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Modern Warfare 2

Migrated topic.


Dragunov Mylshka Teapot
So I don't know about you guys but I sure can't wait to get my NVGs (night vision goggles) and play what will be an absolutely amazingly awesome game..

Ye it's fun when playing with friends, but PC is the ultimate immersion and can't be matched by console - I actually had to delete cod4 cause I'd play it way too much so I'm just going to wait for this to come out, and from what I can gather it's going to be well worth the wait!


[quote='Coatl]I'm trying to download Elder Scrolls 2- Daggerfall.

It's supposed to be awesome!
Love elder scrolls, but haven`t much time to play nowadays :(
Yea got the goggles, they are neat.. will come in handy when I'm crawling through the bush at night trying to find DMT containing plants !
I FINALLY got Daggerfall to work! GEEEEEZE how difficult it was!

Thanks Trav for all your help!

Y'all can download it at www.elderscrolls.com for free under "downloads" as well as "Arena" the 1st Elder Scrolls game... but I'd try Daggerfall first!
smokeydaze said:
slim ps3 ay, nice

I thought that too, 'til realized it had no backwards compatibility or linux capabilities. I'm getting a ps3 to use as a hard-drive media player, but I'm going with the old 60gb (replacing the HD, of course) for the reasons mentioned. I just can't wait to finally play MGS4.
Dang, as soon as Christmas break comes and I finally have some free time to play games, I discover my computer aint got the chops to run the new stuff :(

But anyway, that game comes with nigh vision goggles? Why? are they real?

Anyone played that game Borderlands? I saw a bunch of adds for it a couple weeks ago, and it looked pretty dang awesome.
I played through Borderlands. If you get a few mates together it can be a lot of fun. Surprise hit for me! My personal fav. this year is Dragon Age: Origins.

MW2 was a very good game and multiplayer is a lot of fun.
amor_fati said:
smokeydaze said:
slim ps3 ay, nice
'til realized it had no backwards compatibility or linux capabilities.


i don't care much about the former, but the latter bugs me. I'd like to use the ps3 as a comp if I wish; with a 45nm Cell processor , it would be a worthy computer, as it still has a 3.2Ghz (if not higher) clock speed, but uses 1/3 the energy of the older ps3s.
it may be possible to hack (IBM/Toshiba/Samsung-based processor), but it may be a while before that happens. guess we'll
have to wait and see :?
[quote='Coatl]I'm trying to download Elder Scrolls 2- Daggerfall.

It's supposed to be awesome!
Morrowind (the sequel to Daggerfall) is one of the best RPGs of all time.
Your wrong Touche Guevara!

Morrowind WAS the best RPG EVER! PERIOD!

Haha, at least I thought so... if there is one better, tell me the name, cause I wanna play it!
PC > console !

I found COD4 was mostly a vanilla shooter dressed up with all sorts of cinematics. If you want to play a real tactical shooter check out the project reality mod for battlefield 2.

And yea, anyone who liked elder scrolls should definitely check out dragon age

smokeydaze said:
Yea got the goggles, they are neat.. will come in handy when I'm crawling through the bush at night trying to find DMT containing plants !
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