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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Newton's first law is also called the law of inertia. In a simplified form, it states that if the vector sum of all forces (also known as the net force) acting on an object is zero, then the state of motion of the object does not change. In particular: Newton's first law: An object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

* An object that is not moving will not move until a net force acts upon it.
polyeffervescent said:
and also are other types of lye acceptable since red devil no longer exists?
SWIm saw lye in walmart in the home improvement section near plumbing. SWIM has not tried these.

the lye guy on the internets for lye if you really cant find any local.

SWim knows nothing about marsfolds's method. STB easier, per him.
Any lye works pretty much, since all the lye serves to do is basify the solution. Failure caused by impurities in the lye is unheard of, at least to SWIM. SWIM has tried 2 different types of lye (neither of which were read devil, from eBay and B&Q) without any problems.
Personally I'd basify with soap and pick the crystals out using a magnifying glass and tweezers. All OTC, fairly safe and no solvents required. Definately no need to go anywhere near lye because it will jump out of the vessel and have sex with your ear if anyone's playing James Brown in a 1/4 mile radius.

But that's just me.

Sorry, basically I have no good info to share on the matter as I get my lye from the local store. I do think it's quite essential for an A/B though, as the only time I tried to use a weaker substitute I ended up with far too much liquid.
I had a similar attitude towards a new member in on eof my posts few months ago and I totally regret it. It really leads to nowhere and I do not like seeing it again here.

The intentions of the person wanting to extract spice are not so relevant to me. What is of great relevance is that he can do it safely (it is a danger and a bad name to the community if he ends up harming himself or others) no matter what.

So, re to the questions, the best is to use the search function in order to find answers. Or even better, go the the Nexus Wiki that details most of the well-tested procedures nicely.

Now, re to the new member's questions, lye is not necessary if going Marsofold. You can use sodium carbonate, aka washing soda (NOT sodium bicarbonate aka baking soda). Any good amount will basify your solution nicely, let's say 50g sodium carbonate per 100g of MHRB is a no-miss.

Also, pressure cooker is fine to use, just as any pot is fine to use.
The intentions of the person wanting to extract spice are not so relevant to me. What is of great relevance is that he can do it safely (it is a danger and a bad name to the community if he ends up harming himself or others) no matter what.

I think that both is relevant. If a person is not able to find enough energy/motivation to answer the most basic questions, I have to doubt his respect for the whole thing and it's better to try to help this person develop a feel for this thing instead of assisting him making a possible mistake.
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