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Mushroom Lemon Tek

Migrated topic.
Any acid should work really, as long as the pH is low. SWIM tried a tea of pH 3 that was definitely very active. SWIM also tried a tea of pH 4 and that was active too, though slightly less active (but was same dosage as before). It could have been a tolerance build up though. Tea is amazing, only thing is, SWIM hasn't tried eating the dry materiel by itself to check if the potency is about the same.
You oculd, if you wanted to, add orange juice concentrate to the mushroom powder, then after it sat for a while (maybe 20 minutes) dilute it up to the normal strength of orange juice, and drink that. Taste isn't great, but certainly isn't terrible. Filter out the bits of mushroom if desired to slightly reduce strength of the experience and significantly reduce nausea.

As always with serotonergic hallucinogens, taking a good amount of fresh ginger orally before you ingest the mushroom tea/slurry should offer significant protection against nausea.
Wow! I tried this before with 35 fresh libs...absurd absurd absurd is the word!

Put the mushrooms and juice of a lemon in a glass, stirred it up, then chewed on some ginger and waited. After half an hoour, poured the whole lot into a cup with a teabag, took the teabag out and drank the cup (and ate the little fellas at the bottom, they just looked irresistable 😉 )

The I had to lay down! Mushrooms have never literally floored me like that, not so quick at least. The normal nausea seemed transformed to pure euphoria! I know nothing of chakras but I think a few opened up a bit there :D.

The first hour was a bit hair-raising to be honest, but the couple of hours after have been blissful. The whole duration has shrunk by a couple hours, but hey quality not quantity right? 😉

God I love mushrooms. And now I love this tek!

for those worried about taste: I've chopped up mushrooms finely and put them into a shot glass, filled half way with hot water (no hotter than tap water gets), the rest of the way with lemon juice, & filtered the mushroom material out. i sucked on a miracle fruit tab for about 15 minutes while the mushroom material soaked, then drank. makes the bitterness of the lemon taste like candy. you can get miracle fruit tabs super cheap on ebay.
Totally tried the lemon tek for the first time the other night....Almost hard to get down, but once it was, cleanest feeling trip I've ever had...period...
hard to get down? really? how much lemon did you use? I only use like 1/5th of a lemon and add some honey..it does not taste bad really at all to me. It is super easy to drink.
I'm still trying to figure out the best way to not ingest the mushroom material with a lemon tek (emphasis on not ingesting the mushroom material).

It seems the most reliable way is to boil the mushrooms, then let it all cool a bit, filter through coffee filter getting all the shroom fibre out, then add some lemon, leave for a while, then drink.

I tried soaking the shrooms in pure lemon juice overnight then filtering the lemon juice but the juice was so thick it wouldn't filter & just sat in the coffee filter, the juice i did get out was noticeably weak.
obliguhl said:
Just dilute it with water, add some sugar ------->Mushroom lemonade!

Mushroomade :d Couldn't resist it.

I was curious about something: does the lemon tek work as good with fresh mushrooms as it does with dried ones? Of course, fresh ones aren't going to become a powder ever, but cutting them as small as possible is enough? Should the sitting time be increased to, say, 30-40 minutes instead of 20? Thanks!
WOW!!! I just read the thread on shroomery and that is so awesome! My alter ego has just come into possession of 3.5 g golden teachers and thinks that he'll give the lemon tek a try. Any suggestions on dosage if he wants to go all out tripping berries but still be able to have enough motor function to walk around? really interested to know
Wonder how long the conversion takes.
I was always trying to figure out why freshies in OJ via blender was as clean and electric as tincture...

I didn't really wait though.

However, maybe with fresh mush, just the minute in blender with OJ is enough to do enough work that the stomach can finish it without much to-do...

I always thought that oxidation was the enemy in the case of fresh vs dried and why fresh is more alive and electric to the mind's eye.
Had experience with the Lemon Tek and the Gummyhuasca experiment. The lemon tek for me consists of cutting up the dried mushrooms - the smaller the pieces the stronger/shorter the journey and larger the pieces the weaker/longer the journey. I prefer a grain of rice as a standard size usually pack a shot glass full of this material and fill with lemon juice and come back 20-30min later and take it all down in one go. Hopefully if done right there are no remaining chunks or chewing.

I found the gummyhuasca experiment to be disappointing. I don't know if it had to do with the fact that I used 100% blackcurrant juice (natural maoi) which was purer than the recipe listed. Funny enough the blackcurrant did work VERY well with some weak LSD.

I don't know if you would have the same effectiveness soaking fresh mushrooms only because of the permeability for one thing.
Does anyone know how stable psilocin is in OJ / acidic solutions? Can I refrigerate it and drink 24 hours later?
Jagube said:
Does anyone know stable psilocin is in OJ / acidic solutions? Can I refrigerate it and drink 24 hours later?

I think it will be fine. Light degrades it quickly, I would definitely keep that in mind. I always handle teas in the lowest light possible.

Attached paper has some details around this. Cheers.


  • anastos2006.pdf
    2.4 MB · Views: 0
I took a lemon tek preparation with me on a day out in nature, consumed it maybe 5-6 hours after making it, and it turned out super weak. But it was more or less room temperature, and the sunlight may have contributed.

And what do we know about baeocystin in the context of the lemon tek? Wikipedia says its effects are very similar to psilocybin.
Does it get converted too? How stable is it?
Jagube said:
I took a lemon tek preparation with me on a day out in nature, consumed it maybe 5-6 hours after making it, and it turned out super weak. But it was more or less room temperature, and the sunlight may have contributed.

And what do we know about baeocystin in the context of the lemon tek? Wikipedia says its effects are very similar to psilocybin.
Does it get converted too? How stable is it?
dephosphorylation of psilocybin to psilocin occurs in acidic conditions, it could be assumed dephosphorylation of baeocystin also occurs. The route might be worthy of investigation for a number of reasons.

I think your problem on the day was the time it was brewed for. Psilocin is more unstable than psilocybin. Second to that maybe the solubility of the molecules in water came in to play. And as you suggested light, as this paper investigates.

EDIT: I see I have attached the same paper as Loveall.
Post-edit tip: If going for a long walk, powdered components in small enough, dark containers and mixing on site works.

I once made a 4 g lemon tek up and something came up and we couldn't trip, so I put it in my freezer and totally forgot about it (there where tons of shrooms about and I was eating them raw when picking), about 3-4 months later I got it out, it was about 4 grams of liberty caps meant for two people.

I defrosted it and split it between two.

There was an effect but it was greatly reduced potency, I would say 50% reduction in potency if not more, hard to say.

Moral of the story, it will keep in the fridge or freezer for short periods of time no problem at all, but it does degrade significantly after a few months.

My advice do not store in a lemon tek state in the freezer / fridge for anything more than a few days to a week :)

Hope this helps

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