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Mimosa Hostilis = bad experience?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM is wondering if Mimosa gets him a bad experience. SWIY on this forum claims that Mimosa tends to produce a worse experience than Chakruna.
SWIM bought himself 750g of Mimosa already.
SWIM's chemicals (limonen, NaOH, etc) will arrive soon. SWIM will try Jorkest's technique.
SWIM is wondering if he should order Chakruna leafs for his first experiment.

Any advice for SWIM who is new to spice?
Here's SWIM's take on it.

Chacruna is much better for ayahuasca. Mimosa has a lot of junk in it. Unless you extract the DMT, that junk is going to be unpleasant on the stomach. Plus, mimosa has the mysterious “jungle spice” in it which makes the trip more chaotic.

I highly recommend chacruna over mimosa for making ayahuasca tea from the actual plant material. The second choice would be a mix of chacruna and chaliponga, the third would be just using chaliponga, and the last choice would be using mimosa. Chacruna and chaliponga leaves are much easier on the stomach than mimosa bark is. Chaliponga is often more potent than chacruna, but also more chaotic as well. Chacruna gives the smoothest most pleasant experience of the three. Chaliponga gives the wildest, and mimosa is in between but mimosa gives the most unpleasant toxic symptoms.
Mr_DMT said:
SWIM is wondering if Mimosa gets him a bad experience. SWIY on this forum claims that Mimosa tends to produce a worse experience than Chakruna.
SWIM bought himself 750g of Mimosa already.
SWIM's chemicals (limonen, NaOH, etc) will arrive soon. SWIM will try Jorkest's technique.
SWIM is wondering if he should order Chakruna leafs for his first experiment.

Any advice for SWIM who is new to spice?

Also if your goal is freebased DMT, chacruna is very commonly known to contain high levels of DMT N-oxide compared to it's straight up DMT content. Where as the N-oxide is still psychoactive, it's very difficult to handle as it's a very gooey mess. Chacruna extractions also require a defatting step that is not necassary with mimosa.

Using jorkests tek and mimosa hostilis you will be yielding a full alkaloid extract of the plant
, some claim to be more potent than DMT known as jungle spice. I don't know an organic way off removing the other alkloids, but if you want pure DMT you would be much better off using naphtha than d-limonene.
If you are doing a ayahuasca path you can use [assuming you are not a strict vegetarian] gelatin to bind the tannins in the MHRB solution.

do a search for ayahuasca, gelatin and Hippie and you'll get the info you want

basically you make your solution, add the gelatin [you determine how much you need by feel pretty much] and it'll make a gluggy ball of gelatin and tannins that you can get rid of.

result - far less stomach upset : )

you don't need to do this for Caapi tea,
there don't seem to be many tannins, it's nice to drink [with lemon and honey].
And also you aren't recommended to have MOAI's with high levels of protein at the same time [which gelatin is].

there may be some vegetarian options for tannin removal from MHRB,
any knowledge appreciated : )
to the op: what do you mean by 'bad experience'? Are you talking about straight ingestion or extraction? If you are going for extraction, mimosa is definitely the best. If you mean by consuming orally as in ayahuasca and analogues, SWIM generally preffers caapi+chacruna, but thats just personal opinion and others might disagree (and doesnt mean SWIM doesnt enjoy oral mimosa, he definitely does). I totally disagree with ron about 'junk' in mimosa. What means 'junk' anyways? This is purely personal definition, just as vomiting/purging might be desired by someone and undesired by others.

and yes, for oral ingestion one can clean mimosa of things like tannins (which might give bad taste/nausea) with eggwhites... I know you are not vegan, obliguhl, but just as a response to your post, I have to say that vegans shouldnt (imo of course) have a problem or moral issues with using eggs, as long as it comes from free running chicken, because its not like the chicken is being stolen or forced to give the egg, they anyways abandon the non-fertilized eggs so it would just be there rotting. Theres no animal suffering involved. :)
Well, thanks for the good replies. I'm surprised about the open hearted community here. Every question gets answerd no matter how easy or complex.
Very nice.
I'll decided to begin with Pharmahuasca. I got some vegetarian capsules and a machine to fill them.


For Aya - Caapi and Chacruna/Chaliponga (I like Chaliponga better, give more reliable experiences)
For Pharma - DMT extracted from Mimosa along with Caapi or THH/Harmine
For vaporized DMT - Extract from Mimosa

Yeah, Mimosa mixed with MAOI's is another beast entirely. It is not Ayahuasca, it is Mimosa mixed with MAOI's. Mimosa does have a lot of other weird stuff in it. Jungle Spice cannot be extracted from Chaliponga or Chacruna, only Mimosa.

Oral Mimosa reminds me of a freaky carnival, not a nice earthy spirit tour like Aya provides. Like I said, two different beasts.
obliguhl said:
Yes, you can use an egg white to filter out the tannins. Now we need a vegan way. Not that I'm vegan but...just to cover everything 😉

here's a basic guide of amounts for wine

Gelatin Positive tannin reduction in red wine 1/2 g/gal
white wine clarification 1/8 g/gal
Remove bitter taste in white wine 1/4 g/gal

Egg-whites Positive bitter tannin reduction in red wine 1/2 to 3 ml/gal
for red wine clarification 1/2 to 2 ml/gal

MHRB would i guess need more, but this may be handy to stop your whole solution glugging up.
[and proteins (e.g. gelatin) with MAOI's can be a little dodgy

Possible vegan option [might need more research]
(Silicon dioxide) Neg. (typical) Pos. (available) 1.4-2.2 ml/liter reduce proteins and bitter tannins
remove gelatin
compact bentonite 1.4-2.2 ml/liter
[extra info re bentonite - Strict vegans might prefer a wine where an alternative, like bentonite clay, is used instead. Bentonite is a natural substance that forms when fine volcanic dusts come into contact with water at a critical moment. This all occurs completely organically. (Three cheers for the forces of nature at work!) Since this clay has a negative charge and wine proteins have a slightly positive charge, the two attract. This allows winemakers to remove impurities in the wine and stabilize it.

ref http://home.comcast.net/~jimalexander2/Fining.htm
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