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Most reliable way to get White xtals from mhrb?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ive been extracting for a bunch of years.
Mostly ive made changa so i never minded having yellow Spice.
However recently ive been using pure dmt more.

Im having a huge problem getting clean spice though.
Seems like some batches are better then others, but it seems random.

Ive tried cleaning the spice by re-x and sodium carb wash with little success.

So is there any tek that gives at least the first few pulls all white?
SHroomtroll said:
Ive been extracting for a bunch of years.
Mostly ive made changa so i never minded having yellow Spice.
However recently ive been using pure dmt more.

Im having a huge problem getting clean spice though.
Seems like some batches are better then others, but it seems random.

Ive tried cleaning the spice by re-x and sodium carb wash with little success.

So is there any tek that gives at least the first few pulls all white?

What you need to do is a cybs tek without heating.
While pulling you need to immeadiatly add clean naptha shake twice then pull it out.
This way the gunk will not have enough time to dissolve into the naptha so you end up with clean dmt.
Ulim said:
What you need to do is a cybs tek without heating.
While pulling you need to immeadiatly add clean naptha shake twice then pull it out.
This way the gunk will not have enough time to dissolve into the naptha so you end up with clean dmt.

^^^ This
Ulim said:
What you need to do is a cybs tek without heating.
While pulling you need to immeadiatly add clean naptha shake twice then pull it out.
This way the gunk will not have enough time to dissolve into the naptha so you end up with clean dmt.

Can you elaborate on this a bit , please ? ;) When you say 'without heating' do you mean without putting the reaction vessel into a warm water bath? Or not any heat at all - no warm water for acidifying, salting, etc ?

Also when exactly you put the naphta immediately - like after basifying for two hours ? And you don't do 15 minutes cycles per pull, but just let the NPS stay in there and do its thing for shaking twice and pulling right away ?

Really interested in that! THanks for input! ;)
slugware said:
Can you elaborate on this a bit , please ? ;) When you say 'without heating' do you mean without putting the reaction vessel into a warm water bath? Or not any heat at all - no warm water for acidifying, salting, etc ?
Also when exactly you put the naphta immediately - like after basifying for two hours ? And you don't do 15 minutes cycles per pull, but just let the NPS stay in there and do its thing for shaking twice and pulling right away ?
No heating = No warm water bath and let the lye solution cool before pulling.

And with immeadiatly I mean immeadiatly. Add the naptha to the base soup. Shake once. Wait for seperation. Shake again. Wait for seperation and then take out the naptha. Shouldnt take more than 5 minutes to do.

Then when you have all the naptha pulled out you can repeat. Dont let any naptha stay with the base soup or your dmt will quickly turn brown.
I get much whiter spice when using warm (not very hot) heptane for pulling. Naphtha pulls more stuff out. So maybe do first pull with heptane, then with naphtha.

The warmer naphtha, the more colored it will be.

What work for me every time is to dissolve spice in hot heptane, add a little bit activated charcoal and boil for a minute or so (boils at 98 C so be careful). Then filter the heptane through a bed of Celite (necessary to remove charcoal). This will remove any discoloration, but at the expense of some spice. Then you can let DMT recrystallize slowly.

Here is the more detailed description.

Another method may be to go via DMT fumarate, i.e. salt, clean up fumarate with acetone, then freebase.
Ulim said:
While pulling you need to immeadiatly add clean naptha shake twice then pull it out.
This way the gunk will not have enough time to dissolve into the naptha so you end up with clean dmt.
Hmmm. Never thought about this. And there is no loss in final yield? As OP said, I`m also having mixed results. One batch of bark gives me pure white spice, another gives yellow(cyb`s salt tek, 20-25mins pulls from the cold solution). I`ll try this next time and report back.
BlazingSatva said:
Ulim said:
While pulling you need to immeadiatly add clean naptha shake twice then pull it out.
This way the gunk will not have enough time to dissolve into the naptha so you end up with clean dmt.
Hmmm. Never thought about this. And there is no loss in final yield? As OP said, I`m also having mixed results. One batch of bark gives me pure white spice, another gives yellow(cyb`s salt tek, 20-25mins pulls from the cold solution). I`ll try this next time and report back.

There will be no loss in yield because you actually dont destroy any dmt. But its a lot more work because not letting the pulls soak will decrease the yield of each pull so you need to pull more.
Or you do the first 3 pulls in this manner and then normal to get the small rest.

What you are doing is trade efficency for clean dmt. But in the end you can always do long soaks to get the rest.
I completely disagree about only giving it 5 min . I mean for God sakes give it at least a little time to fully seperate :lol: . Don't use heat, pull every hour or 2, freeze precipitation , then re-x and your dmt will be white a snow. If it's acacia do a mini a/b. I've done nearly 20 extractions and I get white dmt without yellowing every time doing it this way.
Speak of the devil, I was just questioning this in another thread. The teks I've read add the solvent overnight stirring when convenient, pull, add new solvent in the morning, stir when convienient and pull in the evening. So about every 12 hours, pull. The pictures looked fine untill about the 4th pull where there would be just a few specks of crystal and a film of yellow oil. Clean up, and you're good.
add a couple drops of clean cold water to your pulls and reheat, oils/fats.dust will settle out leaving you with a clean white finish

pull for as long as you want, do a double wash, first wash add less then a tea spoon of water/ second wash use clean solvent/ re-dissolve and add water again *4-6drops* then freezeprecip/evap
question aimed at Cyb ..but anyone can feel free to answer also.

In both your guides, normal and max ion ...you clearly advise us to use heat / hot water bath while doing the pulls.

now you are saying the exact opposite here ... to do it cold ...

please let us know ...are there any downsides for not applying the heat ? lower yield etc ?
or is this a new discovery based on more attempts ?

why would you say use heat in all your guides ??
dark-king said:
please let us know ...are there any downsides for not applying the heat ? lower yield etc ?
or is this a new discovery based on more attempts ?

if you apply heat you will break more molecules free from the root bark, but this means you will also get more fats

if you pull quickly and do not apply heat you will get less yield but more white crystals
The warmth will always bring out more of everything. its not a bad thing really, rather get more fats and spice if you can. clean up will take care of getting you white crystals. theres always going to be a yield loss when your taking out the fats.

using cybs

Take your pulls from your soup, put it all in a jar, make sure not to get any of the base soup mixed in.

Do a mini ab
400-500ml distilled water add 50ml 5% acid.
add naphtha
shake shake shake ect...

3 layers may form, top naptha, middle fats, bottom dmt acid water.

take out all naphtha, put in a jar to use later. slowly take out middle layer, jar it or discard.

60g lye add to water, add base to dmt acid water. proper protection required with lye.

shake shake shake ect

May have 3 layers again, top naptha, middle fats, bottom base.

Can slowly try to pull out the middle layer. i ussualy do after the first pull
pull naptha x5-x10

1 big dish evap, freeze, dance.

-I do it room temp, ussualy let it cool slowly, freeze, evap while frozen.

Don't know if any of that helps, but there it is. Typed more than what i originally intended, maybe someone will find it helpful...
Thank you kindly both sendokon and melotikaci

I appreciate your longer write-up and honestly it's very helpful.
I imagine it took a few minutes to write but it helped a lot.

and I was about to ask as follow up if the decrease in yield can be compensated by doing more pulls ... but melotikaci read my mind and answered before I could even ask :))
Im glad we been helpful, yah melotikaci is right, cleaning up and taking out oils and fats will always reduce yield.
Similar maybe to counting your chickens before they hatch. Not that yellow spice is a bad thing, but its not a real loss if you clean it up more. You can always do more pulls, and see what's hiding in there. :)

My next go ill be trying my normal mini ab, x5 50ml pulls. then pull x5 50ml from soup and another seperate mini ab just to see and compare the two.

My last one had a really high yield with x5 pulls from the soup, just curious how much is in there still.


dark-king said:
Thank you kindly both sendokon and melotikaci

I appreciate your longer write-up and honestly it's very helpful.
I imagine it took a few minutes to write but it helped a lot.

and I was about to ask as follow up if the decrease in yield can be compensated by doing more pulls ... but melotikaci read my mind and answered before I could even ask :))
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