acolon_5 said:
Yeah, no real hard feelings here, but I do wish good ole' Shoe would come back on to talk about what he posted....even if it was just a "get this sh!t off my chest" kinda rant.
I never realized he felt this way about certian things.
Well, I saw an opportunity to imrpove the nexus. They weren't bothering me very much tbh, but I thought it'd be fun

Im so glad that one of the guys picked up on the humour in the post, and hopefully its had an impact regarding
the instant kwizatz hadderach mindset: it is in my opinion, very dangerous to think that one can become the messiah
by smoking up. that bieng said everything is possible so, maybe you are paul mau'dib. maybe you are.
*insert sarcastic remark*
depression: I wanted to make sure that there were warning signs for other people who did like I did.
- In my experience, regular DMT use does nothing for sorting one's life out.
That's up to *you*. As I said, if you think experiencing <whatever it is> will help you sort
your life out, then fine, but It doesn't help really, its up to you.
some people might say, yeah nice, good way of passing the buck there - its YOUR fault you are depressed,
but think about it positively, what could you do which would make things just a little better? do that then!!