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Most recent DMT/harmala experience + New Vaporization method for crystals

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Rising Star
Okay so my last DMT experience was very bizarre and I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience. I also discovered a new way to vaporize DMT on accident:p (new to me at least, i haven't seen anyone else try it)

Okay so first off I loaded about 15mg of harmala into my bong. I then smoalked it by itself without DMT. I then loaded another 15mg of harmala and 75mg of DMT. I set my bong down and begin to meditate. I pick the bong up to find out that the Crystals have melted to a goo. I get a little disappointed and decided to postpone my session. In about an hour I noticed that the melted crystals resolidified into a mini brick of DMT. I then realized that this brick would be perfect for vaporizing by itself without overheating the Crystals. Just a blessing in disguise I thought I would share

Now onto the experience itself. 15mg harmala + 75mg nn DMT:

I vaporize it all in one juicy hit and hold it in as long as possible. I shoot straight up the tunnel until I popped into a new realm. As soon as I enter this new space I find myself in the middle of a conversation with someone in an office building next to a water cooler. Everything I see is every color imaginable but it was just one solid color. After a couple of seconds of commumicating with this entity, his head explodes. Once his head explodes, my entire field of vision of that realm divides into smaller versions of itself. Kind of like when you look at 2 mirrors facing each other. Then the smaller dividends slammed back into the original realm, forcing me back into my body.
Pretty insane if you ask me.:twisted:

Anyone else have any similar experiences or have tried the vaporization technique I discovered?

Thanks for reading!
Safe and Happy Travels!
I was originally trying to load half as much spice but I accidentally put a little extra in but since they melted and remormed it would have been tedious to remove half of it.
and yes I touched the flame to the Crystals for under a second and it created a nice slow burning cherry. I exhaled after I was in hyperspace but I'm sure there were vapors.

I'll be much more careful next time loading my doses:p
AG you just pre melted the spice on residual heat and vaped it afterwards when it re solidified, there's no "new vaporization method" to speak of really as the title suggests. People pre melt spice on liquid pads for decades. Well maybe the new thing is that you pre melted it not on purpose, but rather circumstantially.

Glad you came trough that 75 mg vape, it's quite on the excessive size of the spectrum. I tip my hat but please be careful. Many people have a full go on half of that and less.

Thanks for sharing the experience. :thumb_up:
The description of the method of administration is not extremely clear, but by the looks of it, a bong is mentioned and a flame hitting naked dmt, it might just be a highly inefficient method, burning at least half of the dmt.

The content of the "weird" experience sounds pretty typical, for a dmt trip.
Jees said:
AG you just pre melted the spice on residual heat and vaped it afterwards when it re solidified, there's no "new vaporization method" to speak of really as the title suggests. People pre melt spice on liquid pads for decades

Oh okay, I had no idea people already did that. Thanks for sharing!

and no DMT was wasted. it was a slow clean vape.
AlchemicalGnostic said:
and no DMT was wasted. it was a slow clean vape.
But earlier you wrote:

AlchemicalGnostic said:
and yes I touched the flame to the Crystals for under a second and it created a nice slow burning cherry.
If it is not clear to you that you burn a lot of dmt in this way, I am not willing to argue about it.
I am aware of the wasting of crystals with a flame. But when I melted the DMT onto the harmalas some harmalas melted as well and resolidified around the DMT acting as a protecting sheild from the flame.
Congrats on the experience.

I also think that 70mg in one hit is first of all almost imposible to achieve, you would be surprised to how long you have to inhale to get 20mg in one single hit.
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