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Mimosa Hostilis + Caapi alcaloids = very tricky experiences. Why?

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Rising Star
I tried real sessions of ayahuasca, unforgettable experiences, the trip was very fluid and all the experiences left deep messages, the visions were there, one at a time.

But I tried 3 times mimosa with caapi alkaloids. Mimosa made 3 times with the tek elimination of egg white tannins after 3 firings. No nausea, no pain.

First time, 2grs of mimosa, very light experience, the second, 6grs of mimosa: 5hrs of many visions, the difficult part was an extremely constant variation of visions, the images appeared and dissolved in a fraction of a second! I felt very tired both of mind (mimosa) and body (caapi). When the visions began to disappear, my mind followed with the same intensity: one thought after another without being able to stop, I could not stop to think about something for more than 5 seconds, it became unpleasant.

The last time, I tried with an equivalent to 60mg of DMT. Again, the visions began to be very changeable, the part I remember most was seeing me running down an endless suspension bridge while the world below completely mutated (from the desert to an ice field, for example) and constantly (in a fraction of a second) without Stop, at the same time that there were constant fireworks in the sky, really a lot of information and visions. Thus, when the trip became very dark, it was too difficult to change or get out of there, because it required a lot of concentration, which I did not have.

These chaotic trips, which had good times but also dark moments, leave one very tired and unable to enjoy the trip in a pleasant way, as happens with real ayahuasca.

So, the question is, if all the plants have DMT, and the DMT is an equal molecule everywhere, why with the mimosa hostilis the trip becomes so chaotic?

Have you experienced something similar when you prepare with mimosa?
for me mimosa as an admixture (with either caapi or rue) has always been pretty powerful

i remember from reading an older thread here some years back there was a mention of the word leash with mimosa, making sure to use a leash (in other wordss - be careful haha)

i had never understood that statement until a few deeper experiences with mhrb as an admixture, the experiences with it were very fast, forceful and powerful. not necessarily forceful in a bad way or anything like that, just seemed like the experience wasn't having any funny business whatsoever during

though it's hard to pin down characteristics to these different dmt admixtures for me, once a certain threshhold in the experience is reached for me they eventually all meld into a fairly close resemblance of each other
unusmundus said:
for me mimosa as an admixture (with either caapi or rue) has always been pretty powerful

i remember from reading an older thread here some years back there was a mention of the word leash with mimosa, making sure to use a leash (in other wordss - be careful haha)

i had never understood that statement until a few deeper experiences with mhrb as an admixture, the experiences with it were very fast, forceful and powerful. not necessarily forceful in a bad way or anything like that, just seemed like the experience wasn't having any funny business whatsoever during

though it's hard to pin down characteristics to these different dmt admixtures for me, once a certain threshhold in the experience is reached for me they eventually all meld into a fairly close resemblance of each other

Oh yes, powerful experience and trip, but its too powerful, maybe for who has a lot of experience.

For me, chacruna and mimosa are very similar coz the dmt, but wht mhrb is so chaotic? And that residual effect in my mind in which you aren't able to concentrate in anything, but your mind doesnt stop working vigorously
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