Rising Star
This experience came from the third time material came into my possession.
Changa procured from an unknown source, said to be strong.
I Took 2 hits on the pipe not requiring the third.
setting bed with partner for pipe safety. inside.
As the colours in the room changed I lay down and closed my eyes.
I found myself in a dark space with brilliant patterns and colours. This was a swirling mass of tentacular geometry that appeared to react to my emotional output. colours ascociated with different feelings, the being seemed to be connected to everything, and attempted to envelop me. I enforced that i was not comfortable with this and the thing retreated. it began to communicate using a strange syntax free of dimension. I found this difficult to comprehend but after some time we began to communicate.
The cephlopod conveyed the notions that he had been creating on our behalf as we could not do it. he accomplished this by taking the sum of the whole and outputted an average of what it interpreted everybody would like to create our 3 dimensional reality.
I asked where I was and the lights were switched on. I found myself in a bare white room with the octopus on a modern aluminium truss stage in front of me. Also present was his friend a human form male whome i had met before on my travels. He had red glasses on and a large moustache and seemed keen to make a party. This character certainly came across as a little unhinged.
The octopus was curious to interact with me and it became important to set boundaries to allow this to occur. politeness was imperitive along with patience. Invasive exploration created uncomfortable sensations. I also had the ability to disconnect or reconnect to the experience and return to my body more or less fully concious if a little spaced out.
The octopuss began to teach me how to create a presence for myself there, a body if you will. I found complex shapes and forms possible but maintaining them was difficult. the colapse of the creation caused a dissonance i could feel with harmonic shapes being much simpler to maintain. I settled on holographic green and red light overlapping each other as this seemed simplist to maintain. the human began to explain that this form i had just created could move through dimensions by opening doors and passing through them. He demonstrated this briefly with a visit to another dimension. here it was possible to freely create he said and introduced me to some "artists" and some of the things they had made there he opened another door and we went through to the octopuss room again.
The octupus becan to transform the matter in the white room arround me including what i was using to create my presence. i had to enforce that was not ok as it was uncomfortable with unpleasant dissonance. it was also uncomfortable to transform matter "through" my presence which had a different feel to it. I began to emulate some of the octopusses actions but i found these opperations very difficult requiring immense concentration as with errors in the creations the matter would collapse and dissonance would occur. small implosions had little effect but larege ones made my RL body shake and convulse.
After a period doing this the man appeared again. The octopus was offering to implant what i can only describe as a chip in my brain. he described it as an assistance for me to help with transformation of matter and interdimensional travel. The object was small, similar in apearance to a silicone chip with blue gold and purple metalic sheen. The operation would put it in the centre. I remember them insisting it was a small operation I would not feel. I was aware i had to consent to this. the octopus came close and opened up with a long rod protruding towards my head began to demonstrate the procedure upon my request. I did not feel comfortable with a very different entity implanting something in my body so did not allow the implant. after a while the octopuss requested we continue interaction and i allowed this. once i had had enough of this (it was intense) i terminated the experiance and returned to my body.
Anyone come across an octopuss or recieved a similar implant?
Changa procured from an unknown source, said to be strong.
I Took 2 hits on the pipe not requiring the third.
setting bed with partner for pipe safety. inside.
As the colours in the room changed I lay down and closed my eyes.
I found myself in a dark space with brilliant patterns and colours. This was a swirling mass of tentacular geometry that appeared to react to my emotional output. colours ascociated with different feelings, the being seemed to be connected to everything, and attempted to envelop me. I enforced that i was not comfortable with this and the thing retreated. it began to communicate using a strange syntax free of dimension. I found this difficult to comprehend but after some time we began to communicate.
The cephlopod conveyed the notions that he had been creating on our behalf as we could not do it. he accomplished this by taking the sum of the whole and outputted an average of what it interpreted everybody would like to create our 3 dimensional reality.
I asked where I was and the lights were switched on. I found myself in a bare white room with the octopus on a modern aluminium truss stage in front of me. Also present was his friend a human form male whome i had met before on my travels. He had red glasses on and a large moustache and seemed keen to make a party. This character certainly came across as a little unhinged.
The octopus was curious to interact with me and it became important to set boundaries to allow this to occur. politeness was imperitive along with patience. Invasive exploration created uncomfortable sensations. I also had the ability to disconnect or reconnect to the experience and return to my body more or less fully concious if a little spaced out.
The octopuss began to teach me how to create a presence for myself there, a body if you will. I found complex shapes and forms possible but maintaining them was difficult. the colapse of the creation caused a dissonance i could feel with harmonic shapes being much simpler to maintain. I settled on holographic green and red light overlapping each other as this seemed simplist to maintain. the human began to explain that this form i had just created could move through dimensions by opening doors and passing through them. He demonstrated this briefly with a visit to another dimension. here it was possible to freely create he said and introduced me to some "artists" and some of the things they had made there he opened another door and we went through to the octopuss room again.
The octupus becan to transform the matter in the white room arround me including what i was using to create my presence. i had to enforce that was not ok as it was uncomfortable with unpleasant dissonance. it was also uncomfortable to transform matter "through" my presence which had a different feel to it. I began to emulate some of the octopusses actions but i found these opperations very difficult requiring immense concentration as with errors in the creations the matter would collapse and dissonance would occur. small implosions had little effect but larege ones made my RL body shake and convulse.
After a period doing this the man appeared again. The octopus was offering to implant what i can only describe as a chip in my brain. he described it as an assistance for me to help with transformation of matter and interdimensional travel. The object was small, similar in apearance to a silicone chip with blue gold and purple metalic sheen. The operation would put it in the centre. I remember them insisting it was a small operation I would not feel. I was aware i had to consent to this. the octopus came close and opened up with a long rod protruding towards my head began to demonstrate the procedure upon my request. I did not feel comfortable with a very different entity implanting something in my body so did not allow the implant. after a while the octopuss requested we continue interaction and i allowed this. once i had had enough of this (it was intense) i terminated the experiance and returned to my body.
Anyone come across an octopuss or recieved a similar implant?