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Most Underappreciated Trip? n-Acetyl-5-Methoxytryptamine

Migrated topic.
More commonly known as melatonin. I'd heard rumors that its true potential was yet to be found, but I really didn't think that it could be anything more than the amazing sleep aid it is until now. Out of boredom, tonight I took 6, 3 mg melatonin tabs and drank a couple sodas to keep myself awake to see if anything would happen. One hour in, I went out back to smoke a joint, and when I came back in, now also very high, I started hallucinating like crazy. I would see faces in the dark, and creatures moving around in my peripheral vision, and complex patterns appearing on walls and surfaces. After coming into my room and testing things out, I can say for sure that this is at least equivalent to a moderate shrooms trip, and I'm still tripping pretty hard and really high. The combined body high is amazing! So I'm definitely reversing my earlier opinion about melatonin - it's proven itself great to me. And it's definitely a better OTC drug than crap like dramamine. Does anyone else have a good experience with melatonin?
I have had similar experiences dosing melatonin and then smoking cannabis at night..

Cannabis itself floods the brain with melatonin..but if you smoke all the time there is less melatonin aparently..so the question is are these effects from smoking pot with a fresh melatonin supply or from the melatonin itself?

The pinoline connection is interesting as well..
been pondering that for a while

really interesting food for thought.
bufotenine may be a brain chem, and dmt readily passes the BBB; pinoline just may protect them. 8)

*edit* hmmm...actually, this may be wrong. bufotenine may be another chem, like DMT, that is methylated by INMT in the peripheral tissues. If any other active tryptamine is produced in the brain, it would be 5-MeO-DMT
Hmmm, this is all pretty interesting. 😉 Next time, maybe I'll add to the experience by eating some shrooms right after smoking (on an empty stomach, this time), and see how much it enhances the experience. Definitely sounds like it's worth a shot!
Melatonin and cannabis combined at night in a darkened room is definitely a good synergy.

On one trip I had taken some Mocolbemide with 125mg DMT mimosa extract. Later in the eve I took 3mg of melatonin...and this was a powerful combo...I was aware of a definite strong feeling of energy/twisting sensation around my third eye/pineal and I was floating outside my body...the bliss felt on this combination was almost too much to bare, like being wrapped in cosmic cotton wool...actually quite like how I imagined heroin to feel, but much more nourishing than that... Smoking a few joints of the most potent, psychedelic cannabis I have ever encountered no doubt augmented the effects of this.

Often when I wake at night in the pitch black, I find myself tripping to a subtle but noticeable degree...which I strongly suspect is to do with melatonin released at night.
I frequently use melatonin as a safe natural sleep-aid. It provides VERY lucid and complex dreams. If I smoke a joint after taking some I really pass out though:oops: . I have no idea how you people fight it!

I too am interested in these underspoken endogenus tryptamines. I wonder if there would be a way to make it smoke-able? I know that sounds probably pretty stupid but hear this out. If you could increase the metabolism and have it slip into through the blood-brain barrier perhaps it wouldn't turn into pinoline and one could experience the raw nature of the compound.

But that's prolly just undereducated stoned ramble.
I think increasing melatonin levels in the brain is the first step on prolonged darkness meditation retreats. Now, as far as I know, none of what is stated below is scientifically validated or proven, but that doesn't mean it is wrong necessariy...certainly interesting speculation. It seems to work in stages, where once melatonin levels cross a certain threshold, pinoline is produced, and once levels of this cross a certain threshold and a natural MAOI equilibrium is establised, DMT and 5-Meo can be produced;

"The darkness actualizes successively higher states of divine consciousness, correlating with the synthesis and accumulation of psychedelic chemicals in the brain. Melatonin, a regulatory hormone, quiets the body and mind in preparation for the finer and subtler realities of higher consciousness (Days 1 to 3). Pinoline, affecting the neuro-transmitters of the brain, permits visions and dream-states to emerge in our conscious awareness (Days 3 to 5). Eventually, the brain synthesizes the "spirit molecules" 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and dimethyltryptamine (DMT), facilitating the transcendental experiences of universal love and compassion (Days 6 to 12)."

Taken from http://www.universal-tao.com/article/ancient.html
"Often when I wake at night in the pitch black, I find myself tripping to a subtle but noticeable degree...which I strongly suspect is to do with melatonin released at night."

This happens to me alot at night as well..it's very peculiar..it's almost hard to believe when it happens, it gets so close to ayahuasca on those rare occasions..
The cannabis must play a vital part here. I have used melatonin a lot and never ever had anything that came even close to a psychedelic experience with it.

Maybe melatonin potentiates the effect of cannabis or other psychedelics.

It is definately not psychedelic on it's own.
It has been tested as a birthcontroll pill in amounts up to 600mg and did not produce any other side effects than sleepyness at that dose.
How can one get melatonin pills. Over the counter, does that mean I need to show my drivers' license to a pharmacist?
I have never needed to show ID for melatonin in canada..most places that have vitamines and supplements carry it..they have it at the grocery store here.
Bancopuma said:
"The darkness actualizes successively higher states of divine consciousness, correlating with the synthesis and accumulation of psychedelic chemicals in the brain. Melatonin, a regulatory hormone, quiets the body and mind in preparation for the finer and subtler realities of higher consciousness (Days 1 to 3). Pinoline, affecting the neuro-transmitters of the brain, permits visions and dream-states to emerge in our conscious awareness (Days 3 to 5). Eventually, the brain synthesizes the "spirit molecules" 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and dimethyltryptamine (DMT), facilitating the transcendental experiences of universal love and compassion (Days 6 to 12)."

Taken from http://www.universal-tao.com/article/ancient.html

That's interesting, I've thought about that, I wasn't aware that anyone had written anything on it. Thanks for the info!!
wow, to think i have been using melatonin on and off for the past few months as a sleep aid...

i think i have about 6 or 7 pills left...and some weed

hello to my wednesday evening?

how long did the effects last? until the weed wore off? or further?
Wow that's really interesting..melatonin does always gives me the wierdest dreams..Im gonna try smoking with maybe 15mg of it.

qualia- i've never heard of taking it sublingually.
hmm my melatonin tabs are sublingual... i dont really see a problem or difference... think it matters? Well i guess we'll find out. you'll know my 2 cents in 24 hours! :d
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