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This is the part, where the real interesting stuff begins:


While each of them was super divine experience which felt more ecstatic than any feeling in 3d, I don’t remember anything about them that wasn’t described in earlier trips. They were similar to trip 6 especially.

Throughout several latest years I was meditating, sometimes more, sometimes less, but often with the intention of connecting to benevolent beings, eager to help me. Lately my meditations became very powerful. I feel strong energy flowing through me, even shaking my whole body.

This is the track I play at my every trip. Always listening to it on a loop. I invite you to play it, feel more of what I feel:


At the beginning of this year, in early January we smoked changa. This time I was lighting with candle and I took really solid hit, bigger than before.


I laid down on a coach and closed my eyes immediately after taking puff. After quick, cool loading, I landed in something like a white outlandish room. There was this humanoid shaman-like character dancing and performing some kind of rituals around me. He was doing everything super fast. After a moment I was in another place, it was like an inside of a spaceship, but everything was changing constantly in the most perfect way. Suddenly I saw human faces in geometric shapes. They were smiling at me and greeting me. They were dancing in shifting geometric shapes. It was like a party. Beautiful woman’s face appeared in front of me, she smiled and sent me a kiss. Her skin was in blue-violet tones, looked like night sky full of stars, or like a digital art. They were celebrating that I finally made full contact. They sent me so much love. I wanted to get up and start dancing myself, only didn’t do it because of immense ecstasy, love and comfort I felt lying covered in blanket. They started sending me subtle telepathic messages – that was the first time I discovered beauty of this type of communication. They said that I have nothing to fear smoking changa, I have their full support if I let them help me. And that I’m shaman/channeler or something of this sort. After a while I saw their spaceships from the outside and then I was drifting through space, seeing shapes of energy everywhere. It was like I was slowly coming back from some other side of galaxy…

After I opened eyes I was so excited! I told my brother about that experience, spaceships and all of that and he asked: “Where was this place?” The only thing that came to my mind was Pleiades…

I was so intrigued by it that the next day we smoked again.


This time I landed in different “room”, which was constantly changing, and how it was changing was affected by what I was thinking. They knew what I was thinking and it showed in the vision. It looked and felt like fusion of advanced technology and spirituality. Then I was in a medical facility, where scientists were present. They looked human and had futuristic labcoats. I saw incredible machines and computers. These “doctors” were running some diagnostics and they saw my physical and psychic health state on the monitor. Scenes were shifting. I was in one medical room, then I was in another, I think they were discussing my state with each other and sometimes they gesticulated something to me. Then they applied some medical treatments on me using various machines. I think there is much I don’t remember from this trip as well as from the previous one. The “scientists” were concentrating mainly on “the job”, so they weren’t communicating with me as much. At one point I was lying on something which appeared to be operating table and I saw lights above, another treatment, like an operation. After a while I took a glance at some spaceship/space station? As I was coming back to my body. There was another journey through beautiful space… (and of course throughout this trip everything was super pleasant in many different ways)

When I open my eyes I felt great! I told my brother that I visited some amazing places! I was in some medical facility in a distant star system. I felt like articulating sentences was easier to me… He asked: “Where was that? In Pleiades?” and I replied: “I think so, yes…” then I felt strong telepathic confirmation and my head started to shake in “yes” gesture on it’s own for half a minute and I couldn’t even stop it! This was a true channeling!

My brother smoked next, but he took very weak hits, and he only had faint vision where he was bathing in a pond of brown goo with some medusa – like creature. It was kinda like bathing in shit – but it was not unpleasant or anything. He had good laugh about it. But he wanted to smoke again because of this weak trip, so I decided I’ll smoke again too.

However, this time I was very scared. Smoke two times in a row? Three times in two days? That seemed to be greedy. I didn’t know if I should. I was scared that I could be treated like my friend in part 2… I did it anyway.


I was kinda getting used to that loading. Beautiful geometric shapes, pleasant healing energy flowing through me… But wait… This time shapes were imperfect, asymmetrical. Then, something ugly started to cover my field of vision. As everything is always in ultra HD, this was fuzzy and it looked like chaos corruption, zerg creep or just mud. This disruption was slowly overwhelming my field of vision. I thought “Damn, I overdid it. I’m f***ed now.” Then I got to the other side and I got a telepathic message “YOU SHOULDN’T BE SO GREEDY” and I replied “Of course! I’m sorry! I learned my lesson!” even shaking my head physically. And then I saw Pleiadian “scientists” ROTFLing. They were all laughing at me! Then there was only one guy left and he started to gesticulate quickly, bowing quickly with folded hands, his expression was like “xD” and he kept sending me this messages: “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! We’re really really really sorry! This was only a joke! We just couldn’t help ourselves seeing you being that scared despite the fact that we always sent you only love! We told you you don’t have to be afraid! It’s so cute! We really love you VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY much!” as he was communicating this he had his hands on his heart. I felt SO MUCH love then, more than ever before, I was just like “aww you really love me this much? Aww you guys, I love you too!” This apology was so exaggerated, it looked very silly. Then he straightened up, pointing up with his finger saying “We’ll get to work right away!” I think medical cap with red cross popped on his head and he took out comically large syringe, spraying some substance in the air. By his appearance you would say that he’s serious scientist, but he acted like a jester!

Medical gear and machinery suddenly appeared all around him, he was pressing buttons, and doing some actions with it super quickly. Then he led me to what appeared to be like a reception hall in a hospital from another planet! This place was VERY stable – in a sense that it wasn’t constantly changing like most of other places I visited so far. It was beautiful and incredible! There were other people too. But of course it wasn’t like a third dimension at all, more like 4th or 5th, what was happening there defied laws of physics. He led me through another series of rooms with a lot of machinery and conducted another series of treatments. I don’t remember most of them.

Later I was coming back through space again. My communication with Pleiadians was weakening, but they brought my attention to the inside of my head, the place right behind my eyes. There is like a muscle there you can physically flex. When I did it, visions changed suddenly in colors and shapes and intensified a little. But I was tired. “Is it really doing something or I’m just tripping?” I didn’t know…

You’ll see more about it along with my other adventures in the next part! As always, comments are appreciated!

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