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Mind Machines + Psychedelics

Migrated topic.

Linga Sarira

Rising Star
In the book "Into the Void" by Zoe7 the Author records his experiences using various audio and visual mind machines, binaural frequencies in the Alpha, Theta, Beta & Delta ranges. His experiences if true are very interesting describing meeting various other selves in parallel realities and accessing some very deep and bizarre states of altered consciousness together with psychedelics of various types.

I myself have been using audio binaural frequencies of my own design for many years, at times Ive had experiences out of body and for a while was using them every night before sleep allowing very lucid dreaming and OOBE'S often. Also during this time I felt a kind of rewiring of my visual circuits and my vision began to become more sort of high definition and widescreen. It is hard to describe but it felt that I had upgraded my eyes somehow, I was mainly using theta binaurals during that time, everyday after the nights audio session I would notice more and more detail in my sight, and a wider field of vision, strange, sometimes disconcerting but overall very interesting. After a few weeks I didnt notice it anymore.

One time I used binaural frequencies and smoked DMT, the experience was warm and beautiful, the binaurals wrapped around my mind like a warm vibrational blanket and it was kind of easier to hold my attention and recall during the journey.

I am thinking of buying a full audio visual mind machine and have seen many models, is there anyone who can advise on theyre quality/effects?

Ive seen one called the Laxman which looks like the ultimate luxury model, but it is very expensive.
sorry I cant help in your quest for a full audio visual mind machine, but
I'm quite interested in the fact you thought it was easier to hold your attention and recall during the journey,
and I have a few questions
can you remember which frequencies you used that time?
How high was the volume level?
Earphones or speakers?
Any other differences you noticed between that and a normal experience?
Can you do more experiments? :)
When I read this thread title I instantly though Zoe 7!
I like binural beats as well I want to explore these states much more and read back from the void and into the void..I have only read parts of into the void.
kaos.underwave said:
sorry I cant help in your quest for a full audio visual mind machine, but
I'm quite interested in the fact you thought it was easier to hold your attention and recall during the journey,
and I have a few questions
can you remember which frequencies you used that time?
How high was the volume level?
Earphones or speakers?
Any other differences you noticed between that and a normal experience?
Can you do more experiments? :)

If i recall I was using Theta (around 4hz)when I smoked DMT. You have it at a low volume as too not be intrusive, just subtle and in a lower tonal range like maybe around a 100hz sinewave tone. Earbud headphones are ideal so the brain can easily merge the 2 signals and entrain with the 3rd internal frequency. If youre going to try it with speakers then you need to sit or lie down exactly between them. The way binaurals work is your brain hears 2 slightly different frequencies and creates a third within your brain wich is how you start to reach the frequency state.

The experience was much more controlled and the unfolding I usually get or unwrapping of mind/reality was less overwhelming. Was very lucid and attentative during the whole experience. Theta is great for that mind awake, body asleep state when you are able to go into lucid dreaming territory, so maybe this is what helped through the journey.

I would do more experiments but at the moment the spice is not calling me, I have learnt not to touch it unless I have a psychic invitation to. The times ive done it with no intentions (or just because its there) I get a full death experience which can be way too intense and unnessesary and can kind of throw my life off balance for a while.

I am interested in what kind of frequency the brain moves into during the peak of a DMT trip, would be interesting to record someones brainwaves during a spice trip.

But I have never tried visual frequency entrainment, lights & LED's with audio pulsing. I would also like to try it with LSD also.
I once took Salvia while listening to Brainwave sounds, but it only brought on some unneccessary distraction. Might be very different with the Spice.
Hey Linga Sarira,

I've been looking around for a good mind machine myself. I had a "Brain Synchronizer" many years ago and had some interesting experiences with it. I believe I will get the Procyon Light and Sound Mind Machine to replace the Brain Synchronizer.

Read reviews of a several mind machines and this one seemed to be a good buy. Let me know if you find something better!

Pokey the Un-Synchronized
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