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N, N-Dipropyltryptamine HCl to freebase

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello, I was wondering if anybody had any knowledge and experience as to what would be an efficient way to go about freebasing 500mg DPT HCl?

Would NaOH and n-heptane be desirable compounds for this process?


There are actually a few threads on this topic, any method works.

My personal preference is the following method, as it can be done in minutes; freebasing enough for a few uses.

You dissolve 500mg in a minimal amount of water, (10mL) and add a few drops of concentrated NaOH or NaCO3 solution. Then add a solvent of your choice, flip the tube upsidedown a few times to mix, and then pipette it off.

I like to use a tall thin glass, like a test tube, but a shot glass will work fine. And for the solvent I use DCM (only 5mLs or so). DPT is most soluble in it, and it sinks to the bottom of the glass. So I can easily suck up the bottom layer with a glass pipette into an evaporating dish, in a few hours you have a nice oil.
I always just use room temp naphtha as solvent. Works like a charm that way, is easy to get, cheap, and evaporates quickly.

I use a glass syringe to soak away the top solvent layer.

It certainly is easier with a heavier than water solvent, but hard to get...
Aum_Shanti said:
I always just use room temp naphtha as solvent. Works like a charm that way, is easy to get, cheap, and evaporates quickly.

I use a glass syringe to soak away the top solvent layer.

It certainly is easier with a heavier than water solvent, but hard to get...

Rad, heptane should probably be just dandy for this then.

Just curious, why would you consider it easier to use a solvent that is more dense than water such as DCM rather than the less dense NP solvents such as naphtha and heptane?
CapnMysticSand said:
Aum_Shanti said:
I always just use room temp naphtha as solvent. Works like a charm that way, is easy to get, cheap, and evaporates quickly.

I use a glass syringe to soak away the top solvent layer.

It certainly is easier with a heavier than water solvent, but hard to get...

Rad, heptane should probably be just dandy for this then.

Just curious, why would you consider it easier to use a solvent that is more dense than water such as DCM rather than the less dense NP solvents such as naphtha and heptane?

Becuase its easier to suck up the bottom layer with a pipette and get every last bit of it.

I suppose though, since the amount of water is so small, you could just remove all of the water layer and pour off the heptane
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