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My First Time with Candyflip - My Body Move by Itself

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Rising Star
Hello guys, I'm a new member of this forum. And I just had an amazing experience that I will never ever forget in my life. I don't know if I post in right area, so please excuse me.

Okay let's start at 2 weeks before I did candyflip, I was doing my first session Changa ever. I didn't have much experiences with it, so of course I couldn't breakthrough. My vision was so random that I feel like I was looking at the old TV noises. First hit I wasn't do the right doses, I passed out right away, everything was so intense, I keep asking myself why am I doing this. The second hit I did less than the first hit but I felt so bad, I didn't want to do this anymore. But after some meditation, I got back to it right away and It was the last hit. The third hit I also did't have any visuals, after the intense moments come down, I feel a familiar feeling, like I have been experienced this before. And then I saw a wide canvas of infinite space with wireframe starting to construct. But it was really vivid.

Okay, that's a summary of my first experience with Changa. Nothing much to tell, couldn't get anything out of it, no visuals, nothing. Let's get back to yesterday when I was candyflip. I don't know how to feel the right way about this. The whole trip It was recalling my whole Changa trip but more mellow feeling so it lasts longer. I took first tab L in the morning and then about an hour I feel weird inside my stomach so I thrown up. It was weird because I took L for couple of times but I never thrown up before. This time I was thrown up everything out of my stomach, even water. After thrown up, everything was beautiful, I feel so light, so calm, really in a good mood. But I'm not a guy who have a lot of visuals, I never have a lot of visuals with my previous trip either. I can see the carpet waving, more contrast, color intensify. But nothing melt or see any shapes or pattern coming.

So after 3 hours of taking L, I started to take half of the E. And half an hour later I can feel the E, I was in a really good mood, moving to the music. I started to feel really weird about my arms because It stretched out straight like a bird, and I didn't do it, It did it on its own. It lasts for only like 5 10 minutes. And my visions were shaking too much that I can't focus on anything. The E wasn't boosting any visuals from the L.

Then 3 hours later when I feel the comedown of the E, I went down to my living room and took a hit of weed. It was so wow, right after the first hit, It boosted everything up both the E and the L. My vision getting so yellow, really yellow, like how you see when you smoke the DMT. I have no idea why it happened. Then I came back to my bedroom. I was so sensitive to music. When I closed my eyes, I saw so many patterns that I never see before. Geometrical shapes flying to my face, rotating, changing colors, changing shapes, moving to the music. I put my mind into headspace, and the crazy things happen. My arms started floating into the air, stretched out like a bird. My consciousness is still there. I opened my eyes and I saw my hand lifting up very light and I didn't control it. If I focus hard enough I can get my arms back to normal. It happened everytime when I put my mind into headspace my whole body, especially in the chest, feel like it's been lifting up and it drags my arms up too. So i surrendered to it to see what would happen. Music keeps playing, I stand up and I looked like a cross. And then my hand moved by itself, bending, stretching, very perpendicular angle. At that time I feel like I'm a clock because my hand moved me and I rotated in 4 directions. My arms moved up, down, left, right, but it was really straight. I didn't know what to expect until my elbow flexed and starting to create square. Again very perpendicular angle. My left hand was created square at another angle, while my right hand created square at another angle. And it keeps building to the point where both of my hand meets. Then It started creating cube shapes. I felt like I was holding a cube inside my hand. It was building the big cube and then go inside that cube and demonstrate another small cube, rotating, transforming in every angle until the point that my fingers from both hand start touching and creating square too. OMG !!!!

It was a tutting dance, if anybody know what that means, but very structural. And from fingers, it started reversing to big cube and bigger cube. And then my finger started created the waves, winding in the air, both of my hand, created an ornament shapes. I observed my own hand doing all kind of thing and I swear I didn't control it. It moved on its own. Like it has its own consciousness. The move wasn't smooth. It was stuttering and very slow, only change shapes when the music changes. My hand was floating into the air for quite a long time but I didn't feel stressed on my muscle. And then after the hand, my neck bended by itself, to the right, left, back, and down. Of course if you can look at me at that time it won't look like a square but the angle felt so much like perpendicular angle. I have a couple of times getting out of that headspace zone but when I got back into it, It wasn't building the cube from a scratch. It remembered the last move that I did before.

Has anybody experienced the same thing like me? It was amazing, yes so amazing!. Now I still remember the feel of my hand started lifting up into the air by itself. I felt so peaceful and light inside me. I still didn't figure out why my body made those kind of moves and what's the meaning of that.
Wow, sounds like you experienced some rpetty crazy stuff. I don't think I could handle all of those sensory distortions you talk off. Utter craziness.

BTW you do realize that all of your actions are dictated by the unconscious mind. This was proven by experiments where they measured electrical activity of thought and found that the decision was made half a second before you become aware of making it.

There for when you say u didn't feel like u were moving ur arm, thats because u wernt. all YOU are is just an awareness.
Thank you for your response. I don't think I'm the one who make the decision tho. During headspace zone, well I tried to imagine that my arms should bend to the left or any angle you know, but it didn't listen to me. It bended to the way it wanted. For example I was stuck in the position of the right hand straighten to the front, well I tried my best to make my decision to get my wrist bend inward in order to create perpendicular angle. But it wasn't do the way I wanted. After that position, my left hand start moving upward on its own. I truly feel like me at that time was only a tiny piece of spirit stucking inside my body.
fathomlessness said:
Wow, sounds like you experienced some rpetty crazy stuff. I don't think I could handle all of those sensory distortions you talk off. Utter craziness.

BTW you do realize that all of your actions are dictated by the unconscious mind. This was proven by experiments where they measured electrical activity of thought and found that the decision was made half a second before you become aware of making it.

There for when you say u didn't feel like u were moving ur arm, thats because u wernt. all YOU are is just an awareness.

It was almost identical move like this
... but it's slower and very structural going from the big cube one to small cube and then my hand start doing square shapes too.
Sounds like an amazing experience. I have felt like my arms were dancing without my help. As if they drug me out of my seat to dance. But I never let myself fall deep enough into the trance to really see where it would lead.
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