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Most Commonly Experienced DMT Themes?

Migrated topic.


"Jesus said: He who seeks, let him not cease seeki
Hello all,

It's strange how your first DMT experiences can make you feel like you were bitch-slapped by reality. After spending 38 years in "reality", 5 minutes of "real reality" can lessen the profundity of artificial constructs.

I'm trying to find what could be called the lowest common denominator in DMT experiences. The experience itself is, of course, intensely subjective, but it seems like there are near universal themes that people experience often enough to consider them objective influences of the plant.

It seems the most common theme is alien intelligence, and often the word alien is expanded beyond our previous understanding. There are times during the return I'll look down at my folded hands and see nothing but an alien skin. Sometimes it's THIS world that feels alien.

In my experience, the alien themes dominate most, but I've also seen the Circus or Funhouse themes (creepy as hell). What other general themes do you think are commonly experienced?

The reason I ask this is because it seems DMT has some definite type of its own intelligence, or at least exposes you to an intelligence already there. The fact that even the same person with 2 separate but identical doses will have very different experiences even though physically the circumstances are the same suggests to me that the experience is a mixture of chemistry, our own brain makeup, and an objective "other" intelligence which the DMT brings to the table, and this other seems to be willful enough to consistently deliver similar experiences. Or, another way I've thought of it, messages in a bottle from the planet.

What other things seem to be the most commonly encountered?
A common experience for me (either through meditation or through gvg) is the dissolution of the body. Also a supreme feeling (or lack there of) of calmness.
I would say a common feeling is the notion of the physical body being just a vehicle we use daily to navigate through time and space in this world. That there is some underlying spirit (the real you) inhabiting that vehicle/space suit for some time (a lifespan) and eventually returning to its original form after the death. Whatever that might be.

I am also curious about the Circus or Funhouse theme you mentioned. I think I experienced something similar. Could you please explain in a little more detail?
MindHaver said:
I would say a common feeling is the notion of the physical body being just a vehicle we use daily to navigate through time and space in this world. That there is some underlying spirit (the real you) inhabiting that vehicle/space suit for some time (a lifespan) and eventually returning to its original form after the death. Whatever that might be.

I am also curious about the Circus or Funhouse theme you mentioned. I think I experienced something similar. Could you please explain in a little more detail?

I also have had a deep intuition that the body is a tool, nothing more or less, but a very important one. It's actually inspired me to take better care of myself. In a lot of ways, it seems to remove clutter so I can just look at common sense.

The funhouse theme was not a full breakthrough experience, so was not fully developed, but there were mirrored walls with circular decorations built in. It was bright and lit up with creepy funhouse music but though I could sense a shadowy figure in my peripherals, I could not get a good look at him. He came across as tricky and menacing and every time I would try to look clearly at him or the mirrored walls, I'd be turned around and disoriented.

I'm not sure if it's the 10X Caapi, but I get some dark and disjointed themes sometimes, though they wind up being positive and rewarding.
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