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mushroom extraction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Had this idea the other night, while dreaming hehe (I find dreams a great source of inspiration, sometimes)

Have people heard of the extraction method, for magic mushies, using 100% ethanol? doesn't sound very tasty :p how would one go from the blue psy-infused ethanol, to psy crystals (if even possible?) by the way this is purely hypothetical. not going to be done. just an idea? a science experiment.....

and what could one use the pure tryptamine crystals for? smoke them? hmm. maby just look at them. I imaginge they would be blue for some reason.
there either for oral use or they can be smoked. the ethanol extraction works well supposedly, also methanol is used. swim beleive the mixture is decanted from the mushies and then evaporated. heard the yields are good but the xtals are not completely pure, but effective. if you do a search for this online i'm sure you'll find lots of sources.. and pictures too!
Freeze precipitate....seriously. psilocybin is very soluble in hot ethanol but almost insoluble in very cold ethanol...makes for some decent crystals.
acetic acid. psilocybin gets converted to psilocin, I believe, in acetic acid where it's most stable. then do the extraction.

or you could do an alcoholic extraction, but it'll likely be a mess. I've seen those alcohol freeze precipitates, all fun and good, but you'll need to vacuum filter the mother liquor...or you could gulp the shot of everclear (ouch)
cool thanks guys!

Interesting. Just came as an interesting idea to me.... like a mushroom experiment haha


SWIM was thinking.. since psilocybin and DMT structures are so alike.. couldn't SWIM just go with a standard DMT extraction tek and see what comes out in the end?
noo..not quite..
as was mentioned, acid/heat converts psilocybin to psilocin, which is very sensitive to high pH.
pH 9 - 10 tops for basification, and even then, one would need to work quickly as the hydroxyl group would eventually be deprotonated, rendering the molecule inactive.

with regards to a/b or STB, dmt extraction is a bit more forgiving than psilocin extraction. you can't do STB with it
SWIM has some dried mushrooms lying around and would like to do a simple extraction.

He was thinking of using gently heated water, perhaps with a little bit of vinegar.
Maybe use 3 to 6 small portions of acidic water to get all the alkaloids & prevent
heat from degrading too much goodies in the solution. Then filter, discard pulp &
combine the resulting liquid. With a fan SWIM then wants to speed up the evaporisation,
to yield a crude, Psilocin extract.

The plan is to make an extract to vaporise DMT-style.
He has no immediate access to pure Ethanol so he was wondering if this will do instead?
He also has some Di-Ethyl Ether & some Petroleum Ether around.
Would Psilocin or Psilocybin be soluble in those solvents?
I actually ate some of the crystals that Searcher extracted, and we determined that the crystals were not psilocybin. Rather the brownish goo that settles on them when evaporated is the goods. I always hear about people making these psilo crystals with an alcohol extract, but I suggest filtering them from the liquid and eating them alone, and I bet you won't trip.

The crystals are probably some sort of sugar or carbohydrate. If you read the patent by Hofmann, to get pure psilo crystals, a much more complicated chemical process is needed. You can evaporate the alcohol to a small amount and use that for a dose, but those crystals that settle out in the bottom of an alcohol extract are not psilo crystals. I posted the patent on here before, so you can search it out, or even a quick google search can pull up the patent.

If you don't believe me, I suggest you try what I said, and filter the crystals out of your alcohol extract, and eat those alone. Then when it doesn't work, take a sip of that liquor, and we'll see you on the moon!
You can't drink IPA, and the brown goo (actives) that settles out on top of the crystals (which are not psilocybin/psilocin) seems to degrade fairly quickly, if not kept from the elements.
In my humble opinion, if you don't have a professional organic chemistry lab and hours to spend on this, just eat the mushrooms...
Or just keep measurement of the drinkable liquor, and evaporate it down so that you only need a small shot (or less) of ethanol in your drink of choice to have a nice clean way to dose mushrooms. Plus, the alcohol preserves it very well. Just don't expect the pretty crystals that settle out of the alcohol to be psilocybin crystals. The alcohol and brown goo that is left when evaporated works very well. The goo seems to degrade quickly when left exposed to the elements for too long, but those crystals when isolated from the brown goo that settles on top of them, if not separated, are not psilocybin/psilocin crystals.
dtrypt said:
In my humble opinion, if you don't have a professional organic chemistry lab and hours to spend on this, just eat the mushrooms...

I've extracted alkaloids from psilocybe cubensis with little difficulty. It's worth it if you're interested in smoking the material or if you or someone you know has severe issues digesting whole mushrooms. I have a friend who can't eat fungi due to severe persisting nausea, but 45mg of extract sits on her tummy with no problem.
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