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My journey - report series

Migrated topic.


Pleiadian Soul
Hello again!

I am so sorry for writing 1 post and disapearing for 6 months! I had challenging time followed by a period of lethargy. But it's all over now!

I can't wait to tell you what is happening to me now, but I have to start from the beginning.

In my introductory essay ( I answer the call - Introduction Essay - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus ) I mentioned that I tried to learn channeling and meditated a lot with that intention. I invited any benevolent entities that are willing to make contact. I also mentioned that the first time I smoked I hadn't realised how potent a substance DMT is.

First few trips were long time ago, so I don't remember that much, but I remember great deal of few latest (and those are also the deepest and most interesting).


That was some time, maybe 3 or 4 years ago. That was dark time of weed addiction for me. I ran out of weed and was looking for something that could satisfy my craving. In my brother's drawer I found a pipe, and there was something left to smoke in it. I tried it, but I got nothing special really. Just some hightened senses. I realised thatit was changa and did a little bit of research, just how to smoke it and I was seriously doubting that it's as strong psychedelic as it is advertised in the internet.

I took one solid puff and released big cloud of white smoke. When I put down a pipe and was going to the couch, everything started to blur. I had my eyes open. I realised that the room I'm in looks completely different. I still had the same furniture placement, but each piece of furniture was replaced by futuristic, super technological advanced version of it. For example instead of a lamp, there was this really cool looking device that was also giving light. Instead of normal computer there was sci-fi supercomputer. Room looked like inside of a spaceship. Everything was clear and sharp, like in Ultra HD. Walls were covered in constantly shifting geometric symbols of pure perfection.

I was terrified. I thought: "What IS THIS?! So perfect, so divine... It's like someone is showing all of this to me. Is this safe? Maybe some malevolent entity is trying to fool and trap me by showing me all of this." I remembered my brother telling me that Changa is "not for everyone". "Maybe it's not for me? Maybe I've just exposed myself to an attack?" I felt as if someone was reading my mind. Like I couldn't hide anything. Any thought, any deepest secret and desire was known to them.

Then I felt love. This immense feeling of pure, unconditional, limitless love. My body was vibrating with powerful energy and it felt ecstatic. I've never felt like this before. I cried.

The following days I was in shock and awe. It was like all my beliefs were proven and confirmed. It's different to read about something and to experience it like that.

I tried to describe to my friend the magnificence of my experience, but he did not like how it sounded. He was disappointed in me and said that it's too bad that I had to do drugs to achieve this state. My other friend was more supportive, but he couldn't understand the meaning of what I've been through. How could you describe it with words to a person who has never done that?

After my brother's return from the foreign lands I told him about all of this. It was the first moment someone could relate to what I felt, albeit not completely since his experiences differ from mine. He said that when he was saying that it is not for everyone he didn't mean me, quite the contary. Since then he was present during almost all of my trips, which I am very grateful for.


Not long after that we arranged for another smoking. Although I've had already forgotten the bulk of this first experience, this time I knew more of what I was dealing with. So I was very scared to do this. Thankfully, my brother was with me this time and he went first. He is very spiritual person being Dzogchen Buddist while I base my beliefs in big part on channelings with multidimensional entities, aliens, etc. Sacred geometry and all that stuff. Anyway, one does not exclude the other, our views can complement each other. However, I think that they may have huge influence on what we experience during trip.

This was the only time he did it with eyes open. From what he was saying after, everything went 2D, there were some beautiful Aztec - looking themes and there was a lot of cleansing and releasing of tensions, which altogether created very immense and positive experience.

Now it was my turn and I was VERY scared of what might come (as opposed to my first time, when I had no idea what I was getting into) After an hour of delaying and overpreparation I finally found courage to take a long hit and released big cloud of thick, white smoke (I always take one but huge hit, but and it always seems sufficient). I stayed with my eyes open, as I was still scared to close them, fearing what I might see there. Room quickly started to transform in most incredible way. I instantly remembered what I had forgotten after previous trip - which was most of the immensity of how everything turned all sci-fi again - amazing machines and futuristic objects replaced all furniture and items in the room - but it was changing, shifting constantly in a way which had feel of some super intelligence and ultimate perfection. This was like a fusion between super advanced technology and enlightened spirituality. The powerful feeling of love filled me completely, which was ecstatic. The most pleasant state in my entire life to that moment. I felt presence, like someone was showing this all to me. I was looking around the room in total shock, thinking "Is this for real? Is this really how things can be, is that really how things are?" And the presence sent me even more love, I felt it was laughing. "Yes! That is all real!" I felt he was making fun of my shocked state. And as everything there was different and perfect, there was something like dimensional warp surrounding my brother. He looked exactly the same as normally (only with higher resolution than real world if that makes sense), but I was able to see perfection in his normal self. It was like they wanted me to have this anchor to the real world, like I needed. His presence helped me considerably during this whole process. When trip started diminishing I layed down in a state of ecstasy. I felt energy flowing through all my body, healing all my ailments.

This trip was very similar to the previous one, but it was stronger, longer and much better received. There has been no fear like at the first time.

At the end I felt strong urge to smoke it again soon, maybe even regularly - like an invitation, like it was just the beginning and there was much more to see for me. Hovewer, I had not accepted this invitation for quite some time. After trip is over you tend to forget its immense meaning and the more time goes on it feels more and more like just a dream...

This was the start of my journey. As it went on it went more deep and crazy with each subsequent smoke - this here was nothing in comparison to what was to come. I really hope that you'll stay with me as I'm very anxious to see what you have to say to all of this.

I'll get right away to the next part. I'll post it asap. I promise I won't disappear anymore like after my first post!

The one question I have now is: Is this type of trip common? Did you experience something similar? Few of my next trips after that were very similar to these. All people I talked to (not many though) all had very different experiences from each other.
Welcome back. Enjoyed reading your first changa experiences. My early experiences were similar to what youve described, especially the bit about objects being replaced by sleek futuristic versions of themselves. Its interesting how this changes and evolves each time one smokes. Always something new and surprising revealed. Looking forward to reading more.
Thanks for answering, ijahdan! This is really appreciated! I'm glad that you liked it! It's nice to find someone who can relate to what I experienced. Meanwhile, here is part 2:

The next 3 trips had the same general feel as previous ones, but this was different changa. I think it was much weaker, because trips weren't as deep and immense as earlier:


Maybe month or 2 after the last one me and my brother rallied for another one. Maybe it was Christmas Eve? My brother was first this time too. I was still scared. After taking a puff I immediately started reporting what is happening to him, like: "Oh, it's starting! What a cool transition. Everything's changing!" It had the exact feel as previously, but this time it was weaker. I don't know if it was because I was talking, weaker stuff (different one this time) or weak hit. It was pleasant and loving, but it ended quickly and wasn't as great as ones before. But it ended with this feeling, that I should smoke again.


I think we smoked again the day after. I don't remember this one, but it had the same feel again. Beautiful shifting reality, but no machines this time, I just could see perfection in the normal world of 3d reality. I felt presence, love, ecstasy, strong energy and healing, and invitation again.

Another several months passed, my brother's friend visited us and all 3 of us smoked. My brother visited some dimension, where abstract entity was present and it seemed like it was playing some instrument. I don't remember anything from what his friend said about her trip.


Longer period of time has passed so my fear has risen too. I took a puff and closed my eyes. I saw what looked like a loading screen in a computer game, or rather screensaver. There was black or purple background and there was symbol - i think it was Tree of life (or something very similar) floating before me slowly. I was still scared to close my eyes during trip so I opened them and experienced very similar thing again. Probably there is something that I don't remember from those trips, as this is usually the case. Again, the reality changed subtly, everything was perfect as it is, love and well being came, but this time I saw like a silhouette appearing several times for a fraction of second like Tyler Durden at the beginning of Fight Club.

I forgot to add earlier that after my most immense trip to this moment I identified nature of this presence I felt as very playful, sly and funny and I called him jesterlike (back then I had not read any reports with jesters). This silhouette seemed to have something like jester cap? But it was blurry, unclear and I might have just jumped to conclusions. The nature of this character was jesterlike, but I don't know if it was really a jester, maybe not. But I felt another invitation to smoke more often, as always.

Some time after that I aquired supply of high quality changa, but again - many months passed and all previous experiences were more like a dream to me. I didn't feel like smoking. I was occupied with other things and was often smoking weed too, which made me generally dull and lethargic during that time.

Last spring I participated in kambo cleanse ritual - standard 3 times across 2 months - the worst feeling ever. However I felt better after that in many aspects. Next step was ayahuasca in summer. However, organizers said that not everyone connects with spirit of ayahuasca the first time, so they recommended performing it two days in a row. I could spare only one day for that, at that time. So I started thinking - ayahuasca is in large portion DMT, right? So, maybe it's all about DMT. I should smoke some changa day before and I'll be just fine. However, at that time I hadn't smoked for many months, maybe even year or more. And I had this quality stuff just laying around this whole time. I was scared - really terrified to do that. I don't know why I was - till that moment the only thing waiting for me on the other side was love. But, it's like a bungee jump to total unknown. Who knew what could happen there? Anything. I was afraid of having to face my fears. I've already rallied my brother and he said he has no intention of smoking that day, so I was going first and only. It took me almost 2 hours of fighting with myself to finally decide to do it.


There was nothing but love waiting for me on the other side. In general it was similar to my other most intense trips so far, but it went deeper this time. I was still afraid to close my eyes, but I felt it was ok. I felt loving presence, like a friend who was happy to let me proceed with a rate I'm most comfortable with. No need to rush. I felt like I don't have to be ever afraid of doing this. The love and support was overwhelming, and ecstasy... Not one, but many different kinds of esctasy. Strong energy was flowing through me, I was shaking. I couldn't stop smiling throughout whole process. This was the world of absulute shifting perfection. I finally closed my eyes later and I was drifting through beautiful abstract spaces. Everything so perfect and pretty. I was so full of love that I couldn't stop myself from hugging my brother, despite the fact that I never do this normally. The whole experience was the most pleasant feeling of my life (as almost every trip i have). This was exactly what I wanted from this smoke. I felt like I have much much more to see and I should do it more often. Of course later I forgot about the incredibility and importance of all of this and throughout the next 6 months I did only 3 trips. Again, after you come back it's so easy to forget... Even now when I'm describing this I know that I don't know what I'm talking about. When I think about it during trip I realise it, that when I tell someone about my adventures I remember only a fraction of the magnificence of it.

Anyway, I attended this ayahuasca ritual and it turned out I was wrong thinking smoking changa will help anything. Maybe even the opposite. I felt almost nothing, despite the fact that I took 3 servings. I was surrounded with all those moaning people who were obviously experiencing something deep and me? When I was concentrating really hard I had only very faint visions, but couldn't concentrate because of this older guy beside me who was talking through his trip constantly. The next day they all had some conclusions about their life, like "I understood how I needed to stop blaming my dead parents for failures in my life." or "Now I'm 100% sure that I need to keep doing what I'm doing (painting murals) as it is my greatest excitement and the right way for me to go." I told one guy that I'm little disappointed by my experience, but I also told him about my great changa experience the day before. He said "If you really experienced something so profound, all that magnificent love and excitement - and you say like you feel it's only beginning of much more to come - how can you be disappointed now?" He was right. I wouldn't even smoke that changa if it wasn't for that ayahuasca trip the next day. I don't know when I would have found will and courage to do it again.

After some time I told my friend about what I've been through. Good friend from university from the time when I studied finance & accountancy (for me it was super boring). We met at first day and were great friends since. We used to skip lectures to smoke weed and go to the movies and finally we dropped out together (Good times! Good thing that higher education is mostly free in Poland). He's a singer, and hedonist very popular with girls. He has very developed ego - no judgement here, just stating facts - I love the guy. I told him about the heaven I experienced and all those incredible things. He became curious and wanted to try too. I warned him of course, said that he has no idea what he's getting into, that it could alter his outlook and there's no guarantee that he'll even like it - maybe just the opposite. Also, that he should have real respect for it. However, I liked the idea of introducing new people to this amazing substance and was craving for more people who could understand me. He insisted, so we arranged a meeting in his home, where he and his brother could try this.


He took the BIG, long puff of an experienced weed smoker. He kept it in his lungs for so long, that I started to worry. Finally, he released massive white cloud after what I thought was like half a minute. As I took the pipe from him, he whispered "So weird..." and froze with eyes open, gazing emptily at space. Drool started dripping from his mouth as his body appeared to be empty of soul. Suddenly he started vomiting loudly. Again, and again, he broke in paroxysms of regorgitation only to lie down in his own vomits. He started to bend and roll in them occasionally saying "No, no, no, no no, no!" I was terrified, as I've never heard about or seen reaction like this before. He rolled on the floor for some time evidently suffering. Sometimes he opened his eyes and looked around the room, but it was like he wasn't really there, like he wasn't really in this room. After some time he started to realise that we're there, but he was crawling, because as he later said he did not know which way gravity went. The first thing he managed to articulate was: "Brother, don't you even THINK about doing this! NEVER!" He started saying that everything looks awful, is dirty and horribly ugly. He went to the toilet and yelled "Has this room been ALWAYS like this?" We looked. Everything seemed normal. When he looked at me he was furious. He said "Rasponde, I know that I'm inhospitable right now, but..." - he was going to ask me to leave but changa wasn't done with him and he took off again. Later he started touching me and my brother saying that it's helping him anchor to this world. Gradually, he recovered after some time. He asked how much time had passed. "About 15 minutes" - we said, and he was like "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

For another 3 hours straight he was describing what happened.

At first it was like a rough rollercoaster ride. Lot of crazy visuals and sounds. Later he typed something like "trippy gif" in google and was showing us results. He was saying "Yeah, it was like that, but much harder. This one definitely was there. This? It's like a fairy tale version of what I've been through. Mine was HELL version. Tunnels, and all sorts of crazy visuals were there, but he said that while the elements of these were there, what he shows us on screen is nothing compared to his trip. He used lots of violent onomatopoeias in his descriptions like "wahwahwahWAHWAHWAHWAH" "SCREEEEEEECH!" "BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM" "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ" etc. At the beginning he was kinda feeling his drool, but he was helpless. He couldn't do anything about it as he was losing his senses. Any connection to his body started dissolving. He was being bended and compressed to a tiny point of counciousness, which as he described is normally located somewhere where the spine meets the brain. He felt this was where he started. Reality around him and his whole body started imploding to that point, like a super powerful compression. He had just his tiny point of counciousness (he described it as a whisp from Warcraft), and there was no sound, no colors, no thoughts, no TIME, nothing. He couldn't think verbally as there was no language. He had just his consciousness and emotion, which was fear and helplessness. Just a tiny little dot that couldn't do anything. It occured to him that his whole life, everything he knows, loves, hates and remembers, EVERYTHING - was just an illusion - like a story he created to occupy himself, to escape from this nightmarish state. He said this was the worst - he couldn't grab onto anything, because everything he ever knew turned out to be fake, even things as fundamental as his body, senses and memories. He felt like a child, who drew something on a piece of paper and that was his life. His life that he loves very much, and now he thought that he is not going to return, ever. Moreover, he remembered that he has been in this place before, before he was born. He said it was kind of an awakening, compared this to the situation when you dream and it is a pleasant dream and you're starting to wake up and you lie down for a minute or two realising that it was just a dream and remembering the "real life" you actually live. For him it was awakening like that, but it was awakening from "real life" which turned out to be dream to a nightmarish situation like that. And there was presence above him, which did not seem friendly. Moreover, they knew what he was thinking, they knew he was scared and they knew that he knows that they knew that he was scared, which was even more scary! He wanted to escape but every corridor was closing before him. There was no escape. He didn't know how, or where to escape as he was just helpless dot whith no power and no knowledge about anything, since everything he ever knew turned out to be just a dream... It was like a prison and he said he saw at some point what he described as squads of entities whith syringes and what looked like gas masks on faces. He said it felt like he spent years, like whole eternity in this situation as there was no time. For him it was hell. After a while he started to come back to our world, but he wasn't sure who he was and everything looked different. Everything was ugly, lobed and fat. Everything was round, there were no angles and no details. No borders between colors or segments of floor for example. He saw us, but he still thought that his life was an illusion. Now, he thought that he is mentally ill and we are his caretakers. He thought that he made up the story that I'm his friend and his brother is his brother because he is insane and his insanity causes him to jump between realities and most of the time he is a trapped dot of counciousness and just sometimes he gets glimpse of reality and this is one of those times. He has no idea where or when he is as he is going to go back to the nightmare soon. And it looked for him like he was going to come back there. Reality started to go crazy from time to time and everything looked like he is taking off again. So he was fumbling around between dimensions, not knowing where is the center of gravity, or even who he is exactly. Gradually he started to remember more things. When he looked like me he said he remembered something like I was shaman in another incarnation and he met me there and I gave him this and he had to live through hell because of that and he was furious at me for that. He wanted to ask me to leave, but I was the least of his problems as he was still going back and forth between realities and everything was changing and dancing around him. When he went to the toilet it looked horrible. There were no angles, everything was dirty and rusty. Washing machine looked like someone took it from junkyard for postapocaliptic movie. When he was touching us later, he said it helped him to go back to the real world. He still wasn't sure if he's going to stay here or come back there. After a while he recovered. He was so glad that he came back from it. He was really thankful for this life. He said that maybe this life is an illusion, but it's beautiful illusion. He also said that while he wasn't afraid of death before - now he is. Later he told me that maybe if he had not fought with this and just tried to accept it and allow it to happen it would not had been so bad. Some time later he told me that he is still questioning reality and is not sure what is real and what isn't and that sometimes he has nightmares about it.

He said there was nothing I could possibly say to prepare him for this. This made him question everything he ever knew and believed in about anything. The basis of his world outlook, life and everything else.

Btw - This didn't stop his brother from taking a hit 😁 But it was weak puff and he had mild non - breaktrough trip, nothing worth reporting.

That'll be it for this part. Every comment will be much appreciated. Please say what you think about my friend's experience as he still doesn't know what to think of it.

Btw the real journey is just about to begin. Hopefully I'll post next part today or tommorow!
This is the part, where the real interesting stuff begins:


While each of them was super divine experience which felt more ecstatic than any feeling in 3d, I don’t remember anything about them that wasn’t described in earlier trips. They were similar to trip 6 especially.

Throughout several latest years I was meditating, sometimes more, sometimes less, but often with the intention of connecting to benevolent beings, eager to help me. Lately my meditations became very powerful. I feel strong energy flowing through me, even shaking my whole body.

This is the track I play at my every trip. Always listening to it on a loop. I invite you to play it, feel more of what I feel:

At the beginning of this year, in early January we smoked changa. This time I was lighting with candle and I took really solid hit, bigger than before.


I laid down on a coach and closed my eyes immediately after taking puff. After quick, cool loading, I landed in something like a white outlandish room. There was this humanoid shaman-like character dancing and performing some kind of rituals around me. He was doing everything super fast. After a moment I was in another place, it was like an inside of a spaceship, but everything was changing constantly in the most perfect way. Suddenly I saw human faces in geometric shapes. They were smiling at me and greeting me. They were dancing in shifting geometric shapes. It was like a party. Beautiful woman’s face appeared in front of me, she smiled and sent me a kiss. Her skin was in blue-violet tones, looked like night sky full of stars, or like a digital art. They were celebrating that I finally made full contact. They sent me so much love. I wanted to get up and start dancing myself, only didn’t do it because of immense ecstasy, love and comfort I felt lying covered in blanket. They started sending me subtle telepathic messages – that was the first time I discovered beauty of this type of communication. They said that I have nothing to fear smoking changa, I have their full support if I let them help me. And that I’m shaman/channeler or something of this sort. After a while I saw their spaceships from the outside and then I was drifting through space, seeing shapes of energy everywhere. It was like I was slowly coming back from some other side of galaxy…

After I opened eyes I was so excited! I told my brother about that experience, spaceships and all of that and he asked: “Where was this place?” The only thing that came to my mind was Pleiades…

I was so intrigued by it that the next day we smoked again.


This time I landed in different “room”, which was constantly changing, and how it was changing was affected by what I was thinking. They knew what I was thinking and it showed in the vision. It looked and felt like fusion of advanced technology and spirituality. Then I was in a medical facility, where scientists were present. They looked human and had futuristic labcoats. I saw incredible machines and computers. These “doctors” were running some diagnostics and they saw my physical and psychic health state on the monitor. Scenes were shifting. I was in one medical room, then I was in another, I think they were discussing my state with each other and sometimes they gesticulated something to me. Then they applied some medical treatments on me using various machines. I think there is much I don’t remember from this trip as well as from the previous one. The “scientists” were concentrating mainly on “the job”, so they weren’t communicating with me as much. At one point I was lying on something which appeared to be operating table and I saw lights above, another treatment, like an operation. After a while I took a glance at some spaceship/space station? As I was coming back to my body. There was another journey through beautiful space… (and of course throughout this trip everything was super pleasant in many different ways)

When I open my eyes I felt great! I told my brother that I visited some amazing places! I was in some medical facility in a distant star system. I felt like articulating sentences was easier to me… He asked: “Where was that? In Pleiades?” and I replied: “I think so, yes…” then I felt strong telepathic confirmation and my head started to shake in “yes” gesture on it’s own for half a minute and I couldn’t even stop it! This was a true channeling!
My brother smoked next, but he took very weak hits, and he only had faint vision where he was bathing in a pond of brown goo with some medusa – like creature. It was kinda like bathing in shit – but it was not unpleasant or anything. He had good laugh about it. But he wanted to smoke again because of this weak trip, so I decided I’ll smoke again too.
However, this time I was very scared. Smoke two times in a row? Three times in two days? That seemed to be greedy. I didn’t know if I should. I was scared that I could be treated like my friend in part 2… I did it anyway.


I was kinda getting used to that loading. Beautiful geometric shapes, pleasant healing energy flowing through me… But wait… This time shapes were imperfect, asymmetrical. Then, something ugly started to cover my field of vision. As everything is always in ultra HD, this was fuzzy and it looked like chaos corruption, zerg creep or just mud. This disruption was slowly overwhelming my field of vision. I thought “Damn, I overdid it. I’m f***ed now.” Then I got to the other side and I got a telepathic message “YOU SHOULDN’T BE SO GREEDY” and I replied “Of course! I’m sorry! I learned my lesson!” even shaking my head physically. And then I saw Pleiadian “scientists” ROTFLing. They were all laughing at me! Then there was only one guy left and he started to gesticulate quickly, bowing quickly with folded hands, his expression was like “xD” and he kept sending me this messages: “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! We’re really really really sorry! This was only a joke! We just couldn’t help ourselves seeing you being that scared despite the fact that we always sent you only love! We told you you don’t have to be afraid! It’s so cute! We really love you VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY much!” as he was communicating this he had his hands on his heart. I felt SO MUCH love then, more than ever before, I was just like “aww you really love me this much? Aww you guys, I love you too!” This apology was so exaggerated, it looked very silly. Then he straightened up, pointing up with his finger saying “We’ll get to work right away!” I think medical cap with red cross popped on his head and he took out comically large syringe, spraying some substance in the air. By his appearance you would say that he’s serious scientist, but he acted like a jester!

Medical gear and machinery suddenly appeared all around him, he was pressing buttons, and doing some actions with it super quickly. Then he led me to what appeared to be like a reception hall in a hospital from another planet! This place was VERY stable – in a sense that it wasn’t constantly changing like most of other places I visited so far. It was beautiful and incredible! There were other people too. But of course it wasn’t like a third dimension at all, more like 4th or 5th, what was happening there defied laws of physics. He led me through another series of rooms with a lot of machinery and conducted another series of treatments. I don’t remember most of them.

Later I was coming back through space again. My communication with Pleiadians was weakening, but they brought my attention to the inside of my head, the place right behind my eyes. There is like a muscle there you can physically flex. When I did it, visions changed suddenly in colors and shapes and intensified a little. But I was tired. “Is it really doing something or I’m just tripping?” I didn’t know…

You’ll see more about it along with my other adventures in the next part! As always, comments are appreciated!
Those are some nice trips! It was a really nice read and its fascinating all your trips are connected to each other in a similar way. All are positive and loving with the same entities. Looking forward to your next reports!
Wow, amazing journey! I have a few questions for you, although they are probably similar to the ones you are asking yourself.

1. What do you think the significance of the "Pleiades" suggestion is? Do you think there is something there now or will be in the future?

2. What do you make of the space stations, medical facilities, and ships?

3. Hallucinations of colors, patterns, and distortions could be explained away by some people as brain chemistry. But what about complex open-eye changes of an object's form such as the "technologically advanced" furniture? Do you think this is something more, such as a window to another reality, or is it just powerful hallucinations?

I hope we get more reports in the future. I really enjoyed reading these!

All my best,

Thanks, Ludwig! Yes, they are definitely connected and I get so much love! This is just incredible!

Doog733: I'm glad you enjoy these. Hahaha, Man. I don't need to ask these questions. I don't want to spoil anything for you, but let me just tell you this:

I am absolutely positively 100% sure that I am making contact with another super advanced civilization. Not only this, but more, much more, just wait for my next reports.

Yeah, they have inhabited systems on Pleiades. But I'm not sure if they can be encountered in our third dimension. They live in higher ones.

They taught me some real things and their treatments have evident effect on my physical health.

I've just smoked an hour ago. All these experiences... Each trip is so full of MANY different things. I forget most of them, but now I remembered great deal about previous ones. But how to describe it is the problem... It's so much information and most of it can't be translated to human language, but I'll try. I still have several more reports to do before that last one.

These trips I described so far? They are NOTHING compared to what's next...
After these last trips I felt great. Since then, I felt supporting presence even being "sober". Something changed in me. Being there I already knew that my life won't be the same after this.

After a week I did another trip:


The loading has become familiar at this point. The loving feeling and geometric shapes assured me that everything is fine. I landed in a white room, where black shamanic humanoid was dancing around me and performing various rituals, doing it very quickly. It was the same place and entity as in trip 10. Right after that I was in another room, this one looked more "normal" and was very stable (as it wasn't changing like crazy all the time). There was a woman - shamaness, human looking. She was performing rituals too, just like the other guy, and super quickly too. While she was doing it, my vision started moving back. When I reached the border of the room, I was in another room - the same room. And then another, and another. There was infinite number of THIS room, with shamaness dancing around me and I saw all of them at the same time. It looked like a mirror of infinity - when you place two mirrors facing each other. I was going back through this endless cycle. Rooms also started to unfold sideways in the same infinite fashion. It is hard to explain, but it was beautiful and perfect.

After she was done, she just stood up and left the room through the door, like saying "Ok, my job's done, I'm outta here". It seemed almost rude! I'm kidding of course, I'm very grateful to her. I'm not even sure she could see me like all the other entities I encountered.

Then there was the part I don’t remember well. I was meeting all these various entities, and every one of them had like a gift to me, each had something to offer. They communicated telepathically with me, subtly saying: “It’s not only Pleiadians, there’s much more of us! Don’t let them take all the credit! You invited all of us long ago, and you have been inviting us all over again and again and here we are! You have our support, we will help you if you let us.”

I felt like a student taking lessons from various teachers. I was happy and eager to learn!
I don’t remember all of them, but some of them were very abstract, geometric or pure energy beings. There was this one guy looking like an aura of bright light with something like eyes. We were communicating with subtle telepathy. After a while it seemed like he is looking to the right, beyond my field of vision. My paranoia kicked in. “Why are you looking there? Are you trying to tell me that there is something there… maybe something I need to be wary of? Something scary?” and he replied: “Yes.” “Umm, ok, maybe I need to reconsider this whole thing…” “No, I was kidding.” “Oh, thank god!” “No, I was telling the truth.” “What?!” he was messing with me for a while like that and then he finally said something like “God, you are so naive… You don’t have anything to fear here, we’ve told you like a thousand times!”

Later, they were directing my attention to that “muscle” behind my eyes (pineal gland?). When you close your eyes, you can flex it kinda by trying to pull your eyes to the inside of your head – I don’t know how to describe it better than that. While doing it I hear my blood flowing through my head, just as if I had plugged my ears with fingers.

So there were these two guys, looking kinda like this:

Me: “I don’t know, guys, does it really do anything? Or are you just messing with me again?
Them: “Do it.”

That was rather late phase of the trip and everything started to diminish slowly. I flexed this muscle and the effect was evident. Everything intensified immensely and I created a new vision – new space, which was totally different than the previous one. The first one was like bright yellow space with beautiful geometric shapes and no solids, except of these two guys. The new space was like an inside of some alien structure, mostly in dark tones, with lights at some points. TRON-suit guys literally jumped from one vision to the other, looking around and touching everything as if they were checking solidity of walls. They communicated to me something like “Not bad, seems like it works just fine.” and they were gone.

I felt as if I had bought a car and I had been driving it for some years already and one day some guy I was giving a lift would say “Oh nice, heated seats. Must be quite handy during winter!” “What?! I had no idea my car has this feature!”

The rest of the trip I was practicing this ability. I was able to create new more intense visions, which prolonged an overall trip by a few minutes. This was already the late part of the trip so it wasn’t anything too major.

Another week passed and I wanted to smoke again, to explore more of this strange world that had just opened to me. However, this time my brother wanted to go to sleep early (We’ve always been smoking during night) and I had to force myself to do it alone. Of course, as usual, after some time passed it was scary again. But I did it nonetheless. While I was taking hit, fear took over and I did not took it as big as I could.


I entered the familiar geometrically perfect loving hyperspace, drifting through beautiful changing spaces… but everything was a little dim, a little foggy. There was this little flame at the right bottom corner of my “screen”. As everything changed and I was traveling through different locations, the flame remained. “Why is it there?” I wondered. “It’s not that I have anything against it, but why is it covering and distracting my beautiful vision? Then I remembered: “Ah, this new ability! Right.” I flexed my “psi muscle” and everything instantly intensified. The flame was gone and trip was brought back to it’s full intensity changa glory. I noticed that I can flex it many different ways which gave different results. The rest of my experience was practice. I traveled through portals of hyperspace playing with this new skill and learning how to use it. There were no visible entities, but it was obvious that they directed this lesson for me.

After this I still wanted to have more intense trip, so I decided to smoke once again, this time with no fear. I thought that if they wanted me to smoke less, they would surely tell me somehow.

This time the hit was really solid.

At this point I must state that I live very good life lately. I have great family and fantastic friends. I have very healthy diet, workout and meditate almost every day. I’m a successful business owner and I absolutely love my job! I see potential for my firm to expand much more. I have passions and goals to achieve. With all this I still have much free time to do anything I want, develop my mind, body and soul (This wasn’t always the case. 3 years ago I was just weed smoking university double dropout who couldn’t mobilize to get anything done.). After I met Pleiadians, my major weakness – weed addiction – disappeared too. Despite all this there is one major aspect lacking – love – lately I’ve been on many first, some second and third dates, but so far it feels empty. There’s none of this deep connection, I don’t feel this excitement of falling for someone, probably because I want this someone to understand also the spiritual side of me. Girls interested in esotherics seem to be pretty rare. In most cases if I suggest talking about these topics I’d be labeled as insane so there is very limited number of people I can talk about it. There was one girl I liked, but I met her too late and someone snatched her right from before my nose. So, this night I thought something like “wouldn’t it be great if my friends from hyperspace could connect me somehow to someone, yeah it would be cool, sigh…”

I also thought that after all these exercises I’d like to do something fun.


At first I landed in some Pleiadian control room, like a radiostation. There were some people, working with machines.

“We’re connecting you. Please standby.”

And they connected me. To the entity. I would really love to describe what happened next, but unfortunately I don’t remember much of it and most of the rest is absolutely untranslatable. All my previous trips were nothing compared to this.

But more or less it was like this:

The roller coaster in hyperspace. Super chaotic, but also incredible, amazing experience and super fun! The entity emerges. Reads my latest thoughts about a girl and says. “Do you think I’m your escort agency, dating app or what?!” “I don’t think that, sorry. You’re not my escort agency of course” and he started to remake this last sentence in a million ways, changing each word so it made sense to me then, but it’s impossible to even pronounce in 3d, something like “agency agencacy agencacacacacacy” and it was like you would raise this word to a millionth power. And all of that was accompanied by super intense and fast visuals. I was like “What is even happening?! Who am I?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!” – but still, it was extremely pleasant and so much fun. Then - multiplied TROLLFACE appeared before me, but not the internet trollface, but hyperspace version of it. And the rollercoaster, kaleidoscope, total chaos and great fun. He was saying to me through this with a very strong, often verbal type of telepathy this time: “Don’t bother trying to make sense of this. Everything is any thing and nothing is any, or everything is nothing, whatever, doesn’t really matter. Nothing matters. Or everything does.” – something like this. I was in shock, didn’t know what the hell was going on as we travelled through hyperspace. We were here, there, everywhere and nowhere. At one point a thought came to my mind – how will I describe it on this forum? And the image came, looking like that:


After a while everything calmed down. I was hanging somewhere in space, there was something, but I don’t remember what. I remembered about The Ability. I used it and the vision changed completely, we were in completely different space, much more vivid too. “Oh, I was wondering when you will do this! Why didn’t you use this earlier? Ah, yeah, you forgot who you were and what the hell is going on for a moment! That’s why! LOL!” – the Entity said.

I was in shock once again, different one this time. I was able to navigate through hyperspace. Visions changed according to what I was thinking. I was like a radio, turning to different frequencies, connecting with various entities, places, states, civilizations! It was like a 6th or 7th sense! Totally different state of being than being human. I had reasonable control over what was happening. We traveled together, immersed in loving communication. “I love you Man! Do you realize how powerful you can be? BTW! Powerful entity able to travel through hyperspace and communicate with civilizations no one even knows about can’t even find a girlfriend? This is just sad, Man!” “Oh my god, will you just drop this? You are such an idiot!”- I couldn’t stop laughing saying this. “LOL! Don’t worry, you can easily take this world, you just need to take some action! You know what to do. Play your cards right!” we were talking like that for a while, this time it was non-verbal, but it felt exactly like this^. We were teasing each other with so much love! He was saying lot of funny things, I was laughing all the time. I felt like he was old friend.

But being in awe of all of this I was also thinking: “This is insane! This is total gamechanger! I managed to establish contact with other civilizations! This could change the world – this “psi muscle” – if I have this, everyone else has to be able to achieve this too! This is so big I just need to wake up my brother and tell him about it right away!” “Woah, woah! The man deserves some sleep! Let him rest. I’m sure he would be delighted to be woken from deep sleep only to listen to your insane stories!”- the entity said. During all of this we were traveling to many distant and beautiful places. Visions started to weaken. I asked the Entity: “Wait… is that it? Are you leaving me now?” “Is it? Am I?” – he replied. “Or are you going to stay with me? Together we could accomplish anything!” - I asked again. “You tell me.” - he said enigmatically. “What kind of answer is that?”

“Man, listen. I’ve always been with you. I AM you, and you ARE me. We’ve always been together. But! If you decide to go separate ways, you won’t be able to feel me. It’s ok, I won’t be offended. Ha! I’m way way above that! Don’t even offend me by suggesting that I could be offended! Sooner or later we will reunite anyway. But if you want me to stay, I’m with you. Always. Do you understand now? It has always been your decision. You’re the one in charge.”

This is it for now. It would be great if more experienced users could say something about this “psi muscle”. I’ve read many books on esotheric topics, but I’ve never heard of it, or just missed it somehow. Or maybe it’s just pineal gland, but I didn’t know I can physically flex it! It intensifies my trips greatly and prolongs them, so they usually last 30 minutes from 10-15 minutes, as was earlier the case. It gives me reasonable dose of control over my experience. My visions are created according to what I think. I often visit places I want to visit. However it’s not full control yet, maybe it’s matter of practice. When I’m in this state, I have new different senses. It’s like I’m travelling with vessel of conciousness, it feels partly like a machine. It’s like I’m literal warp spider – I feel like a spider, traversing the multidimensional web of reality. It is very efficient. I have intuitive control over this vessel. As I’m doing it, I flex this muscle with different tensions as if I was turning steering wheel in a car and my fingers are moving as if I was stepping on different pedals with them. I’m able to change frequencies like a radio, travel through hyperspace and connect with various entities, or just hang in space. Every one of this processes is very pleasant to me.

It also has something to do with dreams. After some practice I think I see faint images off DMT, but they’re most vivid right after I wake up. Closing eyes and flexing it then sometimes causes me to see clear vision (like random picture from a dream). Sometimes I wake up and see colors.

Surely experienced members of this forum must know something about all these. Please answer! This is the first major thing entities taught me. I’m just a dmt noob, so I don’t know much about all this. I still have some more insane trips to report, but meanwhile here’s a fun idea:

People who didn’t hear about it earlier, like me: Try this technique during your trip and tell me what happens. My brother tried it once on late part of his trip and said that he felt strong energy spike, and he was afraid to do this again fearing that it could take him to total chaos. But that one trip was chaotic anyway, so I don’t know.

Anyway, any comments are highly appreciated! Deepest gratitude to all of those who managed to get through all that text!

Love to all of you!
Thanks for sharing your "psi-muscle" wisdom, I will definetely try this next time.

On my last DMT trip I experienced my vision changing when doing something with my closed eyes, like putting pressure on the eye-globes.
But I´ve never received any advice from entities on how to use it (or didn´t understand it), nothing as articulated as you described.

I really enjoy your reports, I happen to experience super futuristic furniture and symbols too. I found differences in object that are natural, like trees, plants, wood, fabric. To other objects that are man made, like plastic inyection, moulded, routed, metalic, etc. This "industrial" objects look really funny and sometimes "pretentious", if that is possible... I think Aldous Huxley talked about this in "the doors of perception" and other essays.

I hope you keep writing and sharing your trips, and also that you fun a female companion whom you can perform succesfull reproductive instances, haha, women are machines focused on the "dominance hierarchy" according to JB Peterson (at least when dating, please, I come in pease, I mean no harm...), I guess it´s a matter of playing your cards right at first (communicate in that frequency) and then find one that has some heart and an open spirit.
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