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My new method!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all! I've been viewing the community for awhile now and decided to set up an account so I could share my new creation with you! I've been looking at different ingestion methods and the machine seems to be a popular one with good results but the biggest thing that turns me off about it is the fact that you're still smoking through a metal screen which could potentially be not so great for the lungs! Luckily I'm a glass blower and I decided I would make an alternative that is all glass! And so h3re we have it: the "Molecule 'D' V1" it works very similar to the machine. You apply a small amount of heat to the screen and pour your x-tals on the top. The heat will allow your x-tals to absorb into the screen. Next just use a bic lighter and pull and it brings everything to a perfect vaporization temp without burning your precious supply! Let me know what you guys think!


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Your device looks pretty interesting, but what is the screen part made of? Is it glass entirely? I am asking because i can't distinguish it good enough through the computer screen.

I've always been a huge fan of custom delivery devices. Met a couple of designs as proposal while in hyperspace too. Never got to build my own though, so congrats to you for being able to do it. Also the size is pretty neat. :love:

Welcome onboard!
Yes. The screen is glass also. It is orange and when the glass gets too hot it will turn red letting you know your temps for proper vaporization is too high!
Welcome to the Nexus DimitriPipe 😁

that little device there looks pretty nifty i must say but as Nereus said I also am wondering what the screen is made out of is it Glass? or something else it looks like cotton in the pic but i am sure it isn't:?

Edit: lol well it looks like we posted at the same time :lol:
DimitriPipe said:
Yes. The screen is glass also. It is orange and when the glass gets too hot it will turn red letting you know your temps for proper vaporization is too high!

Neat-o, I dig it! That gets a promo vote from me!:thumb_up:

So it's like a fritted glass screen that acts like a health stone/liquid pad-type deal? That's a mighty swell idea, good job. I like the blow too.

So how does it change color, the glass goes red? I've never seen that.

So...just for kicks and grins, could one send a pm should they maybe want one of those? Theoretically, how much would something like that cost on commission?
most definitely null24. Normal retail is 40$ but I've got them on introductory special for 25(+3 shipping or +7 if you want priority shipping within the u.s.)
Looks great. :)

How heat resistant is the glass? Are users likely to see exploding glass if they use a torch lighter on it? Is it a red flame device only?

How is the glass "pad" cleaned?

Have you used this design extensively yourself? What's the pros and cons?
Hey DimitriPipe,

Nice little device you've created there, kudos. :)

Though I'm pretty sure advertising services or goods for $$ isn't allowed here, then openly advertising others to follow you on a social media site [anonymity's important here]

Were you interested in joining and participating on this forum without trying to sell something?

Be well

**Not trying to be a debbie-downer, just struck me as odd that your introduction was in attempts to sell something to a community of people, just calling it like I see it. :p


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dmusicaltrancistor said:
the chemicals dont burn off or oxidize in any way do they?

this looks really kewl do you have any info you can link on the composition of the glass filter?

No they do not. It is made from borosilicate glass and all of the chemical are "sealed" into the matrix of the glass and safely locked inside unless heated WAY past the point that it should be. I'm sure if someone dug they would be able to find an msds sheet but after 21 years of vlowing glass i. Sure you can imagine im long past the point of "convincing" others of its safety.
Northerner said:
Looks great. :)

How heat resistant is the glass? Are users likely to see exploding glass if they use a torch lighter on it? Is it a red flame device only?

How is the glass "pad" cleaned?

Have you used this design extensively yourself? What's the pros and cons?

Yes it is borosilicate which IS heat resistant. That being said though it IS still glass and is subject to eventual thermal shock. A torch lighter would perpetuate this a little bit faster especially if used incorrectly. When used correctly this piece should last a good while. And for those that are wanting something with a little more extended use I will be releasing one made from quartz soon!
tatt said:
Hey DimitriPipe,

Nice little device you've created there, kudos. :)

Though I'm pretty sure advertising services or goods for $$ isn't allowed here, then openly advertising others to follow you on a social media site [anonymity's important here]

We're you interested in joining and participating on this forum without trying to sell something?

Be well

**Not trying to be a debbie-downer, just struck me as odd that your first post was in attempts to sell something to a community of people, just callin it like I see it. :p

Sorry you see it that way and sorry if I inadvertantly.broke the rules by answering another users question. It wasn't really my attempts to use the site as advertisement. More so just to share a creation I was happy about woth like minded people. I knew that inevitably SOMEONE would ask about purchase so I linked my i.g. As far as discussing the price I was simoly answering a question from another user so I'm sorry if I broke any rules. Won't happen again. Believe be brother. I've been doing this awhile and I have no need to come to forums to pedal wares. I have PLENTY of support from my AWESOME fan base ❤ I'd tell you the name I normally do artwork under but I wanna keep that anonymity thing goin...
tatt said:
Hey DimitriPipe,

Nice little device you've created there, kudos. :)

Though I'm pretty sure advertising services or goods for $$ isn't allowed here, then openly advertising others to follow you on a social media site [anonymity's important here]

Were you interested in joining and participating on this forum without trying to sell something?

Be well

**Not trying to be a debbie-downer, just struck me as odd that your introduction was in attempts to sell something to a community of people, just calling it like I see it. :p
He was only answering my question. Please don't come down on the new member for something I should have known better than. In the future, I'll use the PM function, I was being lazy and seemed to recall that only fullmembers had that ability. :oops:

Sorry if I crossed the rules, I'll be more careful and possibly less lazy in the future, and I'm sorry if it cause OP problems out of the gate. Tart is only looking out for the integrity of this forum, an endless and thankless job, I'm sure.:love:

Your thorough answers to everyone's questions is appreciated here, DMTpipe and so is the new addition to the arsenal.:thumb_up:
If anyone would like to contact me they can do so through dm on instagram. I'm still a new member here so I cannot send pm's.
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