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My first high Dose.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This is my faint recollection of the first time I took a large dose from my own spice.
I have a very good friend, we shall call him B. I was over at B's house, with his friend, his room mate, and his room mates girlfriend. I had been planing on exposing B to the spice for a while, but I rarely see him anymore so I had to do it in front of spectators. We smoked a few bowls and I started explaining, to the best of my knowledge, what it was and why I thought it was so appealing (I don't talk with the same grammar I type mind you). I loaded some on top of a bubbler full of ashes that we already had smoked, probably 100 mgs or so ( I didn't have a scale).

I took the first hit, wasn't a very big one, but enough to get me to, for comparisons sake, the peak of a 4.5 gram mushroom trip. I passed it to B and his roommates girlfriend shrieked at the smell. We waited maybe 2 minutes before we took another hit, because we were both so giggly and happy that we just wanted to talk to everybody. Not after the second hit. I ripped the bubbler as hard as I could, and almost passed out from trying to hold the smoke in. I looked at the table and suddenly there were 9 bottles where there was once one. The TV started to melt in to B's room mate and I had thought I pissed my self. The next few minutes are a complete blank. I was later told that I said that I felt like I was dying in a very calm and content voice over and over. B's rm's gf (lol) was scared, I couldn't tell what she was saying, but I could sense her fear. then it goes blank again for another few minutes. When I originally thought that I had pissed my self it was just a little dampness in my pants, but when I briefly came back to reality the second time, it felt like I was sitting in a piss puddle and my whole lower half was drenched (which, thank science, was all a hallucination). Some time after that their dog started freaking out for some reason and B's friend started yelling at it. I could tell he was speaking English, and that I knew what the words coming out of his mouth were, but I had no idea what they meant when you put them all together in a sentence. I think after that I finally closed my eyes to see a man dressed in a wizards robe spinning with the classic geometric patterns spinning with him. Something scared me while that was happening because the next thing I remember is cursing you guys for ever helping me make such a thing. Then I opened my eyes and it was pretty much over. Just some tracers and the over whelming feeling of being reborn and being madly in love with every atom in the universe.

This happened a few months ago, when I first started making my own spice, but something told me to share it with you guys, so I did.
SWIM enjoyed the read, thank you. SWIM wishes to join your hyperspace club. SWIM, it seems, is not even close to hyperspace. Can you burn the spice from butane torch on the glass? SWIM really thinks he is doing something wrong at this point, or needs a scale.
DMT from memory vaoparises @ ~80 degrees centigrade [i.e. below boiling point of water]. if you heat it too much it will i believe break down (hence best not to let a flame touch it)
I have found best results from a vaporiser [i use the BC, but it's easy enough to rigg up a cheap soldering iron to make your own]

the trick i have found is to take very small gentle sucks as the vapour comes off, and never any more until the chamber has had time to build up again (1-2 seconds)
using this method [compared to doing a big inhale (and taking in lots of air with it)] i have found that i need to use maybe half of the amount for dissolution [i.e. total dissolution styles from maybe 20-30mg]
i.e. it's really efficient and also way easier on the lungs
I've shown this technique to a few friends and they have all had similar results [i.e. less for more]

I normally take 2 or 3 slow, long rips and hold them in until I can't anymore
It's best to find a method for doing it in one. That's the stuff.

AAAAAAHHHH! Fatcat, you reminded me of why I use DMT alone and ONLY alone. I hate people complaining about the smell. Especially just after take-off. Have they no consideration?

I could never smoke spice in that environment. It'd be like being given the most comfortable chair only to be drilled by an army officer 5 seconds later.

To me, sharing the spice experience is telling your subject exactly what it is and exactly what to do, give them the materials (gratis por favor) and letting them find a time and a place where they can take-off, land and process... or call up a friend... whatever.

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