.

anyway, as the new forum has been loaded with all past posts, keeping the old forum alive as an archive is a bad idea. by keeping both live, you're introducing duplicate content to the search engines, making them fight one another for relevance. (google "keyword cannibalization" for a rough idea). this will essentially splinter the link juice and authority you've built over the years b/c search engines don't know which is preferred.

it also harms your crawlability, which is extremely important when introducing thousands of new pages at once like you've done with the new forum.

the optimal way to handle this migration is to setup proper redirects from the old urls to their new versions. it doesn't look like you have google analytics setup on either forum for some reason (no idea why not, please do that), which would be one of the easier ways to build your redirect list. if your developer can export all forum urls from both forums, it'd be very easy to build. if there's no export, using a spider like screaming frog can accomplish both.

the actual technical details on how to achieve this are extremely simple. matching old thread > new thread is a bit trickier since your developer didn't force a unique identifier between them, such as ensuring the thread id in the old url remained constant over here. no biggie, though. ok, i spoke too soon. while the urls are still different, each thread links the original up top. this means the map is already available (linking back to the archive in each thread is also bad, btw, for the same reasons listed above re: duplicate content).

since you have the map linking old > new, just setup the redirects. once the redirects are implemented, users who land on this page will automatically be forwarded here. this tells google that the old url is no longer active and should be replaced with the new one. all previous links to the old pages will forward to the new, too, carrying their link power with it. and since the old urls are already indexed and established, the new versions will replace them quickly. this is necessary to avoid messing up your crawl rates or rankings.

tl:dr: while the new forum is beautiful (delayed registering to old forever due to awful mobile experience), your site migration is done incorrectly. it should be fixed immediately as you've introduced thousands of pages of duplicate content (this is bad). fortunately, it's clear your developer has a map listing old > new urls, which makes setting up the proper migration a breeze. you spent all this time building a new, user-friendly forum, complete with the entire nexus post history (thank god). why go all this way just to shit the bed on migrating fully?

lmk if you need any help or want me to link tutorials for your dev to set this up. i promise, it's very important and very necessary and time is of the essence. sorry for the length. take care.
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no worries. i do want to politely stress the following:
  1. time is a factor as undoing the indexation of all this duplicate content isn't an easy unfix
  2. implementing the redirects is extremely easy
can't tell what type of server you're using, but with something like apache, a simple update to the .htaccess file is all you need to handle the redirects. nginx is also simple, which your dev can google (although i think this stuff will be easy for them, tbh).

just for reference, here's how the .htaccess file would look for the redirects:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^g=posts&t=104094$
RewriteRule ^forum/default\.aspx$ https://forum.dmt-nexus.me/threads/migration-old-forum-is-locked.367583/ [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^g=posts&t=14843$
RewriteRule ^forum/default\.aspx$ https://forum.dmt-nexus.me/threads/plants-with-5-meo-dmt.310975/ [R=301,L]

# Add more RewriteRule directives for additional redirects as needed

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^g=posts&t=??????$
RewriteRule ^forum/default\.aspx$ https://forum.dmt-nexus.me/threads/new-forum-thread-url.?????/ [R=301,L]

with the map, your dev can generate the full list pretty easy.

only rules your dev needs to follow:
  • make sure every redirect goes from old url > new url and is a 301 redirect.
    • note: don't redirect older, deep pages to the new homepage or any old pages to unrelated new ones. 301 means it's redirecting to the new, permanent home of the previous page.
  • before implementing the redirects, remove the "original topic" urls from this forum. you don't want to send google's crawlers in a loop.
  • double-check no http://, www or non-www urls break the redirect rules.
if possible, bump this up to the top of the to do list (and put "adding google analytics" right under it, for real). simple job with massive benefits that diminish the longer you wait.

ok, that's my last pitch, haha. congrats on the new forum. feel free to ask any questions. have a good day.
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