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Rising Star
Greetings !

I would like to request advice on how to test the molecular content of a mushroom . It is a polypore or wood conk that was discovered growing on the side of dead ash trees along a river that flows south from a mountain on a Native American Reservation . This fungi is sacred to our people . Imbibing its essence induces a psychedelic experience . The effects are similar yet quite distinct to the visionary altered state , dreamlike non-ordinary reality , & entheogenic multidimensional qualities of consciousness induced by psilocybin mushrooms & muscimol based amanita muscaria fungi ( the first & second psychedelic mushrooms respectively ) . My theory is that this is the third psychedelic mushroom & contains a NEW kind of molecule that has yet to be studied by modern science . Any support would be greatly appreciated .

Gratitude !

In another thread someone suggested Perenniporia Fraxinophila as the species name & potential alkaloids being baeocystin and aeruginascin .

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Here's some images of the largest example I've foraged & a small piece that broke off .


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i sugest you contact Allen Rockefeller ,

he's a mycoligist... he does lots diffrent testing for others ... if you have something very interesting as you seem to have .,
he is very nice .
HE Answerd my messages/questions .

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i sugest you contact Allen Rockefeller ,

he's a mycoligist... he does lots diffrent testing for others ... if you have something very interesting as you seem to have .,
he is very nice .
HE Answerd my messages/questions .

Ahh Yes , I've heard of him ! I do intend to connect with this brother when I am able .
Very interesting! Dead ash trees, you say? Do you happen to know if this is associated with ash dieback disease in any way?
You use the term "imbibing its essence" - does this mean that you make some kind of decoction from the conks? This would imply that the active compounds are water-soluble so I'm thinking that GC/MS on a methanol extract of the fungus would start to provide some clues. I'm also reminded of the possibility of psychoactive polyisoprenoids occurring in Gymnopilus species, as well as the as-yet-unidentified causative agent of occasionally reported hallucinations resulting from the ingestion of both the sulfur polypore/chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulfureus) and the false chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca), especially since the former of these two is also a polypore.

Spore prints and microscopy would be very useful at this stage, as would some more pictures with a plain background - the book cover, while a nice choice for aesthetic reasons, makes the pictures cluttered and nuances of the fungus become harder to pick out. A picture of the fungus still attached to the tree trunks would also be quite helpful.

Do you have concerns that crowds of drug-experience seekers might descend upon the island in search of a 'new' psychoactive mushroom? It's one thing that I feel a tad uncomfortable about on light of your report.
Very interesting! Dead ash trees, you say? Do you happen to know if this is associated with ash dieback disease in any way?
You use the term "imbibing its essence" - does this mean that you make some kind of decoction from the conks? This would imply that the active compounds are water-soluble so I'm thinking that GC/MS on a methanol extract of the fungus would start to provide some clues. I'm also reminded of the possibility of psychoactive polyisoprenoids occurring in Gymnopilus species, as well as the as-yet-unidentified causative agent of occasionally reported hallucinations resulting from the ingestion of both the sulfur polypore/chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulfureus) and the false chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca), especially since the former of these two is also a polypore.

Spore prints and microscopy would be very useful at this stage, as would some more pictures with a plain background - the book cover, while a nice choice for aesthetic reasons, makes the pictures cluttered and nuances of the fungus become harder to pick out. A picture of the fungus still attached to the tree trunks would also be quite helpful.

Do you have concerns that crowds of drug-experience seekers might descend upon the island in search of a 'new' psychoactive mushroom? It's one thing that I feel a tad uncomfortable about on light of your report.
I imagine that decarboxylation is an important aspect of the bioavailability of this mushroom .

We work with the fungi in ceremony . There are three ways we imbibe this mushroom ; igniting the crust & inhaling the smoke through the nose & mouth , grinding into a powder then pressing it upon wounds to immediately stop the bleeding , to bring the essence directly into the blood stream to prevent infection , & rather than weeks , we heal in days , then finally drinking a tea brewed over an open fire . So it likely has a similar pathway that other entheogenic plants , animals , & fungi undergo . Similar to how you must vaporize the initial chemical structure in amanita muscaria , bufo alvarius , & of course ganja in order to create the bioavailable entheogenic molecule that gives us the psychedelic experience .

I hear your concerns , & that did happen when the colonists discovered " Gold in them Hills " . We started a war to keep our lands safe , yet we still lost to the power of the American Government's Army ... Tho things are different now ... & this could ignite the revolution of consciousness !
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I imagine that decarboxylation is an important aspect of the bioavailability of this mushroom .

We work with the fungi in ceremony . There are three ways we imbibe this mushroom ; igniting the crust & inhaling the smoke through the nose & mouth , grinding into a powder then pressing it upon wounds to immediately stop the bleeding , to heal the wound in days rather than weeks , & to bring the essence directly into the blood stream to prevent infection , & rather than weeks , we heal in days , then finally drinking a tea brewed over an open fire . So it likely has a similar pathway that other entheogenic plants , animals , & fungi undergo . Similar to how you must vaporize the initial chemical structure in amanita muscaria , bufo alvarius , & of course ganja in order to create the bioavailable entheogenic molecule that gives us the psychedelic experience .

I hear your concerns , & that did happen when the colonists discovered " Gold in them Hills " . We started a war to keep our lands safe , yet we still lost to the power of the American Government's Army ... Tho things are different now ... & this could ignite the revolution of consciousness !
Above all, thanks for sharing this with us. It sounds like it's an established tradition so I find it all the more intriguing that you've chosen this time to speak about it. I'm familiar with the use of certain fungi as styptics - that is, to stop bleeding and (hopefully!) promote healing, so that particular description of one of the ceremonial uses makes me wonder - are the psychoactive effects also obtained when it is used this way? This would also draw a parallel with the way that certain substances, such as the frog medicine, kambo, are administered.

I would caution against making overly hasty assumptions about actual chemical processes such as decarboxylation, however, since we aren't yet speaking about any specific, know chemical structure. The distinction between the thermal decarboxylation of ibotenic acid in amanita mushrooms, and of THCa in cannabis, in contrast to the vaporisation of active tryptamines from toad venom also bears highlighting. While it's true that in the latter case the vaporisation serves to separate the active tryptamines from toxic cardiac glycosides, this is purely a physical separation that does not involve a chemical change in the active substances.

My final question (for now!) regards how one might exactly describe and/or classify the exact nature of the psychoactive effects of the mushroom in comparison to other visionary substances from nature. From a purely materialist perspective - just for the moment, at least ;) - there are various biochemical pathways within the human brain that can lead to some form of visionary experience so, well, I'm just looking forward to what comes up once a biochemical analysis and subsequent experiential testing guides us towards possible new ways - to the mainstream scientific paradigm - that the wonders of nature serve to modulate human consciousness into the visionary sphere. Thus we discovered, for example, the kappa-opioid mechanism of Salvia divinorum, and, indeed, the identity of psilocin, psilocybin, all these things - through the "Heffter method" of isolate, identify and ingest.

One last thing that seems worthy of mention is the situation we find among some of our cactus-using brethren way further south of where you are: certain of the 'lesser' species of peyotl/hikuri, such as Mammilaria greggii and the like, are used in ways that fail to square up with any scientific conceptualisation of containing known active compounds in any measurable quantity. Thus, at the back of my mind, we find the idea that maybe there are aspects of ceremony itself that serve to bring forth the visionary state as learned within a specific culture. In that sense, it would be useful to record the other adjuncts of ceremony, be that drumming, tobacco, ecstatic dance or whatever, in order to gain a full picture of the role played by this sacred mushroom in all of it.
I agree ! As a facilitator of kambo ceremonies , I find the two to be very similar in the experience of an immediate shift in human consciousness upon application . However , Kambo needs to be applied to the lymphatic system , the layer very close to the surface . We are bringing the substance directly into the blood stream .

Ohh that's good to know , could be either , to be perfectly honest , I have no idea , I've simply been tasked with finding out ...

Ahh Jeez , this is the hard part bro ... it's like nothing else I've ever experienced ... It's as distinct as Ayahuasca ( DMT opens a portal to a realm where I can witness spirits from other dimensions , relatives across space & time , beings inhabiting other star systems , & life in alternate realities ) is from Bufo ( which has 5-meo-DMT & opens a portal to a place where space , time , energy , & consciousness itself come to a point & at the singular point is everything & nothing , it expands everywhere yet it nowhere , it could be anything yet it certainly something ... then as quick as a snap of the fingers , one is back in the self , yet all attachments , expectations , & commitments are gone , as a newly crystalized avatar has been born ) , as with Magic Mushrooms ( where Serotonin guides one through the chakras , up & out the crown to the heavens above , down & under the root to the ground below , or in & around the heart to explore within the self ) is from Amanita ( which works with GABA & for me is a very calming , relaxing , dream-like experience of being really present here & now within my body , rather than climbing or descending layers of conscious expansion , it brings internal awareness of the self & external perception of the reality around us ) , Peyote & Wachuma (Both Mescaline yet with totally different alkaloids create a sense of being connected to a people that exists beyond one's family , friends , & relatives by blood or proximity & tunes one into the concept of the soul present within us all that can be aligned with in terms of frequency & vibration ) , or as Ganja (THC which often feels uplifting & what I think of as being high or grounding in what is often called stoned ) is from Tobacco (idk what's in this tbh but I know I often feel like I'm back on the earth no matter how far I've gone elsewhere ) . This medicine is so unique & transformative on every dimension it's hard to explain . It's like a bolt of lightning for your chakras . It turns your inside out & puts your outsides in when considering the senses we are conscious of & the way that our nervous system is wired to keep some things above our perception & others clouded in mystery . All of that gets flipped on its head . It's like taking a journey within the mind , going around the back , through the middle , & releasing the knot that holds one's soul back from fulling releasing into this form & extending out far beyond what we would normally consider ... the typical human experience .

This method you suggest sounds similar to what we do ... removing everything else from our lives before imbibing this medicine in the most sacred of ways ...
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