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My first breakthrough

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Rising Star
My first breakthrough into the DMT world, happened after having 3 to 4 dmt sessions. (awhile back mind you). My first sessions were merely for me to get a feel for what DMT was. The first trip I of course held back, and didn't take large hits. I got a few morped and distorted visuals, things breathing and swirling, was gone after about 2 min. The 2nd and 3rd sessions I was a bit more confident. And I had gotten some major 2d complex geometric visuals. Vivid in color. Swirling and spinning. Those times I became in a trance like state. The 3rd one was a little deeper, the 2d kalaidescope visual took a dome like shaped (the dmt dome?) I would compare it to looking up at a circus tent from the inside. Where the pole holds the tent up in the middle. The 4th session was it. The one. I switched from a small glass meth style pipe, to a large lightbulb. In hopes of getting the entire dose vaporized. I weighed out 60mg of some very pure crystal, and filled the entire bulb up before starting my hit. It went down smooth with little agitation (unlike the smaller glass pipe) The first hit was huge, before I exhaled things started moving and swirling on me. The bulb was still full of smoke, I lit it again and took a second large hit. The tone was growing larger before i could even set the pipe down. Very distinct sound, nothing like the smaller trips before. I knew this was going to be a breakthrough session. The tone grew, and grew. I sat the pipe down on the floor, and laid back onto the couch. For the next 11 minutes i did not move or make a sound (that i'm aware of, lol). Nothing I experienced in my prior 3 trips were anything remotely like this. I was in a new world, a very real world. I was looking at yellow rooms and hallways. They were spinning back and forth, up and down much like a rubix cube is manipulated. There was a being that was rolling colored balls up and down the walls in rows. A female presence could be felt to my right side, as if she was looking over my shoulder, pointing out what was happening. Showing me. The tone was constant the entire time, and it was coming from her. Her head was right next to mine, and the tone was in my ear the entire time. A constant hum. Once the DMT world subsided, and the room i was in reappeared, I had some CRAZY visuals. There was stuff moving in the air all over the room. I tried to reach out and touch it, but I coulding. 3D translucent shapes and tubes moving everywhere. If you've seen the geometric shapes crawling on the walls while on low doses, the ones that are sort of clear, this was similar but in 3D. I waved my hand in front of my face and there were about 50 tracers of it following suite. These afterglow visuals lasted about 7-10 minutes, and were pretty darn cool. Overall the trip was about 15-20 minutes long. I've since visited the DMT world many times, but i thought i would share my first time experience's for those that have not yet been blessed with a breakthrough.
Ah! the breakthrough into hyperspace!It is a beautiful thing ain't it.But after doing it outdoors lying down on the wet grass looking up at the sky,my living room couch doesn't seem like the appropriate place to do it anymore.What a difference the outdoors makes.I yet have to go do it by the river at sunset.And I would also have to try it outside during a thunder shower.
Ah! the breakthrough into hyperspace!It is a beautiful thing ain't it.But after doing it outdoors lying down on the wet grass looking up at the sky,my living room couch doesn't seem like the appropriate place to do it anymore.What a difference the outdoors makes.I yet have to go do it by the river at sunset.And I would also have to try it outside during a thunder shower. Here check out this report I wrote almost a year ago Joined: 12 Sep 2006 Posts: 197 Location: Montreal Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:04 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wow Litrium,that sounds like one hell of an experience.I've only done aya once and way too long ago(1991) but I have some pretty profound experienses with smoked DMT.On ione I was transported to what seemed like a land of the vikings where there were these blue haired vikings that looked 100% human and this one guy in particular was like two feet in front of me staring at me with a grin on his face,but he was dressed like the Jack in a deck of cards.All of a sudden I just became some sort of energy and i was in the afterlife as a wave riding on the earth's magnetic field lines all around the earth.at one point I tuned into a radio station from Venezuela, and then I was in the white light void.all I could feel was almost like drops of hot water hitting my body as if I could feel each neutrino passing through me.I was lying on the driveway at a buddies country house and next thing I felt was his little dog licking my face,exept it felt like this was a dog thatI once had that died about 15 years ago that had entered into my friend's little dog's body and she was in some way that wasn't words saying it was nice to see me again.It was beautiful.I was asking "Onyx,is that you?" and she made me understand that it was her indeed.I finally got up off the driveway shouted out "fuck that was beautiful", reloaded the pipe with a humungus hit took a huge toke and don't remember nothing about the second trip.nada absolutely nothing at all.It must have been 150mg from the look of it.All I know is that weekend between me and my buddy we went through almost two grams of spice.Well I made about three or four other poeple try it too. _________________ I tried to say no to drugs but they wouldn't listen
[quote:5344e3c0b0="quantumbrujo"]Ah! the breakthrough into hyperspace!It is a beautiful thing ain't it.But after doing it outdoors lying down on the wet grass looking up at the sky,my living room couch doesn't seem like the appropriate place to do it anymore.What a difference the outdoors makes.I yet have to go do it by the river at sunset.And I would also have to try it outside during a thunder shower.[/quote:5344e3c0b0] Doing it outside is great. Although during the actual trip, neither outside nor inside would make a difference for me. I lose complete awareness of my surroundings when breaking through. But the after effects are changed depending on the setting.
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