Rising Star
Kurmanjan Datka (2014)
...a little known and underrated movie about a strong woman leader from near about the Haptah Hindu/Saptah Sindhu Haoma mountains, who bought her people some extra time (few years) after the dead-hearts-monkey-army destroyed the Khanate of Kokand and the Emirate of Bukhara, the last independant state in Middle Earth (besides I-ran and Af-ghanistan)
Full movie is on YT with eng subs (Cannot be embedded)
...a little known and underrated movie about a strong woman leader from near about the Haptah Hindu/Saptah Sindhu Haoma mountains, who bought her people some extra time (few years) after the dead-hearts-monkey-army destroyed the Khanate of Kokand and the Emirate of Bukhara, the last independant state in Middle Earth (besides I-ran and Af-ghanistan)