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My first breakthrough

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
From the moment I learned about DMT many years ago I have had an obsession with understanding it and understanding this world we live in. However I have been much more intimidated by it and couldn't bring myself to try it, until recently. For reference I am currently using a Dube XS white rhyno battery to heat the cartridge in which the DMT is loaded.

Attempt 1 - Friends who are a bit more experienced than I recommended a few songs for me to listen to for my first go. I turn the music on and take my first small hit. Before exhaling I could feel my body being taken over with a head to toe body high and I remember thinking is this it? This is amazing, but no real sense of breakthrough. The music is okay and very relaxing but not quite doing it for me so i changed the song to something I was more familiar with and begin to take a second hit a little bigger. This time I feel my third eye begin to vibrate intensely and feel the presence of something warm and beautiful around me but my girlfriend blurts "can we change the song" as I feel I'm about to get somewhere its suddenly over and I no longer wish to continue.

Attempt 2 - Unfortunately the setting for my first blast off is one in which I've learned I should not be taking part in when embracing something so beautiful however I feel the need to share. I had dosed myself with roughly 200mg of MDMA and was watching one of my favorite Dj's at a local spot with my pen ready to go if the moment felt right. After my first experience I thought if I plugged my nose while smoking the taste wouldn't be so unbearable and I could pull for the ten second limit if possible. I remember the moment perfectly, I was dancing and enjoying myself and thought now is the time. I cover my face and begin to pull, turning the battery on for a few moments, stopping and then hitting it longer. Suddenly the beautiful cloth around my head turned into what felt like a helmet, I could no longer here the loud music and I started to take off from what seemed to be a station. Flying through space for what was only a few seconds seeing the beauty of hyperspace with a feeling of complete bliss I opened my eyes and was back in the crowd feeling astonished.

I have not attempted to go back yet for I have not felt comfortable enough with my surroundings since this moment to attempt a breakthrough. I've read many mixed reviews about indoor sessions gone wrong so I am currently in search for a quiet outdoor setting in which to take off.
Just last night I also had a dream where i was with my friends who recently introduced me to this wonderful world and we were smoking DMT in my dream, I remember feeling some body sensations when suddenly there was a face in the room of which I did not recognize wearing round black sunglasses asking me questions which brought me out of my dream immediately. I am curious if there other experiences like this one?

Sorry if my post should not include taking a stimulant or public settings when trying such things, I just felt it was important to share my first experiences in full detail to understand the circumstances surrounding.
You are smoking DMT on a dance floor in a club... lmao. Sounds like a good time though!

You gonna break through and lose the use of your body...

I cannot imagine being able to stand up while in some of the DMT places I've been, lol, could just be me tho.

For me, I know I've broken through when half way through I come back into my body and remember that I'm seeing these things because I'm a human who took DMT. Before that point it is just pure experience with no awareness of self...
easye said:
I have not attempted to go back yet for I have not felt comfortable enough with my surroundings since this moment to attempt a breakthrough. I've read many mixed reviews about indoor sessions gone wrong so I am currently in search for a quiet outdoor setting in which to take off.

yeah indoors for me everything looks and feels much closer to me, the visions feel closer, versus outside to where everything is expanded out. i always would have my eyes closed

indoors is great if i have it set up right. outdoors is great if say you stumble upon a desolate countryside or some tract of remote land, and to where you wont be bothered. being 100% comfortable that youre not going to be bothered helps quite alot ime

easye said:
Just last night I also had a dream where i was with my friends who recently introduced me to this wonderful world and we were smoking DMT in my dream, I remember feeling some body sensations when suddenly there was a face in the room of which I did not recognize wearing round black sunglasses asking me questions which brought me out of my dream immediately. I am curious if there other experiences like this one?

never have had that happen, tho ive smoked dmt one time, only once in a dream.

i was sitting around in a circle with friends, and all i remember is taking a medium or so hit, and everything got going as it does on the comeup, tho as soon as the bodyload from the dmt in the dream overtook me that reality started creeping, undulating, building into my vision

then i woke up

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